kingdom hearts series/characters Club
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Thanks to all those who read the last chapter, oh, and please be apart of the War of Hearts Rp!!! It's really fun to do!:D

~2. New and Mysterious

uddenly, a great light shone before me in the dark. And the Key responded to it, so - as if on instinct - I lifted the magic Key and pointed it right at the light. I heard a sound, like a door opening, and suddenly I was engulfed in the pleasant warmth of light.

Very slowly, I opened my eyes and blinked a few times until my vision cleared. I immediately saw tall town-like buildings, a white stoned ground (the ground I was sitting on), and clear, open...
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Do u think Roxas should be his own somebody?
Why do u think he should be his own somebody?
Why do u think he should not be his own
somebody? I think he should not be his own
somebody. The reason I think he should not be a somebody is that u might not get to play as him, u might only get to fight him. I respect your opinion so I want to see what u think. So... Do think Roxas should be a somebody? if u do explain why u think he should be a somebody. of do u think he should stay a nobody? If u do, explain why u think he should stay a nobody. I want to see your reason. So... Do u think Roxas should be a somebody? Do u think he should stay a nobody?
added by simpleplan
added by simpleplan
added by simpleplan
added by simpleplan
added by simpleplan
added by simpleplan
Okay, so.... hi! My name is Serenna and I'm a huge fan of Kingdom Hearts! ^_^ I've been writing for years now and I've made lots of different KH fanfics so here's one of'em! Hope u all like it!:)

Summary: In Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories, after Riku defeated Ansem, he zei he would someday return. And now he's back. But what is Ansem after? And who is this new, mysterious, strong girl?

~1. The Run

I jumped a good ten feet in the air, arriving softly in the dense forestry. I looked behind me, checking to make sure the shadows weren't following me anymore. I'd been running non-stop for a good...
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added by simpleplan
added by simpleplan
added by simpleplan
added by simpleplan
added by simpleplan
 A little bit on what Sayuri looks like:)
A little bit on what Sayuri looks like:)
Okay, so here's the third chapter of this! Hope u all like and PLEASE COMMENT!! ^.^

We immediately arrive in Hollow Bas- I mean, The Radiant Garden.

"Let's go find Leon and everyone," Sora said, and along the way to Merlin's house, we saw just how much this place has improved.
When we came to the house, Sora opened the door and went in before Kairi and I could stop him and tell him to knock first.

"Hey, everybody!" Sora shouted to everyone, and they all jumped.

"Huh? Sora..." Leon mumbled after he jumped.

"Jeez, Sora! Ever heard of knocking?" Yuffie asked him and he smiled sheepishly.

"We're here...
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added by Sora2797
added by WayToDawn