Alpha and Omega Club
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It was a dark and stormy night in Jasper National Park, and Humphrey, Kate, and Eve were all hastily running away from Jasper National Park. They all carried nervous expressions. Humphrey was running alongside with Kate and was holding Runt while running, Kate was holding Claudette while running, and Eve, running alongside with her beloved mate of Winston, was holding Stinky while running. The whole pack ran and ran and ran. But they weren't the only pack running away. The Eastern Pack and the king pack were running away as well, each carrying their own pups. And all of the packs were heading for the same exact direction, to Idaho. Idaho didn't have the storm, and they ran and ran, hoping a human would tranquilize them all. After all, if they were to get to Idaho, that would be an awfully long run. And, door the time they'd all get to Idaho anyways, the storm would've already passed door then. So then they'd have to run all the way back home, and another storm may as well happen again. Thankfully, 4 humans holding tranquilizer guns filled with tranquilizing ammo saw them all and were ready to tranquilize all packs and bring them to not Idaho, but to some other place. They aimed at Humphrey, Kate, Eve, and Winston first. Then at all but accidentally one of the running pups that escaped the mouths of the tranquilized wolves---but they still managed to tranquilize Runt and Stinky. Then soon, they had put all of the tranquilized wolves in their own separate crates and started driving their truck all the way to California. "Huh?" Claudette zei and turned her head over to the truck "Oh no! Wait! Wait up for me, guys! Wait I said! Waaaait!" But the truck had already driven away, leaving a smoke wolk in Claudette's little face, which made her cough. door the time Claudette finished coughing and opened her eyes, the truck wasn't even visible from where she was standing anymore. Claudette just sat down, looked at the ground, and sighed.

Once they arrived to California, they set all of the wolves free, then drove off, leaving all of the 3 packs behind. Then, each pack hastily did a pup check---Claudette...oh no, Claudette! She's gone! She really is gone! This worried the Western Pack greatly. But as for the other pups, Runt was there and Stinky was there.The 4 humans with tranquilizing guns had forgotten to tranquilize Claudette in the Western Pack! Claudette was still stuck in stormy Jasper National Park all the way back up in Canada. She had unfortunately hidden from the humans since she thought they had lethal guns and would shoot her dead if she didn't hide from them. That's what the other wolves thought as well---but they weren't hasty enough to hide. Except Claudette, that is.

Back in Jasper National Park, the thunder was roaring loudly, threatening to electrocute somebody to their death. Claudette still ran for her life, risking her own life for the lone wolves, hidden in the shadows of the dark night with zero moonlight but with a blood red crescent moon. Thunder struck the ground once again---but this time, right behind Claudette. Claudette jumped and turned her head to the back of her and saw the thunder as it struck the ground. Claudette screamed, turned her head back to the front of her and kept on hastily running for her life. volgende thing she knew---she ran straight into a boom hard and head-first and fainted. She woke up from her faint, only to find that a local lone wolf, of loner, had taken her into his temporary rocky hol, den he was sleeping in for the night, risking his life for the 10-day deadly thunderstorm. The loner was perfectly camouflaged within the dark shadows of the night. But eventually, little Claudette could make out what he looked like. He was a blackish gray wolf, he---he...wasn't even a loner! Claudette sniffed the air and caught his scent, and finally realized that this is a lead alpha male of the most aggressive pack in Jasper National Park. This lead alpha male with Claudette was King! The 4 humans had forgotten to tranquilize King as well. "Why, hello there, Claudette." King zei then evilly grinned and evilly chuckled at Claudette "Well, well, well, looks like another western weakling had been picked up door old Mr. King. Hehehe." King then licked his lips as if he wanted to kill her and eat her and made yet another evil grin at Claudette. "Western weakling?!" Claudette exclaimed "Are u kidding me?! I'll have u know that I'm no weakling, but I am in fact part of the western pack! I'm even a future al-" "Hey, hey, hey. Chill out already, Claudette." King zei calmly to Claudette "All western pack wolves are weaklings---period. And that, my dearest nemesis, is a true fact." "No it's not!" Claudette exclaimed "Besides, I'm a future lead alpha pup of the western pack! I'm not weak like the future omega pups of the western pack!" "Oh my then..." King zei "...I just thought u were a future omega pup. I was about to force u to stay here with me since I thought u were a true weakling much meer weaker than the future alpha and beta pups and the adults of your pack but oh well, I'll just let u go instead. Go on, run free. But just remember that since you're apart of that worthless and weak pack---you're still very weak." "Yeah, yeah, yeah, whatever." Claudette zei to King "And thanks for letting me run free. Buh-bye, King!" Claudette then ran off back into the dark and stormy night of Jasper National Park. "Wait! Claudette!" King exclaimed "Don't go! I just remembered that you're going to die out there all alone door yourself!" But it was too late---Claudette had already disappeared behind the bushes. King sighs. "It's hopeless." King zei to himself "She'll just die, all alone door herself. She's hopeless. Her whole life's hopeless. Little western weakling future lead alpha pup..."

Back in California, both the western pack and the king pack were freaking out. The western pack had lost one of their pups, their future lead alpha pup---Claudette. While the king pack had lost their own lead alpha male of the pack---King. "Hey, guys! Guys and girls of the King Pack!" Princess exclaimed so she could get the pack's full attention. It worked, too. "I'm still the lead alpha female of this pack. I can lead ya, ya know!" "Ohhh, that's right..." An omega of the King Pack zei "...I guess we just kinda forgot that u were still here, Princess. Please, lead us all the way to empty claimable territory and claim it before the western weaklings and the eastern egos." Princess looked at the western and eastern pack and evilly grinned at both. "Will do." Princess evilly chuckled "Will do." "Hey!" Tony exclaimed "We over here aren't eastern egos! meer like you're the egos! Selfish little wolves! King killers! Yeah, that's who u are!" Princess turned over to Tony, looked at him aggressively, and growled loudly. "You didn't kill King," Tony zei "but u kill us!" The pups of the eastern pack started exclaiming to the King Pack in cute little pup voices "King killers! King killers! King killers! Evil! King killers! King-" "Shut up already u annoying little eastern ego pups!" Princess growled at the pups, then the pups immediately went silent and crawled backwards behind random eastern pack adults' legs while looking at Princess. "Eviw..." One little Eastern Pack pup said, who just began to speak his first few words the other dag "Ywou iws nwo gwood. Eviw Pwin-...ehhh...Pwincess." Princess made a low growl at the little young eastern pack pup, then the pup jumped back, yelped, fell to the ground, and toegevoegd to Princess while looking at her. Princess only chuckled, then, when the wolves weren't looking, then looked back, her and her pack had disappeared together. The 2 packs caught the recent scent in the air of her and her pack and followed the invisible scent trail. The little pup who toegevoegd to Princess obediently and cutely followed along with his proper pack and even made several stumbles along the way due to his stubby pup legs, so eventually, Lilly carried the stumbling little eastern pack pup the rest of the way.

Back in Jasper National Park, Claudette had gegeven up. No, wait---what's this? Claudette hadn't gegeven up---she got struck door the roaring thunder in both of her back legs. She lay there, struggling to get up. Eventually, Claudette gets up, takes a few steps, and stumbles over. Then, it all ended for Claudette when the thunder struck exactly where her hart-, hart was. Claudette had an immediate and hasty death to due electrocution. Now, Claudette's carcass lies there---still and lifeless in Jasper National Park.

In California, it turns out that the King Pack had found an empty claimable territory before the Western and Eastern Pack did and claimed it all for themselves. "Ha! What are u western weaklings and eastern egos possibly gonna do about it? Whimper over it? Ha!" Princess said. "For the last time already, Princess, u and your pack are the egos! Not the eastern pack!" Tony exclaimed "King killers, you!" Princess got enraged. She even bristled her vacht, bont over this. Not to mention growling so loudly it almost sounded like she was roaring like a lion. All just over this. Over those words that Tony exclaims to her. "I'M GOING TO KILL YOU, OLD MAN TONYYYY!!!!" Princess exclaimed, then actually did roar. In fact, Princess roared so loudly that she caused a rock avalanche from all of the Californian mountains surrounding her just-claimed territory. Princess then had a wide-eyed look on her face. No, not a sad one, but meer like a shocked one. Like Kate had when Eve zei to rip Garth's legs off of something and shove it down his throat for the Moonlight Howl if he does anything bad to her. Everybody had that look on their faces. "RUUUUN!!!" Winston exclaimed "IT'S A ROCK AVALANCHE! EVERYBODY JUST GO! RUUUUNN!!!" Immediately, everybody, including Winston but excluding Princess, screamed and ran away. Princess just kinda stood door her spot, frozen both in her shocked facial expression and in just her whole body. As a result, Princess got ran over door one of the giant rocks that came from the surrounding mountains. She had died. Now the rest of the king pack truly had no leader to lead them. Sure, they could let one of two of their betas take charge, maybe even one of two of their own omegas. But they weren't worrying about that right now, they just wanted to get out of the area. Once they were out, all were safe---except Princess, that is. Now the king pack started freaking out once again. "What should we do?!" Nars exclaimed. "I don't know, father!" Fleet said. "I honestly don't know!" "Hey, Nars!" An omega from the king pack said. "What is it, omega wolf?" Nars asked. "Maybe u should just lead the rest of the way." The omega from the king pack answered "After all, u did a pretty good job on training the pups and all for the Great wolf games, ya know..." "It may be true that I did a good job on training the pups for the Great wolf games and all, but---" Nars zei "but...alright, I'll become the lead alpha of the King Pack..." The King pack cheered. The Western Pack didn't have much to say of think about, other than worrying about the status of Claudette. "Is she even ok?" Kate asked Humphrey with a worried expression on her face. "Hopefully she is, Kate..." Humphrey answered "...hopefully..."

Now, let's fast-forward to 10 meer days from now. The storm has passed in Jasper National Park, and what was once Claudette's carcass was now just Claudette's skeleton. The meat was eaten door vultures, ravens, and of course---tiny little flies. The Western, Eastern, and King Pack had gotten tranquilized in California (as they had all planned to get tranquilized there door humans again) and thankfully got back safely to Jasper National Park. They were released back, and everybody's happy to be back home.

Nars from the King Pack immediately spotted something on the gras once all of the 3 packs had returned back from California. It was blood. Nars sniffed the blood and found out it was wolf blood. But not just any wolf blood---it was King's blood. And there was a trail of it, probably leading to where King was located in Jasper National Park. "Ummm, guys..." Nars zei to the king pack "...come here. u got to see and sniff this." Of course, the King Pack obediently came over to Nars and sniffed the blood. "King!" A beta of the King Pack zei "This smells of King's blood! This is the blood of our past leader of King!" "Let's follow the trail, king pack!" Nars said, then followed the trail all the way to bloody King. The other 2 packs followed the king pack as well out of curiosity. King wasn't dead---he was alive. Just really bloody. "Leader!" Nars exclaimed "Dearest leader King, you're alive after all! Now that's a surprise alright!" But King just continued to lie there on the ground. He let out a groan, but that's about it. "D-Dearest leader?" Nars asked, then noticed the bloody hunter's arrow located on King's back left leg "Oh no! Our dearest leader of the king pack, King, is greatly injured! Let's carry him to the den!" So then, Nars and the rest of the king pack started carrying King to the king pack's den, and the Western and Eastern pack both slowly followed the King Pack. Once the packs had arrived at the King Pack's den, Nars and all of the other wolves of the king pack carefully laid him down in the den. The healers of the king pack immediately tried to heal King, and, sure enough, it had worked. King groaned yet again at first trying to get up, but he got up door himself. "King, what happened to you?!" Nars asked King. "Literally a few seconden before u appeared back in Jasper National Park, a bow hunter tried to shoot me with a bow and arrow." King answered Nars "I guess it's bow hunting season then, of he's just a killer poacher. He thankfully didn't kill me, but instead shot me with his bow and arrow in my back left leg. I immediately fell to the ground, injured. But the bow hunter didn't even bother to finish me off with another bow and arrow. He just came over to me, looked at me, then just left me there to probably leave me to die all alone due to blood loss." "Well, at least u didn't die." Nars zei to King "That's an awfully good thing that u didn't die." "Yeah..." King zei "Now can u please somehow remove this arrow from my back left leg? I can't remove it myself since I'm just an old lead alpha here and it's pretty painful." "Oh, sure thing, King." Nars zei and carefully pulled the bloody arrow out of King's back left leg. King screamed from the agony he suffered while Nars was carefully taking out the bloody arrow for him. Once it was out, King, of course, yelped, but then thanked Nars for what he did. "No problem, King." Nars zei to King and grinned "No problem." Then, King just noticed that Princess was missing. "Wait a minute..." King zei "...where's Princess?" "Oh, ummm, well..." Nars zei then looked down at the ground and to the left a bit "She...sadly got killed door a rock avalanche." King was speechless and expressionless. But then he slowly began to mourn. Nars pat old King's back with his right paw. "It's ok, King..." Nars zei "'s ok..."

The Western and Eastern Pack eventually left the King Pack's territory after like an uur of King mourning and after an uur of Nars telling King it's alright and patting King's pack with his right paw.

The Western Pack, of course, went searching for Claudette immediately to Kate worrying about her. "What if Claudette's dead?" Stinky asked Kate. "Let's hope she isn't, Stinky." Kate answered Stinky. A few minuten later, they all stumbled upon a wolf skeleton. Kate was the first wolf to run over to the wolf skeleton and sniff it. Once she did, she began to mourn for as long as King is over the death of Princess. "Kate?" Humphrey asked Kate. "D-Don't t-talk t-to m-me a-and d-don't c-come n-near m-me, H-Humph-phrey-ey!" Kate stuttered as yet another tear rolled down her furry face. Humphrey immediately ran over to the wolf skeleton and sniffed it, then he understood why Kate was crying. He frowned and nodded his head while his eyes were closed. Humphrey sat down then hugged Kate. "There, there, Kate..." Humphrey zei while a tear began to roll down his face, then he sniffled "...i-it'll b-be a-alright...". Now Humphrey and Kate were both crying together. The rest of the Western Pack sniffed the wolf skeleton, frowned, and howled. Hutch patted Claudette's skeleton with his right paw while frowning. "You won't exist on land, but you'll surely exist in our hearts and in our mind, dearest western pack pup Claudette."

While Humphrey and Kate were at Claudette's skeleton mourning, the Eastern Pack had no losses. They got it easy. They had nothing to worry about. But then---"I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE, GARTH!" A familiar voice exclaimed from a distance away from the Eastern Pack "I JUST CAN'T TAKE THE PAIN ANYMORE!" "Lilly, no!" Garth exclaimed "Don't jump, please!" "I MUST GARTH!" Lilly exclaimed "I MUST!" Then, silence. "Lilly!" Garth exclaimed "LILLYYYYYY! NOOOOOO!!! WHYYYY?!!!!" "Just remember this one little thing, Garth." Lilly zei calmly to Garth. "What, Lilly?!" Garth asked. "I'll always love you..." Lilly zei "...even when I'll die...which is now." "Lilly..." Garth whispered to himself as he watched Lilly disappear in the deep canyon's dark shadows "No..." A tear then rolled down Garth's furry face. The other part of the Eastern Pack hastily ran towards where it sounded like Garth's and Lilly's familiar voices were coming from. Once they arrived, they saw Garth sitting down and crying at the canyon. Then, Garth just couldn't take the pain of losing Lilly---he jumped into the canyon as well. The rest of the Eastern Pack just simply watched in shock as Garth jumped down into the deep canyon while exclaiming "L-LI-IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIILLLLLLLLLLLLY-YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!" and while mourning as well. The rest of the Eastern Pack was just shocked and completely frozen like Princess was at the rock avalanche, only though in this case--there wasn't a rock avalanche going on behind them.

Then, the wolves of each different pack woke up to the bright light of the sun. It was morning. It was all just a dream. But what was weird about this realistic-seeming dream was that every wolf had it at the same time on the same day. How could this have happened? How is this even possible?

Each wolf looked at each other. Garth was alive, Lilly was alive, Princess was alive, King wasn't injured, Claudette wasn't dead---nothing of this sort had ever actually happened---only in their minds. So everybody ended up being ok. And with that, the wolves from each pack---the Western, Eastern, and King Pack---continued on with their daily lives. Eating caribou (and the omegas eating some berries from the berry patch as well), feeding the pups, bringing the future alpha and beta pups to Alpha School for the winter, and so on.

But all of the wolves still had one unanswerable vraag stuck in their minds---how was everybody dreaming the same dream even possible?

A couple days had passed since Kate asked if we could make the trip to Jasper to see her family, and now after having a long talk with dad, it was a green light! First priority was to get the Bronco road worthy for the long drive since my Tacoma pickup was still up at the koop getting bodywork done. Also I would have to put in a new stero, the stock Ford AM radio was shot and I could not drive over 3,000 miles without tunes! Namely my AC/DC albums and all the other songs on my iPod.
I pulled the Bronco into the lift baai, bay with Kate riding in the passenger seat. She was in anthro form...
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posted by blaze1213
One night lily was walking alone in the forest,when all of a sudden lily hered something.It was the call from her lost brother silver.Lily zei hello.Silver zei Hello who are you.Lily zei well am your sister lily.He zei oh I remember sorry about that Lily is that I havn't seen you.Lily zei it's alright.Silver zei okay then do u have anything that can find me.Lily zei sadly no I don't have anything.Silver zei it's okay im in Washington so im not that far away.Lily zei I see.Yeah so is Garth around.Lily zei yeah he is.Silver zei may I please talk to him.Lily zei But he's sleeping.Silver...
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(July 5, 2011)
(12:20 P.M.)

The flight to Jasper had two motivating factors behind it; drop off the wolves who had helped me get Scar back, and bury Candu, who had died during the assault on Dr. Calico's base. Trudy had taken the S-76 to drop the people, except Rich and Sweets, off and told me to hold onto the Merlin for a bit. So I loaded everyone up into the helicopter and we flew back to Jasper.
Having never seen a wolf funeral, I have to admit that I was somewhat curious. I desperately wished that I could have been witnessing this under entirely separate circumstances, but it was not to be....
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posted by KateLillyWolfy
Six days later, there was no trace of Kate and Humphrey so Eve and Winston called the police, who came in about 10 minutes. Eve and Winston rushed to there daughters and son in law's house as fast as they could. They were instructed to stay outside. As the chief of police, Hutch walked in the house, he felt a sudden drop in temperature. His hart-, hart was racing, head pounding, and emotions mixing, he could tell something wasn't right. He looked around the house with a flashlight. He finally found the closet Kate and Humphrey hid in. He slowly reached for the door, and then opened it. He found Kate...
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When I first laid eyes on my Sweets, she was a tiny pup, no bigger than Scar's head. I had asked the real Sweets, who, as we all know, is Rich's mate, if I could clone her. Having been expecting a no, I was quite surprised to recieve a yes. I explained to her that I'd need a blood sample, for the cloning process, and that the scientists would create her double in a way that she would reach adult size in eight days, growing only at night under the influence of a heavy sedative. She gave me the okay to draw a small tube of her blood, and I made her a promise. One that I would later break. I promised...
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part1:2 years later! humphrey dies door a inmageary death.after he fougth for his life and suferd for his life and die for his mate kate.but humphrey zei a few words before he died.and this is what ha said.kate kate if u are out there please!take care of the pups for me."And that was the last words that he zei to kate.and she zei to him is.sleep tight my love sleep tight."she cryied and walked away.later in the evning she went and barried her once was husband in the maand later kate once again found a new mate that is a lot like her husband humphrey.and she was happy once again.the end of part1.enjoy the sadness!read meer on and omega/spots/articles
Kate & Humphrey Adventures.
Fall of 2011 Part 4. “Where are u Humphrey?” Part 1of 2.

Note: In the titel instead of the volgende story saying Fall of 2011 Part 5, it will be changed to Fall of 2011 Chapter 5. And then if there are meer then 1 parts in chapter 5 it will be listed like this; Fall of 2011 Chapter 5, Part 1 of 3. And then the subtitle will appear after it. Also I am experimenting with a new way to toon the wolves talking. Enjoy the story!

Caution: Minor swearing and descriptive injuries.

Kate: “Hutch! Grab your team, Humphrey is
in trouble!”

Hutch: “Kate, they went on a...
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(To wolfman02: in this chapter I will see u and be walking to you, our conversation will take place in trip to Hastings part 2 of chapter 8)

the strange visit was something else and all to soon the memory of what i had to do and where i had to go tomorrow loomed; the last dag of summer was hanging over our heads and tomorrow was the last chance for a while where me and Crystal could be alone and relax and so we decided to go to hastings to see my aunt and perhaps experience some romance on the beach.

The dag ended on the low with the worry of the monstrous wolf reaping at out minds and bed...
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~Sunday~ The birds were cherpping peacefully out side the hol, den as kate and Humphrey slept volgende to each other . Suddenly Shakey comes in and say “Humphrey get up! Wanna go log boarding come on man we found this new trail its mad awesome!” “Ugh shut up leave me alone im going on a trip with kate to Hawaii we’re taking the night plane shakey so go fuck off” antwoorden Humphrey then shakey says “Ya forget I asked god dam it your no fun any more” .
~Later~ Humphrey awakes and start packing stuff for kate and him including some extra bones to get them through the week in Hawaii. Humphrey...
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Alpha and Omega - New Adventure C2- C5


A/N: Sorry for the slow updates I've been busy lately, but I hope this chapter is enjoyable.

Two Weeks Later…
Humphrey's POV

Another two weeks have passed and it seems time has been flying door since Kate and I had our pups. They were already 5 weeks old and it seem like Kate gave birth to them only a few days ago. During these past two weeks Kate has been teaching the pups the basics of living, and tonen them a few hunting techniques. door now the pups were old enough to go out whenever the wanted, and had enough stamina for Kate and I to take them on the...
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Life With Sarah

Chapter 1

How We Met

It was the 25th of July, and I was walking to the supermarkt to get some groceries. It was then I caught a glimmer of this beautiful wolf running in the park. I stopped walking and I turned around and couldn’t see anything which I thought was strange. Then I heard this yelp coming from behind a big palm tree. I ran over to the boom and there behind the boom and to my surprise it was the wolf I had seen before, her vacht, bont as roze as a rose and her eyes greener than the leaves. I zei “are u all right”. “No, I think I broke my ankle she zei in a sad...
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~monday~ Humphrey's cellphone rings He awnsers.

Humphrey: hello
Candy: hallo humphrey do u wanna come and see a movie bring kate ~skiping this death its to hard to explain of describe One jaar later~ Humphrey is getting ready for a rap battle.

Humphrey: Oh yeah u think your bad don't loose your cool stay cool don't wanna see u blow chunks into the crowd *Runs to a toilet and pukes* God dam i'm going up against Garth no Barf tonight and he is the champion i might not beat him

Kate: Humphrey the battles about to start lets go

Humphrey: I know god dam teef i'm trying to get ready! walks out...
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posted by Katelover812
Its been about two weeks since Kate, I and Garth got back to Jasper. As I woke up I looked over at Kate as she layed there "Damn am I lucky I have her." I thought to myself. I decided to let her sleep and I went out to check on Garth as he still hasnt got over tony's death yet. But before I could even leave the hol, den Kate scrreamed "HUMPHREY!!!"I quickly responded. "WHAT WHAT WHAT!" I asked.

" I am going into labor, go get dad!" she demanded. I ran as fast as I could go to get Winston. After running around to find Winston I brought him to our hol, den to help. door the time we got there it was already...
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I nearly ran into a boom trying to keep up with Garth."Lets go Kate!" I told her as she had not yet registered what had happened."I will get Lilly."She zei while running after her. I ran up the heuvel and finally caught up to Garth.He was standing door the truck that hit Tony."We took him to our den." Winston zei trying to cheer up Garth.

"Will he be ok?" Garth asked questioning if he wanted the answer. "He will be fine, he even had enough in him to make a joke about the hit fixing the disk in his back." Winston zei while laughing.

Kate and Lilly showed up finally and I filled them in on what...
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(March 29, 2011)
(The seconde part of the stop in Sacramento)

The car, a white Ford Taurus, labored as it moved all of us through downtown Sacramento. Our destination was a park that had been chosen door Brandon, Lilly's new "mate" as a site for a rendezvous. In the romp, kofferbak of the Taurus was a fully kitted out semi-automatic M4 karabijn with alaser, a tac light, a scope, grip, and dual mags with FMJ rounds. Riding in a shoulder holster was a colt M1911A1 pistol gegeven to me door Jon, Kate's mate. Before we had left on our half-cocked adventure, he had gegeven me the weapon with the instructions to "Protect...
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It was a Saturday afternoon. The weather was realy fine, so I decided to went to the Park with some vrienden to have a barbeque. The Park is about 6 Miles away so I had to drive door car.
I packed my bag with some bottles of limonade and some Steaks, leaved my appartement and sit into my car. It was a BMW 330. Actually I never liked this car realy much … too much electrical toys for me. I started the engine and drove away. After about 3 miles I saw that there was a red traffic light in about 100 meters. I just began to slow down but then the light turns green so I pushed on the gas pedal again....
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Humphrey was on his first investigation case in the law enforcement. A wolf, Faolan actually, was stabbed with a human mes door another wolf.
“The blood shed from the victim, Faolan, has the scent of a possible predator, but we’re not for sure if it is of not.”
The wolf who was stabbed was standing there at the crime scene. Humphrey sniffed deeper into the scent. There was a sudden surprise he did not expect.
“Oh God! Crap! Ahh this isn’t good!”
“What is it?”
“My friend! I smell him on the blood! Faolan, what did the guy that stabbed u look like?”
“He was fat! He had...
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Authors note: There is a sex scene, and I understand this one is disturbing in many way.

The volgende dag was Wednesday. That dag I didn’t go to school until 10:30. Humphrey saw the time and woke me up.
“Dude! It’s 7:45!”
“Don’t worry, we go to school late.”
“Oh, ok, that worried me.”
I started to rub Humphrey’s back.
“I love u so much!” Humphrey said.
“I love u too!”
Humphrey was full of energy. In fact he climbed on top, boven of me.
“Are u ready to have fun?”
“What’s going on?”
“Do u wanna go first of do u want me to go?
“What the hell are u talking...
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posted by REDWolfleader
After I escaped the human testing facility, everything went down the cliff. A few hours later I was in Oregon. Then I went east to Montana. A few miles in from the border I met a wolf pack. They gathered around me growling. Then the leader came and talked with me,
"Well well well. Lone-wolf are you?"
"Well we don't let people through our valley an,"
"Well your letting this wolf past."
"Ha! No we're not! Wolves attack!!!" I tore the leaders neck open letting him die a painful death. I then was in an epic fight for survival. Wolves came running to the middle of the valley to try to kill me....
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[Warning this artikel is so long i spleet, split it in two parts so enjoy]

Humphrey was busy all week recording the album It was called "Death Row" he was gonna finish after lunch he went home pagina to find garth raping Kate and he took garths shoulder whipped him around and knocked his lights out Humphrey got lunch and went back to the studio he began this song: [Kate preforms These ()]

(I pick all my skirts to be a little too sexy.
Just all like my thoughts, they always get a bit naughty.
When i'm out with my girls, i always play a bit bitchy.
Can't change the way i am, Sexy naughty bitchy me!

Im the kind of...
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