The Wiz
The Wiz Wall
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Contagiously spirited and beautiful. Unlike anything else. I have made this movie a part of kids heritage and upbringing. Hopefully, they will never forget it because it gives many important messages to them.
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I bought this movie from a yardsale last weekend and watched it for the first time and i loved it!!!
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Scarecrow: Success, fame, and fortune, they're all illusions. All there is that is real is the friendship that two can share.
Dorothy: That's beautiful! Who zei that?
Scarecrow: I did.
my favoriete part in the movie! :') i love Scarecrow <3 geplaatst een jaar geleden
Dorothy: That's beautiful! Who zei that?
Scarecrow: I did.
my favoriete part in the movie! :') i love Scarecrow <3 geplaatst een jaar geleden

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I was Auntie Em, a Taxi, and A Munchkin in a aversion of it
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awww i was just look at this the dag befor the other dag
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even though the Scarecrow doesnt have a brain he is the smartest one in the movie :) and he's so freaking adorable ♥♥♥
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Does anyone else think its kind of scary that I had 2 look up the meaning of "adventitious". Some one with no brain uses bigger words than me!!!! ( MJ in real life has plenty of brains!)
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