Twitter Q&A with Kelli Williams (Warning: it's really long)
LietomeNinjas: top, boven 5 books?
Kelli: Play it as it Lays - Joan Didion. East is East - TC Boyle.On to other questions.
freckles129: hallo Kelli! Just wondering if you're aware of @teamgillian and if so, do u have a favoriete Gillian-ism?Hey Kelli !!
Kelli: @teamgillian No. I'm aware of Team Kelli. u tell me what a Gilliam-ism is. @teamgillian
tess_untitled: Hello Kelli :D u are brilliant! Where would u like to take Gillian volgende (on season 4, which is so happening) ? :)
Kelli: I'd like her to go a little crazy
marynotpmoc: Do u have any upcoming events that might be televised? We miss seeing u already!
Kelli: No, I'm resting for season 4!
Special_K_5: Do u still keep in touch with any of your co-stars from the Practice? Would u like them to guest ster on LTM?
Kelli: Yes, some. not telling who.
ChloeFrenchieOn: For all the french fans, can u tell something in french? We love you!
Kelli: Je t'adoree et merci
ArmedXLove: Congratulations on your performance in #LieToMe and especially the finale! u deserve all the awards! What's ur fav LTM ep?
Kelli: The mining episode when Gillian was drunk.
clangerfan1: Do u have a particular charity that is near and dear to your heart?
Kelli: I work with CARE - empowering girls and women
Colour_being: Hello Kelli! A u a sweet tooth in real life?
Kelli: Yes. My favoriete is chocolate chip koekjes, cookies
LadyRegBoom: I heard somewhere u could speak that true? Can u say something in Spanish? Por favor, tus fans te aman <3
Kelli: Si
anasyx: Have u been in Spain? Besos!!
Kelli: Yes. I vacationed in Cadaques and all over Spain. @alexandercary mother lives in Granada.
Sairanb: What's your favoriete time of year? :)
Kelli: The fall.
TroddenBlack: How do u pass the time on set?
Kelli: I read. I act. I snack.
vordogh: Kelli, do u think there are similarities between Gillian and you? Loved u in the finale!!
Kelli: Yes. But I'm a lot meer chilled out than Gillian.
alexdavina: Have u picked up any British lingo from Tim & Alex?
Kelli: Yes and it's all bollocks
LietomeNinjas: Favourite colour?
Kelli: Orange.
sonjas_home: Which facial expression/emotion/feeling is for u the most difficult to act and why?
Kelli: Contempt, Sadness. Anything negative
SissiCuddles: Kelli, have u ever been to Italy of planned on coming here? :D
Kelli: I've been there many times. My mother speaks fluent Italian.
teamgillian: What are your thoughts on Gillian Foster's ninja skills?
Kelli: What Ninja skills?
JessBridgman: what is your favourite part of playing Gillian Foster?
Kelli: That I get to.
Kpreh: If it were your call would u put Cal and Gillian together quickly of drag it out ?
Kelli: drag it out. It's always good for u to want more.
JENerationX: Any tattoos? Des tatouages ?
Kelli: Yes. Three.
arkady4theworld: With which actor you've encountered in LTM would u like to shoot again, something different?
Kelli: I'd like to work with Lenny James and not have Tim get all the lines with him!
LadyRegBoom: Your ninjas skill started basically because of hitting people with a frying pan...throwing lettuce. And they shall go on.
Kelli: I'll embrace my Ninja then!
Kelli: It's overwhelming in a good way. u guys are great!
clangerfan1: Was your "No. But I'd direct" tweet in response to me asking if u had any desire to verplaats into a producer role?
Kelli: yes
beckilles: hallo Kelli :) Did it surprise U,how many pic requests Tim got about you?Did commentaren ever get back to U? Thx 4 Doin this :)
Kelli: Yeah. He tells me everything
Kawadallah: favoriete iPad app?
Kelli: Books
Maryline__BSB: First thing u do when u get on set?
Kelli: Say good morning and get some tea.
Special_K_5: Did u have any idea how many qs would fly at u when Alex asked u to do this q&a? Lol. Thanks so much for your time :-)
Kelli: No idea!
sonjas_home: What 3 favoriete foods would u combine to create your favoriete meal?
Kelli: I like too much food to narrow it down
wingedroots: favoriete thing about working with Tim Roth?
Kelli: He's always surprising
GillianLiestoMe: We've been hearing there might be an official #teamkelli fan club. Any truth to this rumor?
Kelli: yes it's official
LietomeNinjas: Favourite songs of bands?
Kelli: I listen to Fisherman's Blues, Elvis Costello, The National
fa2010: What are your favourites movies? Thanks a lot!
Kelli: Shampoo, the original Willie Wonka,
JessBridgman: did u watch the finale?? Ie the best episode ever! Your acting was beyond incredible <--- from my whole family.
Kelli: Thank you!
Maeva_SBBO(?): (Probably asked what TV shows Kelli watches, can't find the tweet)
Kelli: I like Wallander (BBC) and Fringe (guilty pleasure) and Nurse Jackie.
Sabrina_Mtinez: Favourite scene from LTM?
Kelli: Too many to answer that accurately!!
SissiCuddles: Do u have pets? I don't know why but I've always thought of u as a person who loves animals.
Kelli: 2 dogs and a gecko
mee_kah: Are u nervous before going on set?
Kelli: Not before going on set but sometimes before a big scene
KelliIsABoss: Do u like Gillian's dress sense? I adore it and want everything she has ever worn! :D
Kelli: yes I like it because I choose it
TimRoth2HostSNL: Kelli, what toon would u want to see do a cross-over w/ LTM?
Kelli: The Sopranos of The Wire The Sopranos ou The Wire.
Maryline__BSB: I bet Tim is the type to do jokes on set, am I right? of is he shy?
Kelli: He's not shy.
Special_K_5: I heard u read Room, which I absolutely loved. What's your favourite book? (if u can choose one!)
Kelli: Yes it was fantastic! It haunted me
Margo_Honey: Do u like cooking? :)
Kelli: I love it
Stefany0503: Loved u as Lindsay Dole! Do u miss her sometimes?? She's such an amazing character!
Kelli: Yeah I do miss her sometimes. She's like an old friend
ArmedXLove: Would u consider doing theatre?
Kelli: Yes
too_many_cats: Hi Kelli! My question: If u had to define your character in one single word, what would u choose? HI Kelli !
Kelli: Loyal
Sabrina_Mtinez: Favourite character from BSG? ;)
Kelli: The President and Starbuck
Seriouslymary: have any hidden talents? As-tu des talents cachés ?
Kelli: Haven't found them yet. They are very hidden Pas encore trouvé. Ils sont bien cachés.
Veeanna: did u have fun filming the tennis scene?
Kelli: Yes. I got a sunburn
KrysRoyer: should I go to my psychology class of should stay here reading your tweets? Don't answer! I choose the seconde one!!
Kelli: Go to class. We have to inpakken, wrap it up now.
Kelli: OK guys -- that was great. Thx for your Qs. Too many to answer in one go. Maybe do it again during season 4. Bye for now.
Elzibubb: Tim Roth once told me that he'd say Hi to u from a girl called Elly (ME) and I'm pretty sure he never did!
Kelli: Yes he did and hello back. Thank u for your messages.
marynotpmoc: This vraag is for u LOL! Was Kelli with u in person when u did the Q&A? Assuming so but wanted to know for sure! Thx
Alexander Cary: yes she was and now we are having lunch saying how lucky we r to have such ardent fans
AC: Here u are: kelli sends love:
LietomeNinjas: top, boven 5 books?
Kelli: Play it as it Lays - Joan Didion. East is East - TC Boyle.On to other questions.
freckles129: hallo Kelli! Just wondering if you're aware of @teamgillian and if so, do u have a favoriete Gillian-ism?Hey Kelli !!
Kelli: @teamgillian No. I'm aware of Team Kelli. u tell me what a Gilliam-ism is. @teamgillian
tess_untitled: Hello Kelli :D u are brilliant! Where would u like to take Gillian volgende (on season 4, which is so happening) ? :)
Kelli: I'd like her to go a little crazy
marynotpmoc: Do u have any upcoming events that might be televised? We miss seeing u already!
Kelli: No, I'm resting for season 4!
Special_K_5: Do u still keep in touch with any of your co-stars from the Practice? Would u like them to guest ster on LTM?
Kelli: Yes, some. not telling who.
ChloeFrenchieOn: For all the french fans, can u tell something in french? We love you!
Kelli: Je t'adoree et merci
ArmedXLove: Congratulations on your performance in #LieToMe and especially the finale! u deserve all the awards! What's ur fav LTM ep?
Kelli: The mining episode when Gillian was drunk.
clangerfan1: Do u have a particular charity that is near and dear to your heart?
Kelli: I work with CARE - empowering girls and women
Colour_being: Hello Kelli! A u a sweet tooth in real life?
Kelli: Yes. My favoriete is chocolate chip koekjes, cookies
LadyRegBoom: I heard somewhere u could speak that true? Can u say something in Spanish? Por favor, tus fans te aman <3
Kelli: Si
anasyx: Have u been in Spain? Besos!!
Kelli: Yes. I vacationed in Cadaques and all over Spain. @alexandercary mother lives in Granada.
Sairanb: What's your favoriete time of year? :)
Kelli: The fall.
TroddenBlack: How do u pass the time on set?
Kelli: I read. I act. I snack.
vordogh: Kelli, do u think there are similarities between Gillian and you? Loved u in the finale!!
Kelli: Yes. But I'm a lot meer chilled out than Gillian.
alexdavina: Have u picked up any British lingo from Tim & Alex?
Kelli: Yes and it's all bollocks
LietomeNinjas: Favourite colour?
Kelli: Orange.
sonjas_home: Which facial expression/emotion/feeling is for u the most difficult to act and why?
Kelli: Contempt, Sadness. Anything negative
SissiCuddles: Kelli, have u ever been to Italy of planned on coming here? :D
Kelli: I've been there many times. My mother speaks fluent Italian.
teamgillian: What are your thoughts on Gillian Foster's ninja skills?
Kelli: What Ninja skills?
JessBridgman: what is your favourite part of playing Gillian Foster?
Kelli: That I get to.
Kpreh: If it were your call would u put Cal and Gillian together quickly of drag it out ?
Kelli: drag it out. It's always good for u to want more.
JENerationX: Any tattoos? Des tatouages ?
Kelli: Yes. Three.
arkady4theworld: With which actor you've encountered in LTM would u like to shoot again, something different?
Kelli: I'd like to work with Lenny James and not have Tim get all the lines with him!
LadyRegBoom: Your ninjas skill started basically because of hitting people with a frying pan...throwing lettuce. And they shall go on.
Kelli: I'll embrace my Ninja then!
Kelli: It's overwhelming in a good way. u guys are great!
clangerfan1: Was your "No. But I'd direct" tweet in response to me asking if u had any desire to verplaats into a producer role?
Kelli: yes
beckilles: hallo Kelli :) Did it surprise U,how many pic requests Tim got about you?Did commentaren ever get back to U? Thx 4 Doin this :)
Kelli: Yeah. He tells me everything
Kawadallah: favoriete iPad app?
Kelli: Books
Maryline__BSB: First thing u do when u get on set?
Kelli: Say good morning and get some tea.
Special_K_5: Did u have any idea how many qs would fly at u when Alex asked u to do this q&a? Lol. Thanks so much for your time :-)
Kelli: No idea!
sonjas_home: What 3 favoriete foods would u combine to create your favoriete meal?
Kelli: I like too much food to narrow it down
wingedroots: favoriete thing about working with Tim Roth?
Kelli: He's always surprising
GillianLiestoMe: We've been hearing there might be an official #teamkelli fan club. Any truth to this rumor?
Kelli: yes it's official
LietomeNinjas: Favourite songs of bands?
Kelli: I listen to Fisherman's Blues, Elvis Costello, The National
fa2010: What are your favourites movies? Thanks a lot!
Kelli: Shampoo, the original Willie Wonka,
JessBridgman: did u watch the finale?? Ie the best episode ever! Your acting was beyond incredible <--- from my whole family.
Kelli: Thank you!
Maeva_SBBO(?): (Probably asked what TV shows Kelli watches, can't find the tweet)
Kelli: I like Wallander (BBC) and Fringe (guilty pleasure) and Nurse Jackie.
Sabrina_Mtinez: Favourite scene from LTM?
Kelli: Too many to answer that accurately!!
SissiCuddles: Do u have pets? I don't know why but I've always thought of u as a person who loves animals.
Kelli: 2 dogs and a gecko
mee_kah: Are u nervous before going on set?
Kelli: Not before going on set but sometimes before a big scene
KelliIsABoss: Do u like Gillian's dress sense? I adore it and want everything she has ever worn! :D
Kelli: yes I like it because I choose it
TimRoth2HostSNL: Kelli, what toon would u want to see do a cross-over w/ LTM?
Kelli: The Sopranos of The Wire The Sopranos ou The Wire.
Maryline__BSB: I bet Tim is the type to do jokes on set, am I right? of is he shy?
Kelli: He's not shy.
Special_K_5: I heard u read Room, which I absolutely loved. What's your favourite book? (if u can choose one!)
Kelli: Yes it was fantastic! It haunted me
Margo_Honey: Do u like cooking? :)
Kelli: I love it
Stefany0503: Loved u as Lindsay Dole! Do u miss her sometimes?? She's such an amazing character!
Kelli: Yeah I do miss her sometimes. She's like an old friend
ArmedXLove: Would u consider doing theatre?
Kelli: Yes
too_many_cats: Hi Kelli! My question: If u had to define your character in one single word, what would u choose? HI Kelli !
Kelli: Loyal
Sabrina_Mtinez: Favourite character from BSG? ;)
Kelli: The President and Starbuck
Seriouslymary: have any hidden talents? As-tu des talents cachés ?
Kelli: Haven't found them yet. They are very hidden Pas encore trouvé. Ils sont bien cachés.
Veeanna: did u have fun filming the tennis scene?
Kelli: Yes. I got a sunburn
KrysRoyer: should I go to my psychology class of should stay here reading your tweets? Don't answer! I choose the seconde one!!
Kelli: Go to class. We have to inpakken, wrap it up now.
Kelli: OK guys -- that was great. Thx for your Qs. Too many to answer in one go. Maybe do it again during season 4. Bye for now.
Elzibubb: Tim Roth once told me that he'd say Hi to u from a girl called Elly (ME) and I'm pretty sure he never did!
Kelli: Yes he did and hello back. Thank u for your messages.
marynotpmoc: This vraag is for u LOL! Was Kelli with u in person when u did the Q&A? Assuming so but wanted to know for sure! Thx
Alexander Cary: yes she was and now we are having lunch saying how lucky we r to have such ardent fans
AC: Here u are: kelli sends love: