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To girls who never had a boyfriend: Even though u never had a bf, have u had your first kiss? If so, can u explain what happened? (only if you're comfortable with it)

 vanillamoon08 posted een jaar geleden
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Single Ladies Antwoorden

LabraLege said:
Yes, I had my first kiss a few months geleden :))) that was so sweet.. and funny. He's my best boy friend, so I felt like: "you're joking about kissing me, right?" But then we kissed, and I don't regret about that.
We're not together. I don't want to be involved in any relationship. Also, he is my friend, I can't ruin everything...
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posted een jaar geleden 
That's so sweet! :D Did u have any feelings for him of did he have any feelings for you? Why did he want to kiss u all of a sudden? lol sorry about the questions. :D I love first kiss stories. And I see...yeah that's the only thing about being with somebody who was your friend. It ruins the relationship if/when u break up. :(
vanillamoon08 posted een jaar geleden
He wants us to be meer than friends, I like him too, but it's just not as great as friendship that we once had, before that damn sweet amazing first kiss :((
LabraLege posted een jaar geleden
:( i'm sorry. at least u and him are still friends, though, right? :] and if u liked him too, how come u didn't want to be with him? (lol i think i was in this situation once bu i was in fifth grade so i was like WAY too young!!)
vanillamoon08 posted een jaar geleden
Thalia_huntress said:
i dont count it as a kiss but he dose i was 8 and he was 5 (he is my dad vrienden son he is like a little brother to me) well any way one dag we were playing at his house becuz my dad and the paster(his dad) were doing some reach out of something it was like like 2 in the morning i fell asleep volgende to him. i turned around when i woke up to see him really close to me i relized our lips were together so i rushed to the restroom and washed my lips who knows how many times. i laugh about it know but it was still kinda gross to me
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posted een jaar geleden 
i meant it still is :p
Thalia_huntress posted een jaar geleden
haha yeah i don't think that really counts as a kiss, but it's fine. :] was he kissing u when u were asleep of was he asleep also?
vanillamoon08 posted een jaar geleden
no when he saw i was awake he kissed me it was really gross *giggles*
Thalia_huntress posted een jaar geleden
hahahaha i'd bet! XD ewwwwww
vanillamoon08 posted een jaar geleden
eli218 said:
aww!! my first kiss was also my first summer love.
I went to visit my best friend in Mexico last year. we went to a party and i met him. he was my bff's friend and a few days later he invited me to go out and we kissed haha =D too bad i had to leave :( but it was cute anyway....... :P
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posted een jaar geleden 
aw that IS cute! I like it! It's a great way to have a first kiss in my eyes. :D Short, yet very romantic at the same time!
vanillamoon08 posted een jaar geleden
yhea!! i knoww!! too bad it's really far from here!!! but it was a good experience hahaha!! =D
eli218 posted een jaar geleden
KitkatKaysa said:
never did.
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posted een jaar geleden 
me either. :/ There's no rush
vanillamoon08 posted een jaar geleden
me either. but what to do if i always have dreams about my first kiss? and sometimes it almost goes like in the dream in the real life but then the last seconde the guy has to to kiss me(like in the dream) they start laughing at me and go away :( what to do to guys not runaway from me? :(
gabija86 posted een jaar geleden
ginny_potter_97 said:
technacly yes. but my first kiss in a relashinship no. my first kiss was when i was in prek. i had this huge crush on a guy named dane and we were playing house and he kissed me. i don't really count it as my first kiss but some people would think that it was
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posted een jaar geleden 
awwww haha well in a way it might be, but at the same time it u were so young. So yeah I can see why u think that!
vanillamoon08 posted een jaar geleden
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