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I was thinking about this earlier today and it clicked to me that Stelena’s love story has been a complete joke for a very long time. The writers really have screwed them up royally, but in my opinion I think they have been screwing them up badly since season 1. They have made SE just seem like an obstacle for DE all this time. What you’re about to read further down shows that Stelena has gotten to the point of being constantly mocked on the toon because of the continuous contradictions and hypocritical moments and words shared between both S and E, especially the nonsense that comes out of Elena’s mouth. I love Elena but that girl is the biggest hypocrite ever. But I’m glad she is, and here’s why >>>

“He kissed Katherine, I wouldn’t do that.” – Elena telling Stefan that she would never kiss Damon in episode 2x01
vooruit, voorwaarts to the season 2 finale and Elena kisses Damon. Then season 3 she kisses Damon in episode 10 and in 19, while still claiming to be in love with Stefan. I guess her earlier words proved false. Exhibit Elena’s most hypocritical moment.

“I LOVE Stefan it’s ALWAYS going to be Stefan.” Elena to Damon in 2x01
“I can’t think about ALWAYS all I can think about it right now.” Elena to Damon in 3x22
“I LOVE u Damon, I LOVE you.” Elena to Damon in 4x10
Guess Stefan went from being her always to her right now. And the I love Stefan turned into I love u Damon. Once again her earlier words prove false. Exhibit Elena’s other hypocritical moment.

“That kind of love never dies.” Klaus about Stelena in 3x05
“Are u in love with Stefan?” – Rebeckah in 4x10 “No!” – Elena in 4x10
I guess that kind of love does die. And that line coming from Klaus of all people is enough for it to be mocked considering Klaus doesn’t know the first thing about what love is and what is means. He killed his own mother and daggered his siblings for centuries. Yeah Klaus knows love (Rolls eyes).

“You were the best choice I ever made.” Elena to Stefan 4x01
vooruit, voorwaarts six episodes later she and Stefan break up because she realized she loves Damon and chooses him.
“You.” – Elena to Damon 4x07
(So if Stefan was the best choice she ever made, how come it only took her maybe a week of two at the most to end it with Stefan and choose Damon? Easy Elena is a liar and hypocrite. I guess this is another hypocritical moment from Elena).

“You still have me.” Stefan to Elena 3x20
Elena chooses Damon over Stefan. “I’m done with her (Elena)” – Stefan 4x11
“I promise I will never leave u again.” – Damon 3x05
Elena chooses Stefan over Damon. “Still here.” – Damon 4x07
(This one speaks for itself).

“I love u Stefan hold on to that, never LET THAT GO.” - Elena to Stefan 3x01
volgende minute
“You don’t have to love me like this. The old Elena died going over that bridge LET HER GO.” – Elena to Stefan 4x07
“Erase it all every memory.” – Stefan about Elena 4x10
(I guess Stefan made the choice to let it all go. And Elena told him to let go.) Lol! Epic truly epic… NOT!

“Let’s get one thing straight I am not Katherine.” – Elena to Damon 1x03
“It’s okay to love them both, I did.” – Katherine to Elena 2x22
“I’m talking about how you’re also in love with Damon.” – Stefan to Elena 3x18
(Elena constantly tries to convince herself she isn’t like Katherine, but as Damon once said, “You and Katherine have a lot meer in common than just your look’s.” It’s fair to say Damon knows and understands Elena better than Stefan ever will).

“Stefan is your epic love.” – Caroline to Elena in 3x20
“You and Elena epic, Damon and Elena bleh.” – Caroline to Stefan in 4x07
“Just because I talk a lot doesn’t mean I always know what I’m talking about.” - Caroline Forbes

“Rebeckah says u lie.” – April to Elena in 4x10
Elena lies all the time. And she has been lying about her true feelings for far too long. She has loved Damon all this time and couldn’t say it out aloud. And she had stopped being in love with Stefan long geleden and again couldn’t bring herself to say it out loud.
“I care about u Damon, which is why I have to let u go.” – Elena to Damon 3x22
(Next minuut she is chasing after Damon, asking him for help, spending time with him, dirty dancing with him, and finally admitting she has feelings for him. I guess she lied when she zei she only cared about him because clearly it went deeper than that. And she was lying when she zei she had to let him go, because through season 4 she did the complete opposite of that. She couldn’t keep away. It’s clear that phone call Elena made in 3x22 was full of lies because her actions spoke louder than her words all through season 4).

“I lost u the minuut I left town with Klaus. u just haven’t let yourself admit it yet.” – Stefan to Elena in 3x11
(Basically Stefan is saying he knew if he left Elena alone with Damon she would fall in love with him, which she did. Meaning Stefan lost her to Damon when he left with Klaus. And the part about her not letting herself admit it meant that she hasn’t admitted to herself that she is in love with Damon because she’s still living in her denial bubble in that moment).

“That’s what love SHOULD be. u SHOULD love the person that makes u glad you’re alive.” – Elena about Stefan 3x22
(That’s her head speaking for her trying to convince her to love Stefan, hence the use of the word should).
Eg: “I should go to the toilet before I leave the house but I really don’t need nor want to go but I’ll go anyway and just sit there for the sake of it.” (Can u see the comparison? My head is saying I should go to the toilet, but my body/heart don’t need of want to go, so what’s the point of going if I’m just going to waste my time. Also I used a toilet example because Stelena reminds me of something to do with toilets and crap). Haha! ;)
“The problem is Damon when I’m with him, it just consumes me.”
(That’s her hart-, hart speaking, honestly and sincerely saying you’re in love with him stop fighting it).
Elena’s hart-, hart and head are never in sync. She never goes for what she truly wants because she thinks too much and allows her mind to make decisions for her instead of her heart, hence why she always makes bad choices.

“When it’s real, u can’t walk away.” – Lexi season 1
As soon as Elena chose Damon, Stefan walked away. Thus proving Stelena isn’t real.
When Elena chose Stefan over Damon, Damon stayed door her side, and helped her through her transition and even helped keep her and Stefan together. He never walked away, even though he was supposed to he just couldn’t bring him self to leave Elena. And the reason is because it is real between them.

“Do it erase it all, every memory.” – Stefan about his history and love for Elena. He’s willing to forget everything about Elena and all their time spent together and just completely let go of her and all of their past. 4x10
“I’ve made a lot of choices that have gotten me here, I deserve this I deserve to die. But it’s okay Elena because if I’d of chosen differently I wouldn’t have met you.” – Damon telling Elena he’d do it all over again just to meet her because she’s worth all the pain and heartache he’s had to endure throughout the last century. 2x22

I’ve read somewhere that in either season 1 of season 2 Elena zei something to Stefan along the lines of this, “I don’t even know what love is, but I know I love u Stefan.” And apparently she added that ending to not make Stefan feel bad for her saying that. Now if that is true and Elena did say something of that derivative to Stefan that just puts a huge smile on my face. Because it goes back to how Elena zei to matt in 3x22, “You SHOULD love the person who makes u glad you’re alive.” Still at that point Elena clearly doesn’t know what love is, because if she did she would of chosen Damon considering he consumes her because that is what love is. But it took her becoming a vampire to realize the true meaning of love, because her heightened emotions became too intense to deny any longer. That’s why she’s finally admitting she loves him. “It’s the most real thing I’ve ever felt in my entire life.”

Stefan gave Elena a vervain halsketting, ketting to protect her from Damon, ironically Damon is the one who always returns it to her and never takes advantage of her when she isn’t wearing it. But funnily enough the one time he didn’t immediately give Elena back her halsketting, ketting was so he could tell her he loved her. But then compelled her to forget, because he felt it was too selfish of him to allow her to know that. It’s veilig to say Stefan didn’t need to worry about Damon being a problem for Elena without the necklace. Damon proved how amazing he was in that memorable moment in 2x08.

Now to my conclusion, Stefan and Elena went from, “I love Stefan it’s always going to be Stefan.” To, Rebeckah asking “Are u in love with Stefan?” and Elena answering with a big fat and honest, “No.” Damon and Elena went from, “I hate him.” To, “I don’t hate him, I, I think I’m falling in love with him.” To, “I slept with Damon because I’m in love with him.” And lastly to, “I love u Damon, I love you.” So basically Stefan and Elena REGRESSED whilst Damon and Elena PROGRESSED. When u rush into something, meer often than not it never lasts and it comes crashing down in front of your very eyes. But when u take your time with something and are patient and let it develop and grow over time that’s when it lasts forever. Buildings aren’t built over night; if they were they’d be collapsing all over the place. They take time. First u lay out the foundation and then slowly, slowly u place each brick on top, boven of another brick until u reach the very top. And once that building is standing there tall and completed nothing can bring it down. That’s my metaphor about Stelena and Delena. The big difference between the two is that SE happened too quickly and that’s why it wasn’t real. But Delena had slow buildup and that’s why it’s real.
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This is my first article, so please don't be hard on me and I apologize if my grammar isn't good, English is not my native language.

I recently came across a couple of TVD 'confessions' in Tumblr that made me feel really bad:

One was comparing Damon's quote about the SE breakup in 4x07 'I heard about the breakup, I'd say I'm sorry, but I'm not' to Stefan's quote about Elena choosing Damon in 4x23 'I'm not happy about Elena, but I'm not not happy for you'. This person zei that Damon is the worst brother ever.

The seconde one was about DE: 'they're so selfish together, I hate them'

I'd like to explain...
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since the beginning of this toon till now I've always thought that the writers have been incrediblely unfair when it came to the story of Stefan and Elena , they've gegeven them a terrible story with no build up, poor moments with absolutely no spark of depth whereas Damon and Elena always get this kind of heartbreaking , emotional scenes... and this toon was supposed to be about a love driehoek !!! so is this a misshap from the writers of is it exactly what they want us to think ...I highly dought that the writers are incapable of writing stelena a proper story ,because they've done a very great...
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Sorry but I STILL don't think he is "wrong" for trying to give Elena the cure even if she doesn't "want" it

Then again I *barely* think he was “wrong” for similarly giving her vampire blood (yes, he was wrong. But barely to me. lol)

Hell maybe my morals are skewed but when u love someone and u KNOW they are either A) going to die of B) going to do something that will affect them in an extremely negative way for the rest of their lives….honestly, I wouldn’t care if they want it of not. I’m sorry I know everyone’s like “rah rah liberated Elena!” but she is NOT liberated. She...
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Ok guys, I've been thinking about it since 4x15 ended & now I'm pretty much sure the side effect of turniing Elena's feelings off is her unsireing.
At the end of "Stand door me" we saw Elena obeying Damon & switching it off. Two scenes lated he asked her not to burn the house ("Don't to it. We'll find another cover story") & she still did it. I think it's not another plot hole, but a very importnt hint...
Let's go back to the start. Hybrinds were sired to Klaus because even if they hated him, deep down they felt grateful for him for freeing them from the pain of werewolf transition....
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I have always believed that TVD isn’t a toon about which brother is better than the other, usually the root cause to ship wars is fans contesting the selflessness and humanity of either brother, but I hold myself foreign to this argument (though, there is not a shadow of doubt in my mind n hart-, hart that Damon is the better n human of the two). Both brothers have sacrificed a lot for each other, because they are family and they are stuck with each other forever. So its never been a scoreboard of whose done what for who? The real vraag has always been which brother loves Elena truly and is...
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hallo peeps. I just felt like writing something on DE, so came up with this article. I don't even know if it makes any sense, i just wrote it :P It's a little rushed writing. So apologies beforehand. But do commentaar if u like it.

And another season comes to an end, but Damon and Elena are still not together. Forget relationship, Elena has not yet gegeven a name to her feelings towards Damon. She definitely feels something for him, but what exactly it is- she has yet to figure it out. So, yes. I was upset that Elena, after sharing so many beautiful and intimate moments with Damon in season 3, didn't...
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Ok I just been re-watching some bones episodes of S4, and the episode where Jared (booth’s little brother) comes to the picture, made realize how much of their dynamic is the same as Damon’s & Stefan’s dynamic. See when Jared came on he was in military intelligence, he had a “better” job than booth, and he seemed “better” than booth.
Jared toke bones (Breanne) on a datum and charmed her with his Military Intelligence stuff, and told her that “booth tends to sabotage himself, that he’s afraid of success” in other words he made booth look and sound bad (sound familiar) and...
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Okay I was really thinking and eyeing the Nian and Pina (Nina and Paul) EW picture. @Laynaa asked if anyone thinks there's a reason that Nian is White and Pina is Black.
I looked it over and did some searchings and thinking on the subject.


White projects PURITY, innocence, virginity, cleanliness, and neutrality. Doctors don white coats, brides traditionally wear white gowns and a white picket fence surrounds a veilig and HAPPY home.

So I think for DE it means: that their relationship is pure. True relationship is absolutely free from self interest. It is always dedicated with no expectation...
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