Munro Chambers Club
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posted by gilinda
MRUNO CHAMBERS HAS BEEN IN SOME PRETTY COOL SHOWS AND NOW HE IS 22 HE IS STILL AN ACTOR AND ONE OF MY FAVAROIT SHOWS HE'S BEEN IN is THE LATEST BUZZ I LOVE IT !!!!!! his charactor is wilder he's athletec and relly nice he has a crush on a girl called Amanda peirce (venessa morgon) and wilder has vrienden called rebbeca,noah,DJ well DJ is his boss and he's vrienden with his teacher mr.sheperd and he calls him mr.s and he has a friend called MICHEL AND HE'S ALMOST THE SAME HIEGHT PLEASE CHECK IT OUTTHE LATEST BUZZ HE REALLY ACTS LIKE A 16 jaar OLD I AM A TRUE fan OF HIS WORK
posted by Anna-Wee
i think his character is going to be really interesting in degrassi bec he is the total oppisite of claire last boyfriend k.c. (who dumped her for jenna which was mean) and they seem like a cute couple and oppisites attract. right?
maybe he just looks kinda scary and punk but i think he'll be like such a sweet heart.
i mean he did compliment clair with her preety eyes.
Eli Goldsworthy: "You have really pretty eyes."

Claire: "Thank you."

although i must admit i am really curious to know why he was driving like a funeral home pagina coffin carrier thing to school. are his parents like funeral...
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