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anybody reading the manga and has watched the anime? which chapters weren't animated?

uhh so... the anime finished a while geleden and ive tried picking up the manga but ive realised that the anime skipped a few chapters. ive tried searching which chapters were not animated and didn't really find anything. can someone give me a lijst of the chapters that weren't animated. thanks
 rittyC posted een jaar geleden
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Sket Dance Antwoorden

Red_Fairy_Panda said:
Let's see...chapters weren't animated are
-157 (little different from the anime)
-160, 161, 162
-164,165, 166
-170, 171, 172, 173
-181, 183
-186 until189 (Valentine Crisis)
-190 until 197 (except 196)
-198 until 200 (animated as an OVA)
-from chapter 201 until the current chapter (Switch On) and I think the last chapter animated in the anime is chapter 196...

Sorry if I miss one of two chapters. I suggest u read all the chapters despite they're already animated because the manga is really cool! :D
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