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Single Ladies Vraag

Do u believe in love? Why of why not? Also, if u DO believe in love, do u think that u will ever be in it someday?

 vanillamoon08 posted een jaar geleden
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Single Ladies Antwoorden

LabraLege said:
I think love is meer than people usually say it is. It's not tears, it's not happiness, not "wanting to be with that person" For me, love is the greatest, highest feeling.. Warmth and comfort, because THIS human knows u better than u know yourself and loves u as u are..
I felt it once, but that wasn't love that comes to dating (my friend..) and I really expect to fall in that love someday :)
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posted een jaar geleden 
I agree. I'm not sure if I ever even felt that kind of love with a friend yet, since it takes a long time to form a special bond with that person. And, I'm looking to fall in love one dag to, and I'm willing to wait for it. =]
vanillamoon08 posted een jaar geleden
Hot_n_cold said:
No I don't belive in love. I think love is foolish. Most boys are pervs and I think that it's to hard to find boys that aren't and think it's not worth it.
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posted een jaar geleden 
Well, honestly I don't think anybody ever really believes in love until they experience it for themselves. lol and actually, I hear that love is under-rated. :) A lot of guys are foolish and pervs, but not all of them are. I think that the good guys are still out there, we just have to know how to find them. =/
vanillamoon08 posted een jaar geleden
ginny_potter_97 said:
I do believe in love. i have seen people in love. when u are in love age dosen't matter. to me love is happiness, sadness, and every feeling u can think of while floating on air. yes i do believe i will fall in love just not now not anytime close to now. im still in jh and boys are pervs who really only want 1 thing
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posted een jaar geleden 
That's true. And yeah, I think that too. Age I think matters when you'
vanillamoon08 posted een jaar geleden
*you're young, but that's a whole different story lol. XD
vanillamoon08 posted een jaar geleden
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