One problem I've had, though, is that my immensely fluffy lolita dress barely fits into my chair at school.
The rok really doesn't look fully lolita without the fluffy petticoat. X_^
Is there a way that u wear the style meer comfortably but still maintain that lolita flair?
And of course the clothes are delicate and must be dry-cleaned, which can get expensive.
Do u know of another, cheaper way to get the outfits clean?
And what is your favoriete place to get your lolita gear?
of do u hand-make your clothes?
Well, it came to me when I started to develop a taste for the lolita style: Lolitas are individuals. They have embraced self-expression at it's height and taken full control of it.
Self-expression isn't taught in the average school. It isn't the primary focus of the average adult when you're young but, it's still vastly important for a child's development.
Some people don't appreciate the lolita culture. If I could look them all in the eyes I would say: This isn't about u of what u think is appropriate. This is about what's important. To the individual, to the public, and most of all... to the world.
I guess some people don't really understand the future. They don't know this generation is going to make it brighter...
I think lolita is a sign that we can make the future whatever we want it to be.