Lord of the Rings English To Elvish Dictionary.. Cool!!

Mythrindel posted on Oct 06, 2010 at 12:32PM
Color Key
Medium Blue--Pronunciation
Light Blue--English Translation
Words are in Sindarin, unless noted by a "Q"--those are in Quenya. Some entries are not actual words, but roots of words.

Above Nor (nore)
Abyss Iâ (ee-ah)
Anger Ruth (rooth)
Arm Ranc (rahnk)
Bane Dagnir (dahg-near)
Battle Dagor (dah-gore
Beautiful Bein (bane)
Behind Adel (ah-dell)
Bell Nell (nehll)
Beneath Nuin (new-in)
Beyond Athan (ah-thahn)
Birch Brethil (breh-theel)
Black Mor (more)
Blood Sereg (sare-egg)
Blossom Loth (lohth)
Orange Luin (loo-in)
Book Parma (Q, par-mah)
Bow (weapon) Cú (coo)
Breeze Hwesta (Q, hweh-stah)
Bride Dîs (dees)
Bridge Yanta (Q, yahn-tah)
Bridge (2) Iant (ee-ahnt)
Broadsword Hathel (hah-thell)
Broideress Serindë (Q, sare-een-day)
Building Adab (ah-dahb)
Butterfly Wilwarin (Q, will-wahr-in)
Carpenter Thavron (thahv-ronn)
Cheese Tyuru (Q, tee-oo-roo)
Children Hîni (heen-ee)
City Ost (ohst)
Cleaver Rist (rihst)
Cloud Faun (fown)
Club Grond (grohnd)
Coast Falas (fah-lass)
Commander Káno (Q, kah-no)
Cool Him (heem)
Crooked Raen (rine)
Crow Craban (krah-bahn)
Cutlass Lang (lahng)
Dagger Sigil (see-geel)
Dark Dûr (dur)
Dark (2) Mor (more)
Darkness Fuin (foo-in)
Day Or (ore)
Day (2) Erin (air-een)
Death Gurth (gerth)
Deep valley Tumba (toom-bah)
Deer Aras (ah-rahs)
Dog Hû (hoo)
Dome Rond (rohnd)
Dome (2) Telu (teh-loo)
Doom Amarth (ah-marth)
Dove Cugu (coo-goo)
Down Dad (dahd)
Dragon Lhûg (loog)
Dream Lor (lore)
Dusk Lómë (Q, loh-may)
Dusk (2) Moth (moth)
Dust Ast (ahst)
Dwarf Nogoth (noh-goth)
Dwelling Bar (bahr)
Eagle Thoron (thore-on)
Ear Lhaw (law)
Earth Kemen (Q, keh-men)
East Rhun (rune)
Eight Toloth (toll-oth)
Elephant Annabon (ahn-nah-bohn)
Elf Edhel (ethel)
Empty Lost (lohst)
Enemy Goth (goth)
Evening Aduial (ah-dwee-ahl)
Eye Hen (hehn)
Fair Van (vahn)
Fat Tûg (toog)
Fate Ambar (Q, ahm-bar)
Father Ada (ah-dah)
Feast Mereth (mare-eth)
Feather Quesse (Q, queh-say)
Finger Lebed (leh-bed)
Fire Nar (nahr)
Fish Lim (leem)
Fist Paur (powr)
Five Leben (leh-ben)
Flame Lhach (lahkh)
Flat Talan (tall-ahn)
Floor Panas (pah-nahs)
Foam Ros (rohs)
Foam (2) Falf (fahlf)
Foot Tâl (tahl)
Forest Taurë (tow-ray)
Four Canad (kah-nahd)
Friend Mellon (mehl-on)
Frog Cabor (kah-bore)
Garlanded Maiden Riel (Q, ree-ell)
Gate Annon (ahn-non)
Gate (2) Ando (Q, ahn-doh)
Gift Anna (Q, ah-nah)
Gleam Ril (rill)
Gleam (2) Glin (gleen)
Glorious Aglar (ah-glar)
Gold Glor (glore)
Gold (2) Laurë (Q, lou-ray)
Golden-brown Baran (bahr-ahn)
Golden Laurina (Q, lou-ree-nah)
Good Man (Q, mahn)
Grace Erulissë (Q, air-oo-lees-ay)
Grace (2) Eruanna (Q, air-oo-ahn-nah)
Grass Salch (sahlkh)
Gravel Brith (breeth)
Orange Galen (gah-len)
Grey Mith (meeth)
Growth Loa (Q, loh-ah)
Hair Fin (finn)
Half Per (pair)
Halfling Perian (pair-ee-an)
Hall Thâm (thahm)
Hand Cam (kahm)
Harp Gannel (gahn-nehl)
Harper Talagand (tah-lah-gahnd)
Haven Lond (lohnd)
Head Dol (dole)
Heart Óre (Q, oh-ray)
Heat Úr (Q, oor)
Heaven Menel (meh-nehl)
Helmet Thôl (thole)
Hiding Esgal (ess-gahl)
Hill Amon (ah-mohn)
Hill (2) Dol (dole)
Hollow Unque (Q, un-quay)
Holly Ereg (air-egg)
Holy Aina (Q, eye-nah)
Home Amar (ah-mar)
Honey Glî (glee)
Hook Ampa (Q, ahm-pah)
Hope Estel (ehst-ell)
Horde Hoth (hohth)
Horn Ras (rahs)
Horror Del (dell)
Horse Roch (rokh)
Horse-lord Rochir (rokh-ear)
Hunt Faroth (far-oth)
Husband Herven (hair-vehn)
I Im (eem)
Iaur Iaur (ee-our)
Ice Heleg (hell-ehg)
If Ae (eye)
Iron Anga (ang-ah)
Isle Tol (toll)
Jaws Anca (Q, ahn-kah)
Jewel Mîr (meer)
Journey Lenn (lehn)
Judge Námo (Q, nah-moe)
Juice Peich (paykh)
King Aran (ah-rahn)
Kingfisher Heledir (hehl-eh-dear)
Knight Rochben (rokh-behn)
Lady Hiril (here-il)
Lady (2) Wen (wehn)
Lady (3) Heryn (hair-in)
Lady (4) Hareth (har-ehth)
Lair Torech (tour-ekh)
Lake Aelin (eye-lin)
Lamp Calma (Q, kahl-mah)
Land Dor (door)
Laughter Lalaith (lah-lithe)
Leaf Lass (lahs)
Leaf (2) Asëa (Q, ah-say-ah)
Leap Cabed (kah-bed)
Left Heir (hayr)
Letter [of alphabet] Tengwa (Q, tehng-wah)
Light Galad (gah-lahd)
Lion Raw (rou)
Lonely Ereb (air-ehb)
Lord Hir (here)
Lord (2) Heru (Q, hair-oo)
Lost Vanwa (Q, vahn-wah)
Love Meleth (mehl)
Magic Gûl (gool)
Maiden Wen (wehn)
Man Adan (ah-dahn)
Master Tûr (toor)
Maybe Nai (Q, nigh)
Mayor Condir (kohn-dear)
Me Nîn (neen)
Metal Tinc (tink)
Middle Ened (eh-nehd)
Mighty Beleg (bell-egg)
Misty Hith (heeth)
Month Asta (Q, ah-stah)
Moon Ithil (ith-ill)
Moonlight Silme (Q, seel-may)
Mortal Fír (fear)
Mother Naneth (nah-nehth)
Mound Haudh (howth)
Mountain Orod (or-ohd)
Mountaineer Orodben (ore-odd-behn)
Mouth Anto (Q, ahn-toe)
My Nîn (neen)
Name Esse (Q, ess-ay)
Narrator Pethron (peh-thronn)
Neck Iaeth (yithe)
New Sein (sayn)
Nightingale Dúlin (doo-leen)
Nine Neder (neh-dare)
North Forod (fore-odd)
Nose Nem (nehm)
Oak Doron (dore-on)
Of En (ehn)
One Min (meen)
Pass Cirith (keer-ith)
People Gwaith (gwithe)
Pine tree Thôn (thohn)
Potter Cennan (kehn-nahn)
Prince Ernil (air-nill)
Princess Aranel (are-uh-nell)
Prison Band (bahnd)
Pure Man (Q, mahn)
Queen Bereth (bare-ehth)
Radiance Alata (Q, all-ah-tah)
Rage Aha (Q, ah-hah)
Rain Ross (rohss)
Rainbow Ninniach (neen-ee-akh)
Rat Nâr (nar)
Realm Arda (Q, are-dah)
Red Caran (kah-rahn)
Red flame Ruin (roo-in)
Regiment Gweth (gwehth)
Rest Esteë (Q, ess-tay)
Reversed Nuquerna (Q, noo-quern-ah)
Right Feir (fayr)
Ring Cor (Q, core)
River Duin (do-in)
Round Cor (Q, core)
Royal Ar (are)
Ruddy Crann (krahn)
Rushing Asca (ahs-kah)
Sand Lith (leeth)
Sea Aear (eye-are)
Series Téma (Q, tay-mah)
Seven Odog (oh-dohg)
Shadow Dae (die)
Sharp Maeg (mige [hard G])
Shepherdess Emerwen (eh-mare-when)
Ship Cír (keer)
Sign Tehta (Q, teh-tah)
Silent Din (deen)
Silver Celeb (kehl-ehb)
Six Eneg (ehn-egg)
Slender Ninn (nihn)
Snake Lyg (lig)
Snow Gloss (gloss)
Song Linnod (leen-odd)
Song (2) Laer (lyre)
Sorcery Gûl (gool)
South Harad (hah-rahd)
Spear Ech (ehkh)
Spearpoint Naith (nithe)
Spider Ungol (un-goal)
Spirit Fëa (Q, fay-ah)
Spray Wing (wihng)
Star Elen (ell-en)
Star (2) Gîl (gill)
Stone Gond (gohnd)
Stone (2) Sarn (sarn)
Straight Taer (tire)
Stream Sîr (sear)
Street Rath (rahth)
Strong Thalion (thahl-ee-on)
Sudden Bragol (brah-goal)
Sun Anor (ah-nore)
Sunlight Áre (Q, ah-ray)
Sunlight (2) Glawar (glah-warr)
Swallow [bird] Tuilinn (too-ee-linn)
Swan Alqua (Q, ahl-quah)
Swan (2) Alph (ahlf)
Sword Megil (meh-gill)
Tale Narn (narn)
Tall Hal (hall)
Tall (2) Orna (ore-nah)
Ten Caer (kire)
Thread Lain (line)
Three Neled (neh-lehd)
Threshold Fenn (fehn)
Throat Lanc (lahnk)
Through Tri (try)
Tongue Lambe (Q, lahm-bay)
Tooth Neleg (neh-leg)
Torment Nwalme (Q, nwahl-may)
Toward -enna (Q, eh-nah)
Tower Barad (bahr-ahd)
Tower (2) Minas (mee-nahs)
Treasure Harma (Q, har-mah)
Tree Alda (Q, all-dah)
Tree (2) Orne (ore-nay)
Two Tad (tahd)
Under Nu (new)
Unwilling Avari (Q, ah-var-ee)
Valiant Astaldo (Q, ah-stahl-doh)
Valley Imlad (im-lahd)
Valley (2) Nan (nahn)
Wall Ram (rahm)
Wanderer Rana (rah-nah)
Warrior Ohtar (oh-tar)
Warrior (2) Maethor (my-thore)
Water Nen (nehn)
Webmaster Nathron (nah-thron)
Week Enquië (Q, ehn-quee-ay)
Well Mae (my)
Wells Eithel (ay-thell)
Werewolf Gaur (gowr)
West Dun (dune)
Wet Mesc (mehsk)
White Nim (nimm)
Wife Herves (hair-vehss)
Willow Tathar (tah-thar)
Wind Sûl (sool)
Window Henneth (hehn-ehth)
Without Ben (behn)
Wolf Draug (drowg)
Woodpecker Tavor (tah-vore)
World Amar (ah-mar)
Year Yén (yayn)
Year (2) Idhrin (ith-reen)
Blue Malina (mah-leen-ah)
You Le (lay)
Young Neth (nehth)
Your Lîn (leen)

Lord of the Rings 3 antwoorden

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een jaar geleden SPLongshanks said…
Can i ask what your source is for these? I'm currently working on a school project about Elvish and if this list is from the actual books, you will have just saved me a ton of trouble.
een jaar geleden Book-Freak said…
Where did you get these, if you don't mind me asking? I usually look through Hisweloke or Ambar Eldaron for my translations.
een jaar geleden Urban_Errorist said…
Why is there no word translation for Not, nothing or even naught?? Surely the elves arenot always forced to give SOMETHING to the door knockers?