The Gazette Club
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This is just like a small reading to find out meer about them (it's not 100% exact) but anyway..

btw, I found this on a website and translated it, so I have no idea of who made it, so if u know tell me :)


"Can do many things at once. Has a good intuition. Very artistic. Organized. He likes to take risks. Neglected. Arrogant. Selfish. Artist. Spiritual. Meticulous. Capable of achieving its goals. Successful. Honest. Very clever. Sensible. Physically and mentally strong. Closed person who does not like tonen their feelings. Conscious. Wants to achieve something and get it. Leader....
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posted by irinaguzun
Real name: Matsumoto Takanori (松本 孝則))
Blood Type: B
Birth Date: February 1, 1982
Piercings: 5 on the right ear
Height: 162 cm
Foot size: 25.5 cm
Ring size: Middle finger - 17
Place of birth: Kanagawa Prefecture (Kantou, southern Japan)
Family: Parents, older brother
Tobacco: American Spirit
Cologne: Bvlgari
Favorite Color: Gold, purple, red, black, silver
Favorite Drink: Child Iwai Apple
Disliked Food: Green pepper, beans Hobby: Rental, Shopping
Favorite Brand: roze Dragon, THE GAMBLER$, ANTICLASS, bounty hunter, CREAMSODA, RUDE GALLERY, Harugin
My Boom: Skateboarding
Collection: Harugin
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posted by irinaguzun
Real name: Shiroyama Yuu (城山 優)
Birthday: January 20th, 1979
Birthplace: Mie, Japan
Blood Type: A
Height: 171cm (5’ 7”)
Weight: 55kg (121 lbs)
Colors: white, black
Hobbies: Composing, gitaar solos, Marumen
Favorite Food: food made with a lot of love
Disliked Food: none
Favorite Drinks: Asahi Super Dry Coffee
Brand: Bvlgari, Vivienne Westwood, DOLCE & GABANNA, Armani, Peacemaker, Frontier Doll
Cologne: Bvlgari, Davidoff
Collection: sunglasses, perfume, accessories, shirt
Cigarette: Marlboro Menthol
First Copied Song: X - Kurenai
Family: Parents, older brother, older sister
Liked Type: good at...
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If u remember/know any other fact, please commentaar and it will be added ;D


Aoi ~ The oldest member of the band. An absolutely amazing guitarist and a totally lovable guy too. Used to have a lip piercing

Alarm clock ~ During the winter Kai finds it really hard to wake up so he sets two alarm clocks to go off an uur before he's meant to wake up

April Fools dag ~ Kai got tricked on April fools dag and didn't really understand what had happened until 5 days later

Anger ~ All the members of Gazette [except Aoi of course] agree that Aoi is the grumpiest of them all and can be very 'hotheaded'...
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posted by irinaguzun
Real Name: Suzuki Akira (鈴木 亮)
Birthday: May 27, 1981
Birthplace: Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan
Blood Type: A
Height: 172cm (5’7”)
Weight: 55kg (121lbs)
Colors: Purple, white, black
Hobbies: Watching films (like Face Off)
Favorite Drama: Tokyo Love Story
Favorite Manga: Initial D
Favorite movie: Face Off
Favorite Food: Spaghetti, Kit-Kat
Favorite Drinks: Lifeguard
Disliked food: Vegetables, sweet stuff (except for pudding and cake), Kai’s cooking
Collection: Anything related to Sex Pistols
Cigarette: Mild Seven Lights
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1. Aoi-san♥

2. I have to say that u r a pretty, pretty lucky bastard to get him. I guess it would be that rare for u to get him but whatevs. . . Anyways, Ruki is the sexy lion vocalist of the GazettE.

3. I got this too ( link )

4. Reita would probably fall in love with you.
For him, love is pure. No illusions. He needs someone to hang out with. He wants to be himself when you're around.
Accept him the way he is, otherwise it won't work.
But he's a good guy anyway, so he's easy to accept, isn't he?

5. u have the sexy lead singer himself, Ruki
some facts the fans might not know...

-Aoi's sister is 10 years older than him while his brother is 6 years older
-Reita's parents divorced when he was 5. currently staying with his mother, sister and grandmother
-Reita's favoriete movie is still Face Off
-Ruki wants to go to Hawaii
-Reita stopped smoking on September 2010 along with Uruha and Kai while the other 2 are still active
-Reita is attracted door ENGLISH CONVERSATION [talk loudly in English when you're in Japan]
-Reita is the type that would cry when he sees others cry
-Reita loves hamburgers, MC Donalds and KFC
-if Reita is not a bassist, he would have become a 'noseless' POLITICIAN
-"I won't quit until I hold the person I love close while the cigarette smoke wreathes us." [said door Aoi]

[that is the updates I have for now. I will update when I have meer soon!]
posted by Sasunaru120
Stealing never ends sadness, if u have a conscience.
Here it goes away, Along with your heart.

In any form ask that tommorrow returns.
Shake off the feeling of confusion from believing
lies, even the ambiguous attitude habors puffy eyes*

Stealing never ends sadness, if u have a conscience.
Here it goes away, Along with your heart.

I have no words to fill the immensity of the distance.
I also knew it would in due time dissappear.

Every dag u zei "I can't help but remember..."
u became interpreted without anymore to say.

In no time I began to shed tears. No longer.
And 'here' u will not forget the hart-, hart goes without saying

u are crying out. thus you'll fail twice tomorrow.
The real u is not touched again.this is the last time.

Stealing never ends sadness, if u have a conscience.
Here it goes away, Along with your heart.

Even in dreams you're alone, u saw passing door the sky...
...when u no longer one will care.
posted by irinaguzun
Real name: Takashima Kouyou (高島 宏陽)
Birthday: June 9th, 1981
Birthplace: Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan
Blood Type: O
Height: 177cm (69.7 in)
Weight: 61.8kg (136 lbs)
Shoe size: 27.5
Ring size: 19
Colors: purple, grey
Hobbies: billiard, pachinko, bowling, soccer
Equipment: guitars - ESP customs and currently has 2 signature models(“POTBELLY” and U-01”HELLION”.), Alvarez-Yairi custom acoustic guitar. amp - Mesa Boogie Dual Rectifier, Fender Twin Reverb. effects - tg electronics G-system, Digitech Whammy.
Favorite Dorama: Furikaereba Yatsu ga Iru
Favorite Food: Mentai Korokke Bento
Disliked Food:...
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posted by irinaguzun
Real Name: Uke Yutaka (受 毛豊)
Blood Type: B
Birth date: October 28, 1981
Hobby: Soccer, Cooking, Collecting Zippos
Piercing count: 2 (left ear)
Foot size: 25 ~ 27
Ring size: 19 ~ 21
Height: 172 cm
Tobacco: Marlboro Red
Cologne: Jaguar, Sculpture, Bvlgari for men
Disliked food: Potato, Eggplant
Favourite drink: “Not ringo sap (laugh) - appel, apple juice”
Favourite brand: custom culture, Just in Davis, TENDERLOIN, Starring gear*
My boom: custom culture
Place of birth: “New Jersey would be nice!” He’s actually born in Tokushima
Collection: Zippo, clothes from custom culture
Liked type: A motherly...
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posted by makiruki
Now, I shall write about Aoi.

Aoi (Shiroyama Yuu)
Born on 20th of January at Mie Prefecture
Blood type A, 172 cm tall. His hobby is to stel samen and practice his guitars. He's the most hardworking member of the band. His favoriete perfumes are BVLGARI, Vivienne Westwood, Dolce and Gabama and Armani.
His favoriete type of girl is good at cooking and the one he hates is the one that gets angry easily. He loves to eat and doesn't hate any food. The food that he loves the most is rijst dumpling. Loves it too much that he made a song out of it. It was zei that he played gitaar because of his brother. He has his parents, and older sister and an older brother.
He loves strawberries too, unlike Ruki. His ambition is to become a bike rider. He used to work in a convenience store and in a wedding hall. His favoriete subject is home pagina Economics and he really hates homework..! The oldest member of the band.

That's all to write about Aoi
A young crowd waited patiently for the GazettE on the night of March 10th at Zepp Tokyo for the opportunity to celebrate live with the band their 9th anniversary. Both male and female fans trying to copy their idols displayed a wide range of hair colors from bright pink/red, to yellow and white gray. The tour t-shirts and towels were another common feature amongst the crowd. On stage the band’s logo was displayed, illuminated door dark red lights. Outside the night was cold but ZEPP was packed with no empty zitplaats, stoel in the house. The fans were on brand anticipating what the GazettE had in store...
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The GazettE's Staff People: "The GazettE is unharmed. Ladies and gentlemen, take care of yourselves."

Aoi: "[How to get anything else on the light without the brand to warm the Guide and how to do things without using the fire] ..."

Aoi: "Let others think what to do before I bite a matter of candles. Even though the brand for so closely with the earthquake [a] should be fine from there just like me. The affected areas would find it close to what the gas pipe yet. Gas can not stop even when I'm trapped in piping consider. It might be that this situation is harder. Please."

Aoi: "Okay. No flashlight...
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posted by makiruki
So, now.. I would like to write about Uruha.

Uruha (Takashima Kouyou)
Born on the 9th of June at Kanagawa Prefecture
177 cm tall. The tallest among all.
He has a sister and his parents.
In the band, he's usually referred as 'brother'. His blood type is O. He loves to play billiard, gameboy and pachinko. His ambition was to be a soccer player. He hates olives and blue cheese. He's good at cooking taco rice. His favoriete perfumes are Gucci rushes and BVLGARI. His favoriete season is spring because it's warm.
Before, he used to work at a vegetable koop of maybe a bloem shop. The promise that he, Ruki and Reita made is that; If The GazettE ought to fall apart, it would be their very last band and they would live normally. No longer known.)
He would be the last person to wake up every morning. He would see a person from the inside before he judges them. Alcohol is the only thing that makes him energetic. He would steal the other member's bed...

That's all about him...
Reita: the GazettE was 1 jaar old and our trommelaar, drummer quit. Ruki was pushing us to accept Kai as the new drummer. Eventually I joined a session band live with Kai @ Uwasa narcis, narcissus livehouse. But our first greeting was not rocking at all! I only zei "Good Morning" to him...
Kai: Eh? u zei that when we met at the livehouse entrance?
Reita: Yeah yeah...
Kai: I didn't think I zei anything. Ruki did the introductions. He was like "This is our bassist". And I went "Ah- Hey"
Reita: Noo- u dint say anything. If u did, then I didn't hear u lol. I was worried! We want to make this guy...
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posted by Sasunaru120
-So, blonde,-man, behind the ice-cream fridge, smiled at you,-What kind of flavour do you want? -Peach, please,-you smiled him back. It's nice, when everyone is smiling at you. You are happy. You just dumped your freak boyfriens, 'cuz he tried to rape you at your friends party. Ofcourse, you're a bit sad, 'cuz it ended up like that, so you went out and came at ice-cream caffee. You took your ice-cream and put change into your pocket. You looked around, looking for a free seat. Lucky you, there was one table left. You walked there and sat down. So, you started to eat your ice-cream when...
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Ruki: On the opening dag of out Stacked Rubbish tour, Kai brought his handphone on the stage with him! And he didn't even set it to silent mode!
Kai: Yeah... I left it near the menger, mixer too, close to the mic...
Ruki: But thank god it didn't ring, of else during the MC of whatnot, the mic would've picked up his Kobukuro ringtone lol. But it finally happend when we were promoting the album. It was on a radio toon and his phone rang. We all heard his Kobukuro ringtone...We had a live radio toon before that and Kai had his phone in his pocket the whole time, not in silent mode. What the hell man! Not funny!
--I think u could just laugh it off if it happend during radio shows, but if Kai's phone rang during a ballad song on stage..
Ruki: Oh man! If Kai's phone rang on stage during a ballad song then we'd see a gitaar fly right at him lol
posted by makiruki
Now, Reita's turn...

Reita (Suzuki Akira)
Born on the 27th of May at Kanagawa Prefecture.
I never saw anything about his father in his profile. I only says that he has 2 sisters and mother. Maybe his father and mother... well, u know...
Blood type A. He's 172 cm tall. Loves to watch films especially the thing called porn. favoriete drink is Lifeguard. favoriete movie is Face Off and his favoriete manga is Initial D. He likes a girl that is feminine and matured and he hates a girl that swears a lot.
His ambition before is to become a soccer player. He met Uruha and Kai in the school's soccer team...
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posted by Sasunaru120
He’s my idol. my inspiration. He’s like a big brother for me. Someone, i can trust. I’m so thankful for him. (big thanks to his parents who have made him! xD) well, there was a not-soo-good time in my life, i was depressed and sad for a long time. But then, i started listening to The GazettE, i knew them at this time already, but i wasn’t that interested before, cuz i just was too young, i think. Well, i changed, and i became a big Gazetto fan 2009.

I’m fascinated door his lyrics. god, they’re really brillant! For example, these emotions in Taion, bath room, saraba, pledge..(and more…)Just...
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posted by makiruki
Now, I shall write about Kai...

Kai (Uke Yutaka)
Born on the 28th of October at Tokushima
The only child and with his parents. Blood type B. He loves cooking and as tall as Aoi and Reita. He always wanted attention from Uruha the most. Barely talks with Ruki. It doesn't mean that they didn't get along.
Loves to play soccer too and collect zippos. His favoriete brand is custom culture. favoriete drink is appel, apple juice. Type of girl he likes is a friendly one and the one he dislikes is the one that used to hide behind other's back. He likes cabbage and mayonnaise. He hates taro-root and eggplant. His...
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