Christine and Erik, open up your mind!
The Story
While the story is exactly like the stage version, some songs were revise for logical reasons. A couple of them were shortened to avoid repetition, the ending with the elderly Raoul was added that is not feature in the stage version.
Music of the Night
As mentioned, many familiar songs are feature and are shortened. Originally, the Phantom (Erik in the original novel) has a new song which was written specially for this film. But it was omitted due to time constrain, it is feature on the Special Edition DVD.
The Characters
While watching this film, I keep thinking that this film is like Disney's Beauty and the Beast, with the exception of the ending which both the antagonist and protagonist did not die.
In All Your Fantasies
So, these are my thoughts on the film and enjoy it.

Stranger Than You Dream It.


Illustration from Kay novel. He certainly looks depressed.