Law and Order Central (All of them) Why is yours the best??

svu_luver posted on Dec 14, 2008 at 04:15AM
Okay this is where you can discuss why either Law and Order, SVU, or CI the best....

Please don't get in any gigantic arguments


No cussing


Law and Order Central (All of them) 6 antwoorden

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een jaar geleden svu_luver said…
S.V.U. is the best because it has a AWESOMEST cast and AMAZING writers who both make the show the jaw-dropping can't-get-up-from-the-couch-even-on-commer­cia­l show it is


but I have absolutly nothing against CI or the origanal they're good too but everyone knows... SVU IS THE BEST!!!!!
een jaar geleden midnyte007 said…
The original Law & Order is the best because it's all about the cases, and not the personal drama of the characters. As a law school student, I also appreciate how accurately they represent the law.
een jaar geleden benslerisluv said…
SVU is the best because of the chemistry. Not just the chemistry between chris and marska/el and liv but with all the actors. Even through your television set you feel a connection with them.

CI to me has had a wonderful past two seasons but the ones before that in my opinion were slightly less than good

and I've never been interested in the original but thats just me.
een jaar geleden mariskarox100 said…
SVU is just the best! Deal with it!!!
een jaar geleden elliotishot said…
SVU will always be my favrote. I just get hooked on the cases, the chemistry between characters, everything! I still like CI and the original. In fact when I come home from school I watch the original 3-4 episodes of it, then CI in the evening and then SVU if its on. If SVU or CI is on during the original I will watch them insted
een jaar geleden iluvtheshow said…
Okay, I personally don't really enjoy the original. It might be from lack of watching but I just don't. Everyone, (Well mostly everyone), knows that i like both SVU and CI. CI is the best in my opinion because it is unique and MUCH easier to ship. There are no physical barriers to a B/A realationship where as in any E/O scenario you must get rid of Kathy. Stabler has a family so it is harder to ship those two. Midnyte007, I feel kinda the opposite. I like the in depth background on the characters. It makes you like the show more and it also makes the characters easier to relate to. My opinion. :)