u want to know somethen I always wanted Stelena to happen always and forever but it seems every time elena is with damon she breaks Stefans hart-, hart and all i wanna do is SLAP elena even though she's the prettiest girl ever but still Stefan should not go through it but no Stelena needs to always happen with no broken hearts ELENA!!!!
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I love stelena 🥰🥰🥰 I think they are wonderful for each other and everytime I seen the toon all I wanted to do was come through that screen and strangle the crap out of Elena like whyyyyy would u break Stefan’s hart-, hart ? And then she wants to say she was nothing like Katherine …hmmmm she thought wrongeen jaar geleden
I know I was shocked too! But the only thing that comforts me is that they will find another way to bring back Stefan and Bonnie! I mean it is Stefan!een jaar geleden
"What's the point in being good"____ u zei it right Stefan!!! in this toon if u want happiness u have to be selfish somehow.... that quote is definitely for stefan and bonnie
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My baby... this is just so unfair! why he has to suffer so much!!! It really breaks my heart! I want to see him happy again so much
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'I knew I was about to die. u cannot run from a vampire. I recognized the monster that killed me. It was Stefan Salvatore. "Johnathan in The avondeten, diner Party
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“For some reason, I hadn’t thought about Stefan taking the cure at all, and yet it makes a ton of sense. Let’s be honest, none of these people are particularly good at being vampires, except maybe Caroline (only with respect of not killing people, and even then…). But Stefan is probably the worst at it. When the guy goes off, he beheads entire cities.” — link
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i feel like people treat ripper stefan and bunny eater stefan as two people but with damon whether he has his humanity on of not they treat him the same. that’s not fair.
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Stefan needs to be with someone who love him and only him not some new vampire who goes behind his back, and cant decide between him and his brother. So let Elena be with Damon because Stefan deserves so much better!
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Part of me also feels that Stefan deserves someone better. Someone who can give him back the kind of love he can offer. But another part of me still hurts when I think about Stefan and Elena not ending up together. It's heartbreaking! </3een jaar geleden
The same is true of Stefan. He never learns to control his urges, to master his darkness. He just hides it, bottling it up until the pressure makes him crack. And when it does, all those years of denial suddenly demand to be satisfied. link
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I'm proud of Stefan for breaking up with Elena! <3 He needs somebody who loves him fully, not vampire Elena who cares only about Jeremy and Damon!
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check out glamour magazines top, boven 100 sexiest men of 2012 and see where paul came in linkwww.glamourmagazine.co.uk/celebrity/sexiest-men
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"Even in his darkest place, my brother still can't let me die"-Damon That's one of the reasons why I love Stefan so much. He's always protecting his brother and he will never leave him
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i dnt like him as much as i like damon & kol, but he's cool. i luvd him in the 1st season, but thn he bcame a jerk, & tht pissd me off. but i still like him. so thts y i joined. yeah.
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Hello and good morning TVD fandom, I just wanted to let u all know that some vrienden and I have started a new discussion forum. Weather u a Stelena, Delena , Forwood,Bamon what ever u ship who ever u favoriete characters are it doesn't matter. Mystic Grill forums is a place for any and all topic to be discussed. We finished the site today so if u are looking for a new forum , that welcomes all ships please stop door and sign up. Hope to see there
hallo all, I'm not sure if any of u guys go here but the vampire-dairies.net forums will be closing in a week of two. I am going around to the different TVD fanpop spots to see if there is anyone that would like to start a new VD forum site. It's a big undertaking and Mods are needed and with the new season about to start we need a place to talk about it.. So if u ever thought about starting one of would like to help just send me a pm here. I hope to hear from ya'll soon
@PaulWesleyFans Reminder!! When I hit 50K,Giving away 1 of these to a lucky follower anywhere in the world. Signed door Paul Wesley. Rt.. link
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and gegeven Stefan's ripper history, her consumption of human blood definitely troubles him. "He's not going to have an easy time with it," executive producer Julie Plec confirms. "This is a guy who can't really get too close to human blood for too long without losing his mind, so it's like he's a guy who just got sober, and his girlfriend just turned 21 and wants to party. There are going to be some complications in their relationship as far as that."
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I think Stefan is very damaged, and he's got some deep darkness and, within that, a beautiful soul with what humanity he can muster. I think until the end of the series, the darker Stefan will always be the truthful Stefan." link
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I love Stelena and how Stefan acts with Elena when they're together so much but my gosh... seeing Stefan all ripper and cold are some of my favoriete moments of the entire show. <3
Favorite. Vampire. Hands. Down.
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"Stefan looking down on her with the most heartbroken, angry face. He realizes that he's screwed up. He looks completely tragic. I would watch Paul Wesley sit on a stoel, kruk and emote in an empty room for an hour. "
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Cześć, kocham cię tak bardzo jestem twoim największym fanem. Kocham you'r pracy i postawy you'r do życia! Kocham Cię, mogę mówić angielskim i polskim hehe xx
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u should be grateful he is on T.V!! Stop saying u hate Stefan and All coz it's unfair and literally IMPOSSIBLE! I love stefan for stefan and i love Paul but for goodness sake at least have a bit of sensitivity about u wen u do... I LOVE STEFAN XXXXXXXXXXXXXX
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People shouldn't judge Stefan for forcing Damon to drink blood when he was the one who saved his life. Yes, what Stefan did was selfish but he saved Damon's life, people should stop judging him.
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Paul Wesley / Stefan Salvatore has sexy, pursing Leonardo DiCaprio lips!! Noticed it after seeing "Titanic" in 3D last night! ;D Gosh the man is truly DELICIOUS.
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u don't have to be to kom bij the club! JK, u don't have to kom bij if u don't want to. I didn't think I could find many people who love all 3 but I do, so I made the club.een jaar geleden
This spot needs to be meer active..I love Stefan<333 Is there a rant thread for Stefan Salvatore here of a discussion forum :/
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Are there any Stefan fans out there that like Damon also? I know that I do and sometimes I have trouble finding someone else that has the same opinion as me. I'm just curious.
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Just found the artikel I haven't read it cause I know she talking crap about Stefan and I don't like that.She doesn't see us talking crap about Damon on the Damon board so why on here of on the Stefan and Damon board that board is for people that like Damon and Stefan NOT just Damon.I don't like Damon at all u don't see me posting FACT's about Damon and all the wrong things he done so why do that to stefan?een jaar geleden
I got about a paragraph into the artikel before I just couldn't read it anymore. If u ask me, it's not Stefan that's being the hypocrite. It's Bdavis.een jaar geleden
“It’s hard because the sad part about it is that Stefan is such a man of character. He has such a good soul. And now, he’s taken this horrible turn, so no matter what he does, at this point, he’s never going to be able to forgive himself. So, if he can’t forgive himself, how can he ever expect forgiveness from a woman that loves him? He’s never going to be lovable again, in his eyes. He has such a journey. It’s so sad to watch because now he’s in tragic mode.
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He’s a true tragic hero, in the greatest sense, even meer so now then Damon ever was. It is a fine line to walk, and I hope we’re playing it with just enough tragedy that the audience can hold onto him and nurture him, even though he does go down that terrible road. It is a tragic fall. I’m hoping it’s one of those situations where the audience will love him until he can learn to love himself again. That’s what’s happening.” — Kevin Williamsoneen jaar geleden
Lets face it, Damon deserved it, I mean many will disagree but that's due to the shipping wars and fandom, whatever, but Stefan made it very clear door his actions that he would always save his brother from whatever attacked him, he always choose his brother over his love for Elena (and that's a soulmate kind of love) still he did it all for his brother, some might say that he missed the opportunity of being with Elena that now is Damon's turn I personally think that's nasty even for Elena (it's like calling her a whore...sorry) but I say that what Stefan did was an act of love to BOTH of them and that was how his brother repaid him...So I'll say he DAMN deserved it!een jaar geleden
i almost cried just because every words u wriote bangelusfan are the DAMN TRUTH!!! Damon deserves so much meer than this stempel, punch but this is a first step im so GLAD that stefan did punched damon!!!! i mean how dare u damon to ask something like?how dare u damon to kiss stefan's girlfriend? everything stefan did was for those two...to save his brother's life and take away klaus from elena... im so pissed at DAMON ....and Elena( for saying i dont feel guilty about the kiss..) poor stefan is too good for both of them but he's still saying to elena that she's better than both of damon and him... :'(een jaar geleden
I agree completely with Kindhiya3, Bangelusfan u are just freakin' AWESOME! I was cheering like a fangirl on acid, it was great to see Damons lying, cheating toosh get smacked, and smacked HARD. *gleeful* Yeh, it is like calling Elena a *bleep* because she is a *bleep* excusing it like she doesn't care. Worst character ever. Go Stefan, we love ya!!!!een jaar geleden