Sleeping Beauty Club
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posted by AudreyFreak
This is exactly the same as my artikel over on the DP club, JSYK.

1. Her sense of duty.

By far Aurora's best strength. Few heroines put their people of duty before themselves, because it takes a huge amount of emotional strength to, as humans are basically selfish beings. Some of u say Aurora lacks a backbone, and that is the only reason why she does this. Could be, but I don't think so. We see from what time we have of her onscreen that she is pretty obedient and doesn't like to rebel. This is bad? No, she's being mature. She doesn't like conflict of hurting people's feelings, like her "aunts",...
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Sleeping Beauty(1950)

Ok I know that its from Walt Disney’s time and all but seriously I do not know why so many people love this movie. The story is about a princess who is cursed on her 16th birthday door an evil queen who cast the spell on her (she pricks her finger on a spinning wheel and she falls into a deep sleep………Snow White anyone?) ,the 3 fairies bring her to a forest where she lives in a cottage and she falls for a prince named Philip. But will Maleficent find her??. Made in the 1950s this film is very poorly done I mean the princess is like a fecking dummy she NEVER TALKS only...
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Sleeping Beauty Walt Disney´s 16th animated feature and masterpiece of the time.

The production started with the story in 1951 then in 1952 the voices were recorded and the animatie took from 1953 to 1958 to finish.
In charge of how to give the movie a uniqe look Walt gave Eyvind Earle the position of color stylist and chief background designer.

Disney's decision to give Earle so much artistic freedom was not populair among the Disney animators, who had until Sleeping Beauty exercised some influence over the style of their characters and settings

It was also the first time the studio...
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Copyright (C) The Walt Disney Company
Written door a fan for fans...


Song index:
Hail to the Princess Aurora
Gifts of Beauty and Song
I Wonder
Once Upon A Dream
Sleeping Beauty Song


Hail to the Princess Aurora
Written by: George Bruns and Tom Adair
Sung by: Chorus (King Stefan's Courtiers)

Joyfully we now to our princess we come,
Bringing gifts and good wishes too,
We pledge our loyalty anew

Hail to the Princess Aurora!
All of her...
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Sleeping Beauty(1950)

Ok I know that its from Walt Disney’s time and all but seriously I do not know why so many people love this movie. The story is about a princess who is cursed on her 16th birthday door an evil queen who cast the spell on her (she pricks her finger on a spinning wheel and she falls into a deep sleep………Snow White anyone?) ,the 3 fairies bring her to a forest where she lives in a cottage and she falls for a prince named Philip. But will Maleficent find her??.

Made in the 1950s this film is very poorly done I mean the princess is like a fecking dummy she NEVER TALKS only...
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Sources : link

Yeah for the past few years i watched sleeping beauty a hundred times , but im getting curious if this is the real ending i know its stupid to get curious of that but what the heck i did a research and founded this , its alot interesting then the modern one enjoy

A great king was forewarned door some wise (old?)
men that his newborn daughter named Talia was in great danger. It seems that a poison splinter was in the palace's flax, and it would destroy her. The king immediately ordered a ban on vlas inside the palace walls.

But, as all great fairy tales go, Talia somehow encountered...
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posted by lilylove89
After many childless years, King Stefan and his Queen welcome the arrival of their daughter, Aurora. The newborn Princess is named after the Roman Goddess of the dawn because of how she fills the lives of the King and Queen with sunshine. While still an infant, she is betrothed to the also-young Prince Phillip, son of King Hubert, uniting their respective kingdoms. At her christening, three good fairies - Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather - arrive to bless the child with gifts. Flora gives the princess the gift of beauty, while Fauna gives her the gift of song.

Before Merryweather is able to give...
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posted by DreamyGal
 *~DreamyGal Productions~*
*~DreamyGal Productions~*
It’s funny how quickly things have changed.
Everything in my life has been rearranged.
My whole life I thought I was a peasant.
Now I find out I’m a Princess; what a birthday present.
From now on I’ll live in a castle, no meer frolicking in the forest.
I should be ecstatic, but instead I’m depressed.
Earlier today I met a stranger.
I was unsure about him at first, but soon realized I wasn’t in any danger.
Yes, love was in the air.
But now I’ll never see him again and that’s so unfair.
Come to find out I am betrothed to marry a Prince.
The thought of marrying someone I don’t love makes me wince.
My dreams have been shattered.
My thoughts are so scattered.
I had wanted to see him again, so I gave him an invite.
He is supposed to come over tonight.
He doesn’t know yet that I won’t be there.
I feel like I’m in the depths of despair.
Now I must force a smile and put on my crown.
But deep in my hart-, hart I will wear a frown.
Sources : link

Yeah for the past few years i watched sleeping beauty a hundred times , but im getting curious if this is the real ending i know its stupid to get curious of that but what the heck i did a research and founded this , its alot interesting then the modern one enjoy

A great king was forewarned door some wise (old?)
men that his newborn daughter named Talia was in great danger. It seems that a poison splinter was in the palace's flax, and it would destroy her. The king immediately ordered a ban on vlas inside the palace walls.

But, as all great fairy tales go, Talia somehow encountered...
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posted by KataraLover
This is my review on who did what around the how like who did the cooking, the cleaning, the sewing basicly stuff like that.

 Filthy, filthy, filthy time to clean up
Filthy, filthy, filthy time to clean up

Flora obviously she didn't do the sewing since we saw how she did with the dress and she's awful. I'm guessing that she did the cooking because of the reasons I have for the others but I guess I'll try to explain for her. I guess Merrywheather assumed that Flora would do the cleaning but was corrected with Flora saying that she would clean the room instead. I really don't have all that much proof but I guess once u read what...
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I've been disappointed that Sleeping Beauty has been disparaged as being boring and without 'agency'. She is too feminine for feminists. But she embodies human virtues that are lacking now - patience, modesty and obedience which are feminine virtues that are basic human virtues. The beautiful voice of Mary Costa is perfect for this young girl's blossoming and Aurora is the only princess I know of who experiences heartbreak, which leads to her being suseptible to Maleficent's influence. I know this isn't a girl boss storyline but it's a real human situation. We all have times (male of female) when we need to be rescued from evil influences. We are submerged and surrounded door them. Sleeping Beauty is a story for our times. We all need rescuing right now. There are no heroes. God help us. And thank u Uncle Walt for the gift of Sleeping Beauty!