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posted by twilightfan03
I'm laying in bed,looking at the clock every seconde seems like a pulse of thirst scratching my throat the pain it seems like forever I thought. "Bella are u ok?"Edward asked worried. "Yea i'm fine never better."I zei trying to sound enthusiastic.Then with one flash my eyes turned bright red with firey in it.It was at night.As i lauch for renessmee edward block the way and i hit the uithangbord i went through the uithangbord and i finally stoped.The rest of the cullens appeared in seconden then i heard renessmee crying then my eyes turned goud again."Alice saw that this would happend in a matter of seconds...
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posted by twilightfan03
Seth was with jacob when they busted through the kidnapper's door.I was super glad that i was finally getting rescue door a vampire and a were wolf."Are u ok bells?" jacob asked.yyyea i tried to speak but my leg hurt to much to do anything i couldn't even screamed.I know u think this story is real but alast it is not Reality right now is me telling Renessmee this story i made up as i go along."Momma are u going to leave me when i grow up?"Nessie ask.Ugh even i'm saying nessie now i thought."Never my sweet heart."I said.Edward walked into the room as i finish my sentence."Bella,love its...
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