i reackon retribution would have been better if jensen ackles was playing leon couse he actually was supose to play leon on retribution
geplaatst een jaar geleden
Who gets emotional every time u see the ending scene where Umbrella comes and takes Matt away in the first movie? I do every time. Poor guy.
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I CANT LIVE WITHOUT RESIDENT EVIL !!! every weekend i watch all the films starting from resident evil, resident evil apocalyse,resident evil extiction and resident evil after life. and can't wait till resident evil damnation comes out in september 14 2012 in 3D!! so seeing it. love u alice in a non sexual way.
geplaatst een jaar geleden
and yet resident evil damnation is gonna b strange couse carlos and rain from resident evil and resident evil apocalypse and extinction who died are gonna b on damnation its gonna b rlly interasting to c how they appeareen jaar geleden
yer and id wish theyde hurry up and pick some one 2 play leon pissing me off and on my last 1 i got the name of the movie wrong its resident evil retribution which is after resident evil afterlife cant efen wait 4 the movie :)een jaar geleden
First movie was awesome. seconde movie (Apocalypse) was also awesome. Third movie (Extinction) wasn't as awesome as 1 and 2, but it was still pretty damn good. Haven't seen the fourth movie (Afterlife) yet, but I have high hopes for it.
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