PowerPuff Girls Z And The RowdyRuff Boys Z Club
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added by KaoruBcM
Source: Powered Buttercup and Strong Butch
added by PPGZadventures
added by Jonesey134
Source: PowerPuff Gïrls Z FunïMatïon Actors Meme
added by CordonBleuGirl
added by katzneko
added by LunaLayosa
Source: LunaLayosa1031: AKA ME!!!! I MADE IT TODAY!!!
added by katzneko
added by motochika
Source: to pizap for helping me create pic
added by CordonBleuGirl
added by PPGZadventures
added by katzneko
added by CordonBleuGirl
added by TheBrick1
added by RRBZ
Blossom-Thats S Cute Brick!
Berserk-Whers my present on the date?
Brick-I-I Forgot.
Berserk-YOU MEANIE!!!!
Blossom-Calm down Berserk,Its just a ring.
Berserk-HO CARE!!!
Brick-I Do.
Berserk-Bye,Ill go datum sum wune else
Blossom-*Smirks*Ok Now *Kisses Brick*
Berserk-Take Picture.Cute.....Now Ill post it on Twitter.
Brick-For sum reason I saw a light flash.
Blossom-*Looks In Bricks Eyes*I did to.
Him-U can be on the RRBZ.
Berserk-Ill get bRICK.
Berserk-*Grabs Brick*
Blossom-LET GO!!*Tumbles into Berserk*
This dag Berserk Is located in Viletown,Where she shoukd be
The picture at screencaps was Blossom & Bricks Kiss
 Blossom-*Looks In Bricks Eyyes*
Blossom-*Looks In Bricks Eyyes*
added by Fiona_cool14
added by CordonBleuGirl
added by Sally6723
Source: 0
added by CordonBleuGirl
added by RRBZ