Robert Pattinson & Kristen Stewart Club
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Source: xRansomArtx
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posted by KatiiCullen94
The most talked about Hollywood couple Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart are fighting again.

Robert Pattinson, the most desirable man in Hollywood wants to be meer open about his feelings for lady love Kristen Stewart. But, Kstew always puts him down.

According to a bron it has revealed that the 20-year-old Stewart is bossy and very tough with her man.
But according to recent speculation it was zei that Kristen Stewart doesn't toon much excitement when Robert visits her onset.

On the other hand, it seems that this crazy homp, stoere binken likes the fact his girlfriend doesn't treat him on a bed of roses.
added by Imyselfandme
added by ebcullen4ever
added by MiSaDalinda
added by Imyselfandme
Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson had a busy weekend together!

Our fave couple were caught holding hands Sunday night while having a sushi datum at Matsuhisa in Beverly Hills with another pal…and the PDAs didn’t stop (or start) there. So here’s what u must know:

First up, Robsten hit a private pool party at the Thomson hotel Friday and didn’t hide their affection for one another. At. All.

“There was a birthday party on the rooftop door the pool, and everyone was surprised when Rob and Kristen showed up together,” a bron at the shindig tells us. “They looked really happy, laughing...
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added by TriineA
Source: fearless_123 @livejournal
added by sunrise_90
added by MiSaDalinda