The Runaways Movie Club
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added by JennyRocker197
Source: Tumblr
added by october_song
added by JennyRocker197
Source: fuckyeahqueensofnoise.tumbr
added by JennyRocker197
added by orppersephone
added by joan_vrX
added by alessiamonari
Cherie Currie: I just wanna spend time with my family.
Joan Jett: Your family? Are we not your fucked up family now?

Kim Fowley: Jail-fucking-bait! Jack-fucking-pot!

Marie Currie: u took Mom's black heels?
Cherie Currie: Like she's ever worn anything twice? Anyway, u should be meer worried about her finding out about how old your skanky boyfriend is.
Marie Currie: I'm sorry. Does your boyfriend have a car? I'm sorry, do u even have a boyfriend?

Cherie Currie: Hey, Derek, did Marie tell u she's not wearing any underwear?

Tammy: My brother says guys don't like girls who are tough. He...
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added by Andressa_Weld
added by alessiamonari
added by alessiamonari
added by alessiamonari
posted by JennyRocker197
Kristen Stewart(Joan Jett)-I thought she was amazing on her charater she got the feelings correct and how Joan did what she did and her voice sounded almost identical, the only thing that I didn't like was how she didn't resemble Joan Jett at all; all she had was the hair but I thought she was great.

Dakota Fanning(Cherie Currie)-I had a hard time adjusting to her playing this role because I'm used to her playing in sweet little kid roles and seeing her as Cherie Currie I didn't really get it, but I did like the way she sang and how she tried to act badass and this movie showed me how much she...
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added by alessiamonari
K-Stew as Joan Fanvid.
the runaways
kristen stewart
joan jett