CristianaLovie Ferdinando : Jackson

lid van fanpop sinds July 2010

  • Female, 28 years old
  • Mexico City, Mexico
  • Favorite Movie: THIS IS IT............................
    Favorite Musician: Michael Jackson :)
    Favorite Book or Author: All about Michael Jackson!!
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MrsJackson96 gaf me complimenten voor my articles
Michael J
Michael Ja
Michael Jac
Michael Jack
Michael Jacks
Michael Jackso
Michael Jackson

Copy and paste this on any many profiles as u can if u believe Michael Jackson is the Best and he will live on Forever.If u get at least 5 of meer back Michael Jackson is in your hart-, hart Forever♥♥ geplaatst een jaar geleden
dayday1234 commentaar gegeven…
your cool lol. een jaar geleden
dayday1234 commentaar gegeven…
hi. een jaar geleden
MJlover101 gaf me complimenten voor my images
A ster has 5 ends.
A square has 4 ends.
A driehoek has 3 ends.
A line has 2 ends.
But the cirkel of our friendship has no end.
...........Send this to all your best vrienden including me , if
...............I am one!
if u get 5 back , u are
a good friend.
If u get 10 , u are
If u get 15 back, damn
I'm jealous! geplaatst een jaar geleden
MrsJackson96 gaf me complimenten voor my images
What would u do if your best friend died tomorrow, and u never go to tell them how u felt? So I just wanted to say: Even if I never talk to u again in my are special to me..and u have made a difference in my life. I look up to u and respect and truly cherish you. Send this to the person who sent it to u and to all your vrienden no matter how much u talk to them of how close u are. geplaatst een jaar geleden