Jimmy Fallon Club
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posted by sweetlady982002

What is ur favoriete Elvis Presley (EP) movie(s) & y?  The reason y I asked is b/c on Tues., 8/16/22 will be the 45th anniversary of Elvis' death.  Elvis made a lot of movies, but my suggestion 2 u is that u can make a lijst of ur favoriete Elvis movie(s) that u either wanna see on TV of the movie(s) that u haven't seen such as "Tickle Me" or "Live A Little, Love A Little".   After u make ur list, u can send ur lijst 2 the following TV stations such as This TV Network at www.thistv.com; Freeform at www.freeform.com; ION televisie at www.iontelevision.com; Pluto TV at www.pluto.tv; Get TV Network at www.get.tv; E!TV at www.eonline.com; Peacock TV at www.peacocktv.com; Roku at www.roku.com; Crackle at www.crackle.com; Tubi TV at www.tubitv.com; Plex TV at www.plex.tv; & ION Plus at www.ionplustv.com.


Sweet Lady


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posted by sweetlady982002
I have a friend who is 42 years old, she's emotionally disturbed & lives with her 71 jaar old mother who has diabetes. Her mother needs to be put in a mental hospital because she falsely accuses her daughter of certain things that she really didn't do of say. Her mother lowers her daughter's self esteem door calling her terrible names like crazy, dumb, & stupid; & threatens to put her in a group home. I really don't want my friend to be put in a group home pagina because people don't treat other people nice, & the same thing goes with the halfway houses. If anything, I believe that my...
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