Elizabeth Rachel Anne Rayborn

lid van fanpop sinds April 2008

  • Sydney, NSW
  • Favorite TV Show: NCIS: LA, Bitten, Nikita, Timeless, Legend of the Seeker, Intelligence, White Collar, OUAT, Castle, Forever
    Favorite Movie: One Starry Christmas, Timeline, veilig Haven, The Abduction Club, Ice Castles (2010), Penelope, It's Christmas, Eve
    Favorite Musician: Colbie Caillat, Taylor Swift, jasmijn Thompson, The Andrews Sisters, NeedToBreathe, Sarah Bareilles, Christina Bianco, Alana Conway
    Favorite Book or Author: The Bible, L.M. Montgomery, Louisa May Alcott, Shakespeare, Melissa Tagg, Becky Wade, Diaries, Gilbert Morris, Julie Klassen, Lisa T. Bergren
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Dedicated Fan in 18 clubs Dedicated (18) Die-Hard Fan in 7 clubs Die-Hard (7)

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iva098 gaf me complimenten voor my comments
Hi! Thanks for adding me back!
Can u please kom bij clubs I made?
PLEASE JOIN! =) geplaatst een jaar geleden
big smile
Teamjacob27 gaf me complimenten voor my images
Thanks for the add back!! xxx geplaatst een jaar geleden
big smile
revea123 gaf me complimenten voor my videos
hiya how ya been miss talking srry i dident come the other dag i had to go some where with my grandparents

*love revea* hopw ur not mad @ me geplaatst een jaar geleden