Lilly from Alpha and Omega Club
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posted by shakey_omega
Lilly (also spelled "Lily") is the secondary tritagonist of the Alpha and Omega series. She is the seconde daughter of Winston and Eve and the younger sister of Kate, but unlike her family, Lilly is an Omega wolf and is easily distinguished door her snow white fur, which initially conceals her violet eyes, but later, when Garth helps her build up confidence, she starts wearing her hair back.

She is voiced door Christina Ricci in the films. It is currently unknown who she is voiced door in the video games. BackgroundEdit

Lilly is the younger sister of Kate and the seconde daughter of Winston and Eve.
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posted by Lilyomega11
hallo Everyone! I wrote a #1 but all it is is introducing the pups. They have just walked in to see a Grizzly eating their caribou. This is the part that follows

Lily watched as the giant Grizzly ate her caribou.
"Oh no!" whispered Lily, trying hard not to let the Grizzly hear her. She didn't want her pups to get hurt.
"Lily! Take the pups and run. I'll deal with this!" Garth whispered back.
"Daddy! I want to fight!" zei Tiger. He was always trying to be just like Garth. He was bound to be a great hunter one day.
"You're not old enough yet Tiger! But, volgende spring, Alpha School starts up...
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posted by CatoStoicus
Just so everybody whose a fan of Lilly of Garth knows about this, there is a petition on Change. org now calling on Lionsgate to make an Alpha and Omega spin-off movie featuring Lilly and Garth as the main characters.

Every time someone signs the petition, another letter is sent to the head of Lionsgate's Motion Picture Group telling him how much we'd love to see a movie like this.

The petition can be found door searching "Alpha and Omega" of "Lilly and Garth" on Change. org. If anybody wants to sign it, that would be great.