Single Ladies
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Single Ladies Vraag
Do u agree with the statement "2 is better than 1" like in the song door BLG?
I don't agree with it. Being single and being with somebody both have its advantages and disadvantages. I mean, I love the song "Two Is Better Than One" door Boys Like Girls, it's a nice love song and all. But do I agree with that message? No. And, I think it's one of those songs that u turn off right when u hear it after you've broken up and feeling depressed about your love life.
And, also if somebody zei that "one is better than two" I'm not even sure if I can agree with that, but I agree with it meer than the other statement.
What do u guys think? Is "two better than one"? of "one better than two"? Or, perhaps...neither?
And, also if somebody zei that "one is better than two" I'm not even sure if I can agree with that, but I agree with it meer than the other statement.
What do u guys think? Is "two better than one"? of "one better than two"? Or, perhaps...neither?
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