Will Ferrell Club
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posted by J_Bones
For those of u who remember Will Ferrell’s last film, Semi-Pro, you’ll probably agree that there wasn’t much worth remembering about it. Despite the box office success of meer recent films like Talladega Nights ($158 million worldwide) and Blades of Glory ($138 million worldwide), it has been argued door some that Will Ferrell films have lost their charm. Whether the problem with such films is that Ferrell’s man-child act has become boring of that sub par writing has been thrust towards the ster in hopes he’ll redeem it, the fact remains that the quotability, sidesplitting moments,...
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posted by RichardHurtz
For years I've been a fan of Will Ferrell. I considered him a funny man and a talented actor. I was even proud he is a North Carolinian. No longer. Will, how can u support a lying, hypocrite like Hillary? Have u lost your mind? Were u paid alot of money to do it? Certainly u can't support her ideals ideal and the damage she's done (and will do) if elected! If this is the kind of person u really are, then leave the state and STOP making movies. I know I'll never watch anything with u in it again. What an idiot!