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Elizabeth: I have absolutely no intention of marrying Everard. I'm sorry to upset your plans, but...
Elizabeth's Father: Plans did u say? My one and only plan, dear girl, is to see u as happy as possible, and I would never dream of forcing u to do something u don't want to.
Critic:(as Elizabeth's father) Unless it was the beginning of the movie in which case I zei u had no choice.
Critic: (as a scene of Elizabeth and her father hugging plays) Seriously, what did she do different? She made the same argument she did before. In fact, it's actually less angry. Are u honestly telling me that this...
Elizabeth: I have absolutely no intention of marrying Everard.
Critic: is much meer stronger than THIS?
Elizabeth: (scene from earlier) I'd rather die than marry that horrifying, disgusting old serpent!
Critic:(as Elizabeth's father) Ohoho, that's just the PMS talking. You'll get over it!
Elizabeth: I have absolutely no intention of marrying Everard.
Critic:(as Elizabeth's father) WHOA, WHOA, WHOA! CALM DOWN, BITCH! CALM DOWN! WHOA! We'll figure this out, man! JESUS!

Zack Denbrough: What were u doing in Georgie’s room?
Young Bill: N-Nothing. Dad, listen!
Zack Denbrough: I don’t want u ever coming in here again, son. Do u understand?
Critic: (imitates Zack Denbrough) How DARE u try to mourn the loss of your one and only brother!

Pennywise: I’ll toon u how to FLOOOAAAT down here.
Critic: Why doesn’t he just EAT these fucking kids? He’s eaten like half of the other kids in the neighborhood! Why doesn’t he just finish them off? I mean, what the hell is meer important in his time?
Critic: (imitates Pennywise) RARRR, I've got u now, little boy! (beeping sound, and he looks at his watch) Oh, my God, it’s almost 3:00! (The Critic leaves the screen camera from the left and the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air theme song plays.)

Critic: Maybe it’s ‘cause I’m drunk of something, but, uhh…Tim kerrie is a riot... Were people really scared door this guy? He’s hilarious! I don’t even think his scene is supposed to be this long. I think he just decided to stay on set and annoy everybody.

(The keuken-, keuken phone rings, and Tory antwoorden it)
Tory: Hello? Hello? Help us, please! Come help us! We’re trapped inside of here!
Pennywise: Do u have Prince Albert in a can? u do? Well, ya better let the poor guy out! Wha-haw! Wha-Haw! Wha-Haw!
(Tory hangs up and tears the phone off the wall)

Critic: The mother finds someone who might know where the boy has been taken, and...get ready, people: this is Nicolas Cage at his absolute... Cagiest.
Vasil: Hey, I've got what u need for those shakes my friend.
(Johnny laughs hysterically, stuffing a cell phone in Vasil's mouth)
Johnny: Carrigan must've told u about that thing that killed his men last night, huh? Yeah?! Well, that thing is inside me! u see, you're a bad man, and this thing, the Rider, he feeds on bad men, and he's hungry! He's hungrier than he's been in years, AND THAT'S WHY I'M SHAKING!
Critic: (as the director) Uh, Mr. Cage, none of this is in the script. You're supposed to just ask where the kid is and leave. We don't know what you're doing right now, but for the love of God, please don't hurt anybody.

Critic: So Cage saves Rowan, but little does he know she was never in any danger at all. In fact, she even runs back to her group who welcome her with open arms.
(Honestly.. What the fuck!?)

Critic: Somebody lit it! Somebody lit it!

(Malus sees the little girl from the car on the boat, looking out on the railing. While Malus looks her over, a truck horn is heard and the girl suddenly gets run over door a truck)

Maggie: (after searching around the place to find nothing) I’m scaring myself half to death.
(She turns around and suddenly gets hammered once in the face.)
MC Hammer: Hammer time!
(Maggie stumbles backwards and falls through the apartment window several stories high off the ground.)
Phelous: I don’t know how much u can blame Chucky for that one. She sort of did that to herself.
Critic: Yeah, she tosses herself out a window and doesn’t even fall the same way she came out?
(Maggie falls onto the back of a pickup truck and dies.)
Critic: This all came from a toy hammer! How can anyone be this clumsy?

Charles Lee Ray: (rather calmly) Oh, God, I’m dying.
Phelous: (sarcastic) Well, at least he seems to be taking it well.
added by Dreamtime
added by Seanthehedgehog
The characters are from an on-going fanfiction series, set in the same universe of another series door my friend xXBalorBabeXx



Packie is one of my longest running characters volgende to Dash..

Despite his honourable traits, my ongoing series doesn't shy away from the fact that Packie is completely "crazy". Partically when he killed Tom Mckenny door stabbing him though the throat with a swiss knife, and had very little reaction when doing so.. And then when he finally caught up with Dave Erics, Packie nearly broke Dave's bones,...
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Let's be honest EVERYONE knows about this dude.

Unless your from a dead beat country like (insert town of one of my fan pop friends) u know it's Jason-Fucking-Voorhees.
The machete dude.. The undead monster.. The "stab u for no reason" undead dude.

Frankly I don't think I have ever actually SEEN the Friday the 13th series.. I know who Jason Voorhees IS.. I mean, I seen Freddy VS Jason..
Such an underrated movie..

But anyway. I finally seen this series..
But too be honest..
I don't find these films actually very good.
Their not BAD.. There just kinda stupid..
Witch is weird coming from...
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added by Canada24
#5: JAWS:
I still remember that time my dad told me there's this really cool haai movie, where he kills a bunch of people.. This sounded so cool, I loved that thought. But when I saw it.. Boy, I STILL get nervous in the water.. Thanks a lot Dad..

That whole bug scene..

We all know the scene.. Fuck that scene..

Yeah.. I was pretty easy to scare..

"And the award for most fucked up Natives, goes to.. Peter Jackson (audience cheers)".
Seriously, man.. With all the slow motion, and the fucking old lady.. I was traumatized for months..
Even that scene when Carl sees the skull on the map.. I think I had stomach cramps of something.. That face image fucked me up..
added by Canada24
the walking dead
added by Dreamtime
Source: deviantart
added by Canada24
Any superlative words of inspiration for our humble troops? Ahahaha! Nothing bad, eva happens to da Kennedy's!
call of duty
#1: FARCRY 4:
The first 3 of 4 levels are as badass as u can imagine. And Paul is a fun villain to watch.
But everything else, I just don't care for this game. Pagin Min is not very interesting, Paul should of been the BIGGER villain. He reminds me of Trevor Phillips fan fictions (not what u think, I mean the ones door RedRose85). He he's nice guy to ally's, but to his enemies he's as sadistic as humanely possible. Even steals jewelry off corpses and gives them to his daughter Ashley. And tricked her into writing letters to hostages, acting like the dead family (he tells her it's for a pen...
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added by Windwakerguy430
added by Canada24
added by Windwakerguy430
Source: me
added by Canada24
Source: Cupcakes
added by Canada24