James Mc Tigue

lid van fanpop sinds July 2009

  • Male, 30 years old
  • Mayo, Ireland
  • Favorite TV Show: American Dad, Breaking Bad, Supernatural,prison break,top gear,Dexter,scrubs,The Simpsons,Family Guy, The Walking Dead, Formula 1......
    Favorite Movie: Senna, All harry potter,Terminator movies,Batman trilogy, Rush, world war Z, the avengers, x men movies, All American Pie movies, Public Enemies..
    Favorite Musician: The Killers,My Chemical Romance,Eminem,Take That,Kings Of Leon,Kaiser Cheifs,Queen,The Script,Lordi 50 cent....
    Favorite Book or Author: All harry potter, the hobbit, the hunger games books,All the spooks books....
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Dedicated Fan in 9 clubs Dedicated (9) Die-Hard Fan in 8 clubs Die-Hard (8) Fanatic in 1 club Fanatic (1) Super Fan in 1 club Super (1)

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icoon ♥ geplaatst een jaar geleden
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Any chance I could get u to vote and maybe leave a commentaar in this Disney enquête I made here:


I'm trying to get this enquête to the top, boven Spot in my Club and your vote could really help a lot :) I'd really appreciate it as every little vote counts :) geplaatst een jaar geleden