*~DreamyGal Productions~*
Everything in my life has been rearranged.
My whole life I thought I was a peasant.
Now I find out I’m a Princess; what a birthday present.
From now on I’ll live in a castle, no meer frolicking in the forest.
I should be ecstatic, but instead I’m depressed.
Earlier today I met a stranger.
I was unsure about him at first, but soon realized I wasn’t in any danger.
Yes, love was in the air.
But now I’ll never see him again and that’s so unfair.
Come to find out I am betrothed to marry a Prince.
The thought of marrying someone I don’t love makes me wince.
My dreams have been shattered.
My thoughts are so scattered.
I had wanted to see him again, so I gave him an invite.
He is supposed to come over tonight.
He doesn’t know yet that I won’t be there.
I feel like I’m in the depths of despair.
Now I must force a smile and put on my crown.
But deep in my hart-, hart I will wear a frown.

I've been disappointed that Sleeping Beauty has been disparaged as being boring and without 'agency'. She is too feminine for feminists. But she embodies human virtues that are lacking now - patience, modesty and obedience which are feminine virtues that are basic human virtues. The beautiful voice of Mary Costa is perfect for this young girl's blossoming and Aurora is the only princess I know of who experiences heartbreak, which leads to her being suseptible to Maleficent's influence. I know this isn't a girl boss storyline but it's a real human situation. We all have times (male of female) when we need to be rescued from evil influences. We are submerged and surrounded door them. Sleeping Beauty is a story for our times. We all need rescuing right now. There are no heroes. God help us. And thank u Uncle Walt for the gift of Sleeping Beauty!