Rachel Maddow shares how she felt about the Obamas addressing a threat to America's democracy in their speeches at the Democratic National Convention and dishes on her chilling interview with Trump's niece.
The Kids Tonight toon Hosts talk about what The Kids Tonight toon is like, how they reacted to landing the sjees, gig and what it's like to work with Jimmy.
Jessica Alba and Jimmy take turns giving each other clues to guess the random scenes happening behind them, like "the Grinch reading ‘Eat Pray Love’ in a hot air balloon," before the clock runs out.
@The Tonight toon Starring Jimmy Fallon -A behind-the-scenes look at how Jimmy and the Tonight toon team were able to pull off the WandaVision parody sketch with Elizabeth Olsen and Kathryn Hahn in just a few days.
Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Jimmy go head-to-head as they are gegeven random faces to make at each other and try to hold for 10 seconden without being the first to break into laughter.