Katie Murphy

lid van fanpop sinds February 2007

  • Female, 34 years old
  • Sacramento, California
  • Favorite TV Show: The Office, Lost, Flight of the Conchords
    Favorite Movie: Clerks, The Producers (1968), any musical
    Favorite Musician: Barenaked Ladies, Ben Folds, showtunes
    Favorite Book or Author: Wicked, Augusten Burroughs, Shoeless Joe
mozaiek lijst

Mijn Clubs

Dedicated Fan in 13 clubs Dedicated (13) Die-Hard Fan in 20 clubs Die-Hard (20) Fanatic in 8 clubs Fanatic (8)

mijn muur

trixieKitten gaf me complimenten voor my images
nice ben profiel pic :) geplaatst een jaar geleden
GospelRapper zei …
Hello, how are you? I am a Gospel Rapper & I'm trying to reach a lot of ppl with my music. When u have time can u ✓ out my song, & plz support me if u like my muziek thanks may God Bless you..

link geplaatst een jaar geleden
snowwhitesilver gaf me complimenten voor my videos
Thank u for the Margaret Downey video! It's a relief to know that there are ppl like her out there, with organizations of support. I also loooooove your quote! geplaatst een jaar geleden