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posted by cici1264
The Basics—

* Name: Seth Clearwater
* datum of Birth: 1992
* Place of Birth: La Push, Washington
* Current Residence: La Push, Washington
* Status: Werewolf/Shape Shifter
* datum of Transformation: 2006

Physical Appearance—

* Hair Color: Unknown
* Eye Color: Unknown
* Height: Unknown
* Other: Bella describes him as having a "huge, happy grin" and as "gangly” with long arms (Breaking Dawn, pg. 66). He reminds her of a younger Jacob. As a werewolf he is also gangly and has sand-colored fur.


* Family: Harry, father (deceased); Sue, mother; Leah, sister; Emily Young, second...
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posted by cici1264
The Basics—

* Name: Sam Uley
* Place of Birth: La Push
* Current Residence: La Push
* Status: Werewolf
* datum of Transformation: Before New Moon

Physical Appearance—

* Hair Color: Black (New Moon, pg. 242)
* Eye Color: Black (New Moon, pg. 76)


* Family: Father -- Levi Uley (New Moon, pg. 346)
* Friends: The wolf pack
* Significant Other: Emily Young
* Occupation: Alpha Male in the Werewolf pack


* Description: Sam possesses a strong sense of responsibility to the Quileute Indians, and even turned down a college education to lead the wolves (New...
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The Basics-

* Name: Nahuel
* datum of Birth: 1850s (Breaking Dawn, pg. 736)
* Place of Birth: Chile
* Current Residence: Chile
* Status: Human-vampire hybrid

Physical Appearance-

* Hair Color: Black
* Eye Color: "Warm teak" (Breaking Dawn, pg. 733)


* Family: Huilen (aunt), Pire (mother), Joham (father), 2 human-vampire hybrid half-sisters
* Significant Other: None


* Special Abilities/Talents: None
* Description: Nahuel is Huilen's nephew and another human-vampire hybrid. He is "a young man...not quite as fast nor fluid in his run [as the vampires]....
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added by xRansomArtx
Source: xRansomArtx
added by edwardlover2654
Source: 2
added by xRansomArtx
Source: xRansomArtx
added by xRansomArtx
Source: xRansomArtx
added by xRansomArtx
Source: xRansomArtX
added by xRansomArtx
Source: xRansomArtX
added by Shelly_McShelly
added by jaymes16
posted by cici1264
The Basics—

* Name: Quil Ateara
* Place of Birth: La Push Reservation
* Current Residence: La Push Reservation
* Status: Quileute Werewolf

Physical Appearance—

* Hair Color: Black and "so short it was almost a buzz cut" (New Moon, pg. 138).


* Family: Old Quil Ateara (grandfather,) Jacob Black (second cousin) (New Moon, pg. 346).
* Significant Other: Claire (imprint)
* Friends: Jacob Black, Embry, and the rest of the werewolves
* Occupation: Werewolf


* Hobbies: Building cars
* Description: Bella describes Quil as shorter than Embry and "more...
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added by iemand
added by __april_rose__
I really liked this, I forgot a little on how they became Vampire's but this reminded me! ;)