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Single Ladies Vraag

Do u agree with the statement "2 is better than 1" like in the song door BLG?

I don't agree with it. Being single and being with somebody both have its advantages and disadvantages. I mean, I love the song "Two Is Better Than One" door Boys Like Girls, it's a nice love song and all. But do I agree with that message? No. And, I think it's one of those songs that u turn off right when u hear it after you've broken up and feeling depressed about your love life.
And, also if somebody zei that "one is better than two" I'm not even sure if I can agree with that, but I agree with it meer than the other statement.
What do u guys think? Is "two better than one"? of "one better than two"? Or, perhaps...neither?
 vanillamoon08 posted een jaar geleden
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Single Ladies Antwoorden

teamsethgrlrox said:
I think it depends on the person.. Some people like being single.. and they think they are fine on their own... Others need someone in their life hense the term '2is better than 1. Me personaly think 2 is better than one :)
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posted een jaar geleden 
That's true!!! :D And okie dokie, thanks for replying!
vanillamoon08 posted een jaar geleden
ginny_potter_97 said:
i think it does depend on the person. my bff is going crazy cuz she hasn't had a boyfriend in ove 6 months. me on the other hand havn't had a guy other than a friend in my life in well over a jaar and am loving it. i have a couple of other vrienden that feel the same way. 2 is better than 1 but for the moment the 2 in my life is me and my bff's.
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posted een jaar geleden 
ooo I see! :D And that's nice! At least you're happy with where u stand. See, with me, I've never had a bf of a first kiss, and I'm gonna be 17 soon. :/ So over here I'm really hating being single right now, to be honest. :(
vanillamoon08 posted een jaar geleden
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