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 Self-explanatory, I'd say.
Self-explanatory, I'd say.
door Rush Limbaugh


You know, yesterday I was talking about Mrs. Clinton. Hillary Clinton appeared on The View, and Whoopi Goldberg -- I did not make this connection yesterday. This thought did not hit me until today. But remember when Pelosi was on the toon with her husband, Paul, out there in the front row, and Whoopi Goldberg zei that she would like to... Now, look, I'm just going to tell u what she said. I'm quoting her. She zei she would like to "do" Pelosi and her husband in a troika, and of course Pelosi had the frozen smile on her face, "Hee-hee-hee." They cut down to Paul,...
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posted by MajorDork74
"Norman Hsu. Ladies and gentlemen, this is a huge scandal. It reaches into the depths of the Democrat establishment. It touches very deeply their presidential front-runner to the core, and the broadcast media have done everything possible to downplay it of ignore it. The same media that focused on what shoes Fred Thompson was wearing in Iowa -- hey, they were Guccis. I wear 'em, too. Way to go, Fred. Screw you, elitists. What the hell are u drinking and eating behind closed doors, and what the hell kinds of diamonds and jewelry and shoes are u wearing? Phony baloney, plastic banana, good-time...
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