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lyka2014 zei over Jonathan Knight
I am sooooo Happy when the NKOTB came back.Jonothan Knight I am thrilled u are back,I dearly love you. geplaatst een jaar geleden
lyka2014 zei over Donnie Wahlberg
Donnie I have loved u sense u were just a teen in the group New Kids On The Block and I still love you.I am a 42 jaar old female.I love u on Blue Blood's.I am so thrilled u came out with a new album.I love it.Thanks for coming back with NKOTB,and thanks for being on Blue Blood's.Good Job. geplaatst een jaar geleden
lyka2014 zei over David Hasselhoff
I have loved David Hasselhoff sense Knight Rider.And I still Love him.I Love the man,the person.I Love home pagina in Knight Rider and Baywatch and I Love his Music.He is a very sexy guy. geplaatst een jaar geleden
lyka2014 zei over Dale Midkiff
I Love Dale Midkiff in the movie Elvis and me.I keep watching it. This is where I feel in Love with Dale, i was already a fan of Elvis. geplaatst een jaar geleden
lyka2014 zei over Dale Midkiff
Dale Midkiff. is the most sexy man alive. geplaatst een jaar geleden