The Man in the Iron Mask Jeremy Irons :)

vampireluv09 posted on Aug 08, 2010 at 07:01PM
am i the only one who thinks jeremy irons has a gorgeous voice?
he was brilliant as aramis and he made the film for me to be honest.
in my opinion, after reading the books he waas a perfect adaptation for this film in my eyes
i love him!! xxxx please give me your opinions!

The Man in the Iron Mask 2 antwoorden

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een jaar geleden voz said…
Yes, you are the only one. I think his voice is just the best.
I've found this site just a few days ago and it's a pity that we are just two people in this forum. I'm from Argentina and I'm making great efforts for writing in English but anyway I'm happy I've found a site about my favourite actor.
een jaar geleden prancygrainger said…
I like it but leo is just fantastic in this film the way he portrays two characters with two very different personalitys is fantastic