Unbelievable Club
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posted by astroasis
Let's face it: This spot is really fun to add/do pop kwis vragen in. It's fun to learn neat new facts and it's fun to surprise others with some new facts. But there are two problems that can make an otherwise awesome pop kwis into a dud!

Problem 1: Facts That... Aren't!

A lot of facts AREN'T actually a fact - especially on the internet! A lot of "strange facts" sites are FILLED with inaccurate of downright FALSE statements that are just commonly believed to be true. That doesn't make them actually true! Remember, anyone can say anything is "true" on the internet - but that doesn't make it...
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GIrls only (or gay guys..) yea both So u have to read this now....haha for girls eyes only here all girls! hallo girls! IF YOU'RE A BOY, LEAVE THIS GIRL TALK: Did u know kissing is healthy. It's good to cry. Chicken soep actually makes u feel better. 94% of boys would love it if u sent them flowers. Lying is actually unhealthy. Only apply mascara to your top, boven lashes. It's actually true, boys DO insult u when they like you! 89% of guys want u to make the 1st move. Ya but 99.99% of girls want guys to make the first move. Chocolate will make u feel better! Most boys think it's cute...
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