Shun Kazami Club
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posted by Britt247
I know bakugan isn't real,but I wish it was, haveing bakugan and brawling would be so much better then getting in a fight. I mean people let there anger out door beeting each other up and what does that solve. Know,if bakugan where real and we could brawl that would be a dream come true. It would probobly get red of some of the fights. Don't u agree? I guess will all keep dreaming. u know what they say right? Any thing can happen.So keep your feet on the ground and your head in the clouds and keep dreaming.
posted by Arya_Eine
In my opinion, the producers of Bakugan series never mean for Shun to have a relationship with any girl. In the beginnning, they would describe him as a aloof, distant and cold young man without emotion. When he finds out Alice is Masquerade will be where those straits rise highest, because he will toon himself as cold as ice, without mercy, they didn't expect the audience to think of Shun as a loving man with his cold side shown and his soft side hidden.

In season two, the scene that is most argued over is episode 10, in which Shun really speaks to Runo with care and passion. This maybe the...
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posted by blaze15
Shun Kazami

Shun Kazami was the former 1st ranked Bakugan brawler but after Masquerade showed up, he moves down to 6th, then back up to 5th after defeating Komba, then 2nd and ultimately to 3rd door the end of the first series. He is 13 years old, has black hair, which is tied into a long ponytail, and wears a purple jacket. He is a master of Bakugan and co-created the rules with Dan. He is also Dan's childhood best friend. Shun is a loner, a boy of very few words, but yet is willing to help his vrienden at almost every turn. He is a Ventus brawler and he approaches Bakugan like a ninja. He lives...
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posted by darktheheghog
ok i knw this is kinda wired but if Shun was a vampire then that would be kinds cool i made this picture and its in one of the vraag "ok which image makes Shun look cuter??? (btw i made that vampire style of Shun)" sry if i spelled that wrong anyways if there was a vampire Shun story that would be cool i mean there "Sasuke the vampire" and "Kai hiwatri the vampire" but what about Shun my vrienden say that there should be a vampire stlye of Shun Kazami it kinda make Shun meer cute but without the grey hair it makes him look old Shun: *whacks me on the head* SHUT UP DARK me: OWWW WHAT I WAS...
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