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Lorax: The Movie What was the funniest part of the movie?

8 fans picked:
Lorax punching the Onceler
Lorax punching the Onceler
O&# 39; haas rocking out
O'Hare rocking out
vis humming the Mission Impossible theme
vis humming the Mission Impossible theme
twins using Pipsqueak as a football
twins using Pipsqueak as a football
Garndma snowboarding
Garndma snowboarding
no votes yet
 AaronHaley4ever posted een jaar geleden
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O&# 39; haas rocking out
AaronHaley4ever picked O'Hare rocking out:
*breaks into song* Let it die, let it die Let it shrivel up and die... ROTFL!
posted een jaar geleden.