the motto is right and were did u get the foto of Jacob but im am 100% on Jacobs side because he should of Bella oh door the way happy b-day to Edward hes 111 years old dose anyone know Jacbs b-day?
geplaatst een jaar geleden
Yeah. I'm defo, 100% & meer on team Jacob. Real men don't sparkle, Edward, only fairies do. Team Jacob, end of story. Can u seriously look at Jacob and STILL be on Team Edward?! Who's afraid of the big, bad wolf? Do u like scary stories?? He's the best ever! Love Jacob! Taylor, you're so perfect being him. (you are anyway!)
geplaatst een jaar geleden
nah. i prefer Jacob. i'd rather have a hot, loving, huggable werewolf with a beating hart-, hart than a cold, dead, bloodsucking glitter tub.een jaar geleden
i so agree with you! twilight is my life 2 ! there the only boeken i read and i have watched all the films that are on dvd like about 100 times! i don't know what i would do with out twilight! i wouldn' be me!een jaar geleden
I am going to die from disper. THEY MADE TWILIGHT INTO A FRIKING MUSICAL. I am going t cry from sadness HOW COULD THEY I SERIOUSLY DONT LIKE IT. See for your selves: link & link
It is sort of funny but I love TWILIGHT its my fav series in the world in my eyes its some one making fun of Twilight. If u people like it thats your point of view I wont freak but I am ready to have a black out
geplaatst een jaar geleden
thats your out look on it other people might see it different everyone has there right to belive what they whant and like I zei I wont freak out no matter what your point of view is ^^een jaar geleden
Twilights coming to an end I am going crazy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Got a great team Jacob hoodie from a new website - - any size, colour and choose the logo colour and delivery is really quick
geplaatst een jaar geleden
I dont want all of the people in da world callin me at three in the mornin if u want my number become good vrienden with me on here
geplaatst een jaar geleden
i would love to become good vrienden with u but that probwont happen im not crazy like those crazy bitches i just want to meet u once and see how ur life is behind the setseen jaar geleden