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Nintendogs chihuahua & vrienden Vraag

How do u breed nintendogs?

I want to know meer details how to breed. So please don't use tips like: They have to be the same breed, color does not matter, only feed them melk and dry food, have a male and a female dog with the same personality rarely get into fights, put up a clover clock, put a rose on the female and a lucky kraag on the male, no walks, no bark mode, no contests, no tricks, no playing with toys, no petting, and make them cuddle and play. These tips above are just things thatvshod not be used. Also do not say u can't breed them of I will wis that answer. So please answer Diffrent tips! 🐱🐱🐱Enjoy!
 Helayna360 posted een jaar geleden
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