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added by Sara92
added by Sara92
added by Sara92
It was one uur till noon. I had sixty minuten till the sun was over town square. I would go hunting now since I had no other way to spend the last sixty minuten of my life. I had to go hunting outside of Volterra. The volturi didnt allow hunting inside the gates of their town.

There were five minuten left intil noon the sun would be over town square in five minutes. I was standing with in the shadows of the town with a bare chest. No one could stop me now. Today was the buisiest dag in Volterra. Everyone was outside enjoying the parade.
One meer minuut left until my life would end. I was...
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I was in volttera now. I was going to ask them to diminish me from this world, this life, forever. The volturi is the most powerful group of vampires on the planet earth. I couldn't live in a universe without her. My chest ached where my hart-, hart is supposed to be beating. I had called Charlie's house the boy had zei he was at the feuneral, I also had alice's vision, what other proof did I need to know bella was dead. If there was anything in the world anything at all, I would trade it all to bring her back. Even if she came back as a vampire.
I was at the gate and Aro stood in the doorway...
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added by Sara92
added by iluvedwardc13
zwaan-, zwaan
added by Sara92
added by Sara92
added by Sara92
added by iluvedwardc13
zwaan-, zwaan
new moon
added by Sara92
added by Sara92
added by Sara92
added by Sara92
added by Sara92
added by Sara92
added by Sara92
added by Sara92
added by Sara92