Tomboy Club
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added by TommyBoyd
Source: movie studio publicity
added by TommyBoyd
Source: movie studio publicity
added by LucyxTado
added by LucyxTado
added by TommyBoyd
Source: movie studio publicity
added by TommyBoyd
Source: movie studio publicity
added by TommyBoyd
Source: movie studio publicity
added by jillian12
Source: me
posted by cool55225cool
Wich do u like better tomboys of girly girls? I like tomboys better than girly girls here is why.

1. toboys aer mare cool than most girly girls.(I say most becouse not all girly girls aer uncool)

2. tomboys don't speend 3 hours geting reddy in the morning.

3. tomboys like playing veido games of playing sports. girly girls gets set around on but texting and painting thar niles.

4. gily girls have a stuped high pitched voice tomboys have a lower pitched voice. (I have a lower voice than most boy's at my school.)

5. girly girls tolk with words like (OMG,LOL,TTYL,411,) like thar on a phone. tomboys...
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