Arthur and Gwen Club
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This is the interview to our first FOTM here in arwen spot, Issie thanks for your time and thanks for doing this spot so activate and fun

1. Tell us something about yourself ( favoriete movie, book, actor, hobbies, jajaja wherever u want to tell us)

Hi, everyone! I’m Issie which is short for Isabella but I’ve gone as Issie for as long as I can possibly remember. I’m currently a freshman in high school and I’m starting to think about what I want to do with my life. I think I’m going into psychology of something along those lines, but who knows. My favoriete boeken are all of Jane Austen’s works especially Emma and Pride & Prejudice. I’m also a huge Harry Potter buff. Currently my favoriete actor is Colin Firth and my favoriete actress is Natalie Portman. I love TV and my favoriete toon is Skins (the British version… so I watch it online.) Merlin is currently tied with Smallville as my seconde favoriete show. I’m really into shipping couples, which is probably how I came to loving Arwen so much.

2. How do u feel about being the chosen the first fan of the maand in arwen spot Issie?

When I first saw your compliment for that, Jenny, I was so ecstatic. I mean not only is this AG’s first FOTM, but it’s the first time I’ve ever won an FOTM. And I literally jumped for joy when I saw that I had won. And I don’t think I was expecting it either.

3. What episode/scene made u start shipping Arthur/Gwen?

Um… I think it was in Season 1, episode 3 when Arthur has Gwen arrested. The look that passed between them was really sad, but it was genuine. See, I read a book before I started watching Merlin and that was my basic knowledge about the legend. Yes, I knew about the LGA love triangle, but it was very basic. It’s not like I knew how horrible Guinevere was in some legends of how annoying Lancelot was of how it added to the downfall of Camelot. It was all new to me and it was funny because in “The Mark of Nimueh” I didn’t even think they’d end up together. I thought it’d just be a friendship, but there was something about them. And when Arthur stood up for her, my hart-, hart was pounding. I had never really expected to feel this way, especially because they didn’t even seem like a possibility to me. But then I went in depth in research after watching that episode about the legend because I was curious. And I got all my facts and everything. Even though I disliked what I was reading, I knew that “Merlin” was its own spin on the Arthurian legend and that AG might stand a chance after all.

4. Where do they fall on your couples list?

Six of seven, depending on the list. On my favoriete couples lijst they’re seven and on my favoriete TV couples lijst they’re six.

5. What do u like about Arthur and Gwen as individual characters and what u don’t like about them as individual characters?

Well, all around, I love Arthur. I love who he is and what he stands for and how he’s grown. He was such a prat during season 1, bullying people and just acting like how you’d imagine a stuck-up “modern-day rich kid” would. He fit the category for most pathetic prince. And then, who cried during his speech at the round tafel, tabel during the season 3 finale? I did. And this is the same guy who was such an idiot during the Season 1 premier. The character development in him was phenomenal. Season 1 Arthur would have never knighted anyone, let alone men without an ounce of royal blood in him. It’s true that Season 1 Arthur proved to have a very kind heart, but he would never done anything that radical. But Season 3 Arthur did it. The Once and Future King in him was finally shining through. I love Gwen too, but then her character development obviously wasn’t as big. But I loved watching her coming out of her shy shell and seeing the good in a man she once disliked. And I liked her stronger side and I loved when she was fighting in “The Moment of Truth” (S1, Ep. 10) I loved watching her become stronger and meer steadfast in her beliefs as well as her relationship with Arthur. I mean, all in all, they’re both great characters.

6. Does Arthur/Gwen remind of any other couple on fiction of even reality?

Not really. Maybe Romeo/Juliet- but then they were doomed from the beginning. I feel like Arthur/Gwen can be so sad at times, but they have so much hope and light in them. u can feel that when u watch them. They’re not doomed in this take on the legend for sure. They’re very big, historic, and epic so it’s hard for me to compare them to anyone else.

7. Have u ever shipped a rival couple (Arthur/Morgana, Lancelot/Gwen…)?

Nope. Like I zei above, I read one series aimed at younger children when I was about 10 before I came to watch Merlin. It didn’t even trace the LGA love triangle, though that’s sort of general knowledge so I knew about that. But Morgain Le Fey was Arthur’s evil half-sister who was trying to bring down Camelot. So I already knew that when I watched the first episode so it was impossible for me to even want to ship Arthur/Morgana. I might’ve shipped them for the first episode had I not known that and then stopped in the seconde one when they were walking down between everybody and then start fighting and go complain about the other to their servant. I was like…yeah…very brother/sisterly…and no way is that ever going to be love.
And I could never ship Lance/Gwen though I love both in this series. I just hated both of them in the legend so much that I just can’t even come to liking them a tad bit.

8. If u could change one scene which would it be?

Hmmm… one scene? I don’t know…all their scenes are perfect for them. But if I had to change one, it would probably be the scene in “The Once and Future Queen” when Gwen tells Arthur that she doesn’t have to prove anything for anyone, least of all her. I feel like it was a little too early for her to say that, considering they had just had their first kiss. She could have hinted that, but not be so blunt.

9. Your favoriete moment for their love?

Definitely the scene in the troon room during “Queen of Hearts.” It was just so epic…everything proved how much they loved each other. A part that really pronounced their love was when Uther asks Gwen why Arthur would ever fall in love with someone like her and she responds that a person like him would never understand. Also when Arthur is restrained door the guards and tells Uther he will give up his rights for the troon to leave with her and that they’d never return. I mean if that isn’t what you’d call epic and beautiful than I don’t know what is. Also the kiss, of course. My favoriete scene for them is that kiss and u could see the hunger, the tension, the sadness all piled into that kiss. Oh god, it was just breathtaking.

10. This of that...

Arthur/Gwen: Arthur 
Season 2/3: Season 3!
Lancelot/Merlin: Merlin (He’s my favoriete character)
Sweet dreams/Queen of hearts: Queen of Hearts!
I never loved another/ I cannot be your queen: I never loved another was EPIC!

11. favoriete scene:

Angsty: Ooh… probably the “Then I’m happy being insane” Scene in “Changeling”
Cute: It’s tied between Arthur’s donkey ears scene in “Goblin’s Gold” and the “So I’m still a single man…” scene in “Changeling”
Funny: That scene in “Le Morte D’Arthur” when Arthur is questioning Gwen about what she said… “Something about the man I am inside…”
Romantic: The troon room kiss in QOH
Underrated: The hug in “The Last Dragonlord”

12. favoriete

Kiss: The troon room kiss in QOH!
Quote: My favoriete quote is this one, though technically it’s two. Gwen: “This isn't just about us. u must stay for the sake of your people. u will be a great king. And then u can change these ridiculous customs.”
Arthur: “I promise u that when I am King, things will be different. We can be together.”
Episode: Queen of Hearts
Season: 3

13. Which songs fits them best in your opinion?

Um… maybe Taylor Swift’s Love story? And then not really. I have no idea.

14. Dream endgame?

Gwen’s coronation like in Morgana’s vision. I was so excited when watching that scene and that would be amazing.

15. What do u predict will happen between them in season 4?

More screen time, for one. They’ve become the seconde most important story-line after the whole Merlin-Arthur destiny with Morgana trying to skew it. Which is really exciting and means that they’re love for each other is only become stronger. So I expect a really complex story-line filled with amazing moments for them. Season 4 is going to be great for AG!

16. Who do u think deserves FOTM next?

I don’t know… everyone? LOL! But Jenny, Naima, Rose, and S are all big contributors to this spot. So maybe one of them? Oh, I don’t know. Everyone here is just so awesome!

17. Any last words? ( jajajajajaj I think it is funny but dont worry nothing it is gonna happen to u jajajajaajaj)

Keep the magic! And count down the days until the return of our favoriete wizard, Merlin and our EPIC, AMAZING, AND BEAUTIFUL couple! Thank u all for voting for me! I love u all!
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