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Oldmovie took a bezem and waved it. Everyone in the little room stopped talking and looked at her.
Oldmovie cleared her throat. "So... with this I, the king of Huddy, start the first official secret Huddy meeting!"
"Official..secret..??", Enjoyhuddy murmured confused.
"Why are u the Huddy King??", someone complained. It was Babybell.
"Because I am the Huddy king and Cuddles is the Huddy queen. Everyone knows that.", Oldmovie answered.
"Good argument.", Anusha said.
"Why does this Huddy meeting have to be here in the janitors closet?", Olivine whined, "it's so small, we are so many people and the chameron atmosphere almost makes me vomit."
"What??? The chameron atmosphere is awesome!!", Mimika_s was about to go for Olivine's throat, as Babybell interrupted them.
"Why are u even here? I thought u didn't really care about Huddy, u are a Thutner fan."
Olivine looked at Babybell and turned a little red. "Bad times for Thutner at the moment...", she murmured, " and btw PLH is also here."
PLH, who had fallen asleep, woke up as she heard her name.
"Only because u made her come. What did u promise her? Cookies?", Babybell asked.
"No, candy...", Olivine said.
Oldmovie looked around impatiently and sighed. "May I say something..???"
At this moment the door was opened and Housecuddy4ever came in. "Sorry, I'm late.", she said, " Wow, we need to get a bigger room volgende time..."
She tried not to step onto sleeping PLH as she made her way through the "crowd".
"I brought alcohol!!"
"Okay, that's nice of you, but I really want to start now and...", Oldmovie began, but she was interrupted again.
"I have Martinis, cosmopolitans, vod-"
"I'm under-age.", Babybell complained and gazed at her.
"I can go get some oranje sap for those who don't want to drink alcohol.", Cuddles offered.
"Yes, please...take your time... we could bake some cakes and get coffee too, until the whole hospital finds out that we are having a SECRET Huddy Meeting...", Oldmovie zei a little annoyed.
"I can still feel the presence of chameron sex in here...", Olivine sighed.
"Drink some cosmopolitans, Olivine, that will help.", Housecuddy4ever smiled friendly.
Suddenly Oldmovie striked against the wall.
"GUYS!!! We need to discuss the upcoming Huddy kiss now!!!! Housecuddy4ever, stop turning everyone into an alcoholic, Olivine, forget the chameron sex, PLH, stop snoring and wake up, Babybell, get your cats out of here, there is not enough space and u Anusha, stop talking to dead people!"
Anusha looked up surprised. "I don't talk to dead people."
"As far as I am concerned, we can start the discussion about Huddy.", Enjoyhuddy zei smiling.
"Yah!", Oldmovie pointed at her, " Now, everyone follow Enjoyhuddy's example!"
Suddenly the door was opened again and Misanthrope86 looked into the room. "Uhm...I guess...this is not the secret Foreteen meeting...?", she asked.
"The WHAT??", Olivine flipped out, " There is a secret Foreteen meeting??!!"
"Um...yes.. but appearently..not here. Damn...It's so secret that I can't find it...", Misanthrope sighed, turned around and left again.
"PLH!!! Wake up!!", Olivine shaked her, " There is a secret Foreteen meeting!!!"
PLH woke up and stared at her. "Really?? O_o Oh my f.. god, nooo!!"
Oldmovie rolled eyes.
Babybell stood up. "Okay... who else is for kicking the Thutner fans out? Raise your hands."
With these words she raised her hand and looked at the others.
"What?? Noo, don't throw us out, we will behave!", PLH zei quickly and the others nodded.
Then it was quiet and the meeting could really begin.
Oldmovie handed over to Cuddles.
"Okay, as we all know, the Huddy kiss will happen in episode-"
Cuddles was interrupted as the door was pushed open and a loud voice screamed: "NEVER!!!"
Every Huddy fan in the room winced and turned around in shock to face the intruder. It was no other than AmberRocks.
"A hameron!!!"
A panic broke out among the huddy fans.
"Who told the hamerons about our secret meeting??"
"Is one of us a traitor?"
"Silence! I knew that u were having a secret Huddy meeting!! Aren't u ashamed of yourselves??", AmberRocks zei and came closer.
"Why should we?", Enjoyhuddy asked.
"Because we are now going to kick your ass!"
Babybell looked at her. "WE??"
AmberRocks nodded. " Me and my veterans, the other hamerons."
"I don't want to seem impolite, but there is..only you...", Anusha said.
"What?", AmberRocks turned around and noticed that the other hamerons weren't behind her anymore, " Heyy girls? GIRLS! Where are you??? Damn...Doesn't matter, i can still fight u alone."
The Huddys shivered.
"He, what is it? She is only one, u are many.", PLH said.
"But.. but this is don't just fight AmberRocks and survive.", Cuddles whispered.
Olivine stood up and stretched. "Hey, AmberRocks, I think I could kom bij you."
"Oh great", AmberRocks smiled, "Wilteen forever, right?"
"Right!!", Olivine cheered, "Highfive!"
"Hee! Traitor!!!", Cuddles complained and stepped closer.
"Yes, Traitor, what about Thutner?!!", PLH complained as well.
" does it look... me and Olivine against the Huddys and against PLH who is..alone atm...?", AmberRocks asked and showed her fists.
"Okay guys... are we afraid of AmberRocks?", Oldmovie zei and tried to look cool.
"Erm...yes??", the Huddys said.
"No, wrong answer! We are not!"
"Right, we are not!!", zei the Huddys.
"Okay AmberRocks, u want a fight, u get a fight. But don't forget one thing.", Housecuddy4ever said.
"And what would that be?", AmberRocks asked.
"WE have the alcohol!"

Read meer in the volgende chapter, the Huddys vs. the Hamerons vs. PLH (if I ever get the time to write it *gg*)
added by HotStunner
added by la_nina
Source: vos, fox
added by PotterGal
added by Xatka
added by oldmovie
Source: gentleflower
added by busanbusan
Source: mel35 @ LJ
added by la_nina
added by Chandlerfan
added by caitlin-jayne
Source: SmugMug
added by Fashion_life
added by mimika_s
added by mimika_s
added by misanthrope86
Source: vos, fox (screencaps: comforting lie)
added by rose2
added by othgirl_peyton
added by misanthrope86
added by tubby2002
added by Fuyu
After watching last night's finale, I can better understand Lisa's decision to leave HOUSE and I can see why Hugh is hinting that volgende season will be his last. I imagine he wishes he had never signed on for Season 8.

I have always been a big fan of HOUSE, Hugh (especially Hugh!) Lisa and Huddy. But after last night's fiasco I'm wondering if this episode was written door the proverbial group of monkeys locked in a room with computers. Unless the finale is explained as another dream sequence of fantasy (lame) I can't see anywhere left for this story to go.

House's medical genius has been rendered...
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"Dreams are the answer to a vraag that u have not asked yet". - X-Files

House MD is a toon famous for its special episodes, those that escape the strict formulaic structure of the show. 'Three Stories, No Reason, House's Head, Under My Skin' are among those episodes in which dream sequences of hallucinations are used in order for the audience to delve deeper into what our beloved Gregory House tries so desperately to hide from those close to him but foremost himself.


Whoever has ever seen any zombie movie, knows that the disease always disrupts the brain functions. The same thing...
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