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In the autumn of 1992 in a small town from a small country,Madeline Blackeyes wakes up like always at 7 o'clock to get ready to go to her job.After she finished washing and dresing,she goes to keuken-, keuken to make herself a breakfast,but she surprisely founds there her grandmother who says:"Good morning,dear!".Madeline hugs her and says:"What are u doing here?The doctor zei u should not go outside of make too much effort!"."Oooh,don't worry dear,I'll be just fine!Besides,you're the one who should not make too much effort and go to work.Are u shure you'll be allright?"Madeline went to the tafel, tabel and sat down on a chair silently."Yes,of course!You don't have to worry about me.I'll be allright!"But not even she believed herself."Dear,losing your parents it's a very terrible thing,so I'm shure your boss would understand it!And what if u get hurt?!I mean,you can't even drive your car,what if a car hits u on the zebra crossing?"."Ok grandma',you know that this can not happen to me,ok?Even if that's how they died,that doesn't mean it is going to happen to me,ok?".After finishing what her grandmother made her for breakfast,she left to work,taking her car.While she was driving,Madeline was thinking:"Why this had to happen?".And she started remembering that day,a week ago.All she could remember was that after she went back from her job at 10p.m.,she received a call from the police,and they asked her to come there because something happened to her parents.After she saw them,she couldn't even cry.She just sat there and watched them,then her grandmother,her only relative left,took her home.Soon after that,her grandmother fell on the stairs,but she had no broken bones after that."Why did they had to die?And why can't I cry for them?".Indeed,she couldn't cry even if she tried.She was too shocked,said the doctors."Yeah,right!".When she finally arrived to her job's place,she went in there like nothing happened,after a week of absence and started working like always.
While her life had it's own intersting cource,someone's other life had one as much intersting.
In a very expensive hotel room,a man wakes up at 8 o'clock and after he's having a shower,he's dresing and he calls to room-service.After he eats,he goes to the phone and calls a friend and invites him to meet in his room.5 minuten later,a man shows up and the 2 of them start talking."Are u shure there's nothing we can do?",asks the owner of the room."No,I'm sorry mister Jackson,we can't let u to go anywhere out of here except your rehearshals.",answered the guest."Ok then.Let's go to the rehearshals.",says mister Jackson.They went to the rehearshals and Michael Jackson rehearsed like he never did before,like a machine.No smiling,no jokes,no fun...Everybody noticed that,and at the end someone came to him:"Are u ok,Mike?"."Yes,I'm fine.I just need some fresh air.",he answered.Actually,what he needed was to go somewhere where he can spend his time doing something fun,no rehearsing and beeing locked in his hotel room.He needed someone,so he arranged for his girlfriend to come in visit.They saw togheter like 5 times untill now,but it was ok for her to come,since they were a couple.He took a separate room for her.After that,he found out that she doesn't wants to come.When he asked why,she zei that she doesn't wants to lose her time for a dag spent with him.They'll see together anyway after he comes back from his tour.That hurt him soo deeply,that he didn't even knew if he could sing tonight.But he had to.For his fans,the ones that love him enough to do what she didn't wanted to do.
We will now come back to Madeline,who was working in a store.She was thinking,while working just like a robot,that she left behind the fact that her parents died and she should go out tonight with her friend,Alexandra."I mean,I'm only 19,why should I let this to ruin my life?I shouldn't,that's what they'd wish for me to do!",she was thinking.And now that all was clear,where is she going with Alexandra?She refused to tell her,but she was really excited about that.If it would be a ticket to Mj's concert tonight,it would be amazing,but it is so expensive and her friend's financial situation was worse than her's!"What am I dreaming here?I'll never see that concert!I can't believe that I'll miss it!MJ is my idol since I know myself!My parents told me they'll buy me a ticket for shure!But they never had the chance to do it.And they were fans also...".Before she realised,it was already 2p.m.,time to close the store because it was sunday.After that,she came door Alexandra's house.After they went into Alexandra's bedroom,Madeline asked her:"Where are we going tonight?".Alexandra told her to sit down and said:"You know that my mother has a cousin who is friend with someone in the government?"."Yes.",Madeline answered."Well,my mom knows how much we love MJ so she asked her cousin if he can get us tickets for his concert,and here they are!",said Alexandra,while tonen to her friend 2 tickets at Michael Jackson's concert.Madeline got up and hugged her and started jumping with Alexandra screaming:"I'm goin to Michael's concert!We are going to Michael's concert!I can't believe!Aaaahhh!"And Alexandra was screaming and jumpin with her too.Both of them thought they were dreaming,but this dream was true!So they prepared for the concert.Madeline was wearing a nice white dress,long untill her knees and Alexandra was wearing like always,dark pants and a very nice t-shirt.And the uur 7 came and they arrived to the stadium,it was all so full.But they were lucky because someone asked everybody to come to toon their tickets,and since Madeline and Alexandra arrived the last ones,they were the first checked and in the front line as the concert began.The light was incredible and when Mj showed up,everybody started screaming:"Michael!Michael!We love u Michael!" and all that kind of things.Madeline was simply shocked to see how powerful is Mj's voice in reality.And his dance moves were just incredible!Uneal!She saw so many people carried door the security from their places to ambulances and she prayed to Gog not to go there!The concert had his routine,like it was in the others countries.And the moment came!The moment when Michael should invite a girl from the public on stage with him!The one who was in charge to pick a girl saw Madeline,he stared at her,but he left looking at the other girls.Madeline knew from Alexandra about this and almost started to cry when another girl was choosed,but when tha man wanted to pick that girl up,Madeline caught his jas and said:"Take me!Please.".She didn't screamed of something,so the man needed some time to reailize what she said.So he picked her up and when Michael reached his hand,Madeline came to him and hugged him.He was singing "She's out of my life",one of her favoriete songs.After the hug,she took his head in her hands and kissed his forehead and said:"God bless you,Michael!".At that point,Michael looked better at her and saw how beautiful she was!He forgot the lyrics,so he stoped singing,although the muziek was still playing.He returned her favour,and she said:"Thank you!".Then he hugged her again.And he didn't wanted to let her go!He even sent the security out of the stage when they came to take her.After the muziek stopped,he kissed her on her cheek and then told to the man that came to take her to sent her in his dressing room.So the man took her there.After the man left,she remembered that Alexandra was still there."Oh my God!",she tought."Well,there's nothing that I can do about it.I hope she's not worried about me."
After the concert finished,Michael came in his dressing room and talked to Madeline:"What is your name?"."Madeline.",she answered with no emotions.After 2 seconden of silence he asked:"How old are you?"."I'm 19.".After 5 seconden of silence,he finally said:"So,what do u think about the concert?"."It was brilliant!At least what I could see!",she zei laughing a bit."Why did u brought me here?"."Because I wanted to know your opinion.",answered Michael."Well,now that u found out what u wanted,can I ask u a question?"."Yes,shure,anything!".He wasn't shure if he zei that because of emotion of the butterflies from his stomac."How do u think it was?"."I think it could have been much better!",he answered totally disapointed."But u did a very good job out there!Haven't u heard the crowd?They loved you!I was so shocked about how incredible was that I don't even know how I grabbed that security man's arm and told him to take me on stage with you!".Michael was speechless."This girl is amazing,she speaks so easy,like I'm just an ordinary man!Maybe this night wasn't so bad at all",he thought."Wow,did I did such a good job?",he asked amazed door the way she was talking about his concert."Yes,you did!".After that they spoked for about 1 hour,and at one point she realized that her friend Alexandra and her grandmother were probably worried about her."I have to go home,it's already midnight!",she zei worried."Really?Oh my God I'm so sorry,I didn't realized when the time passed!",he zei truly sad,more because she was going to leave,not because he probably made her troubles!"It's ok,I'll take my car and I'm shure that I can get home pagina in uhmm... 5 hours...",she zei realising that she was in other town then her's."Why 5 hours?",he asked."Because I live in other town and it takes u 5 hours to reach to it from here.",she said."Well,you can't go home pagina now!It's too late for u to drive.Do u know your home pagina phonenumber?"."Yes,I do but what..."."I will call them and tell them that you're staying at my hotel tonight,in a separate room which I payed for because someone was supposed to come but the plans have changed so u can stay in it,ok?"."Ok.".
So he called and everything was allright.When they went to the hotel,Michael gave her the key from her room and both went to sleep.The room volgende Madeline's was Michael's.
In the middle of the night,Madeline had a nightmare about her parents death and she started screaming.And because Michael was in the volgende room he heard her because he wasn't sleeping and he went to her room.He woke up Madeline,so he can enter and he found her crying.He hugged her and both went to his room.After they sat down on the bed's border,he asked her:"What did u dreamed?".So she told him about her parents death and he almost started crying,but she was already,so he had to be strong for her.He hold her while she was crying and telling him the whole story.After that,Madeline realized that what she was doing might be wrong:to stay on a bed's border alone with a man was not very innocent fo others,so she decided to come back.But when she was about to open the door,Michael got up and grabbed her hand:"Don't go!",ha said.She turned back and he hugged her again,and after that he kissed her on her mouth and she could not rezist,althought she knew it was wrong.After that kiss,they kept talking about eachother and they fell asleep wihout to notice,embraced in that small bed,face to face.
In the morning,Madeline woke up and because Michael was sleeping so deeply she wrote him a letter and then left the hotel.1 uur later,Michael woke up an saw the note:"Please forgive me,I have to go home,but please call me as soon as u can.I'll be waiting your call all day,so hurry up!",and after that was a small smiling face.Michael was so happy,that he could jump through all the ceilings above him and reach the sky!So he did his morning routine and when he was ready to go to her house,he found out where she lives after the talking from last night,the concert organizers zei that he must leave right now if he wants to be in the volgende location for his concerts at the right time for the show.He didn't knew what to do so he called her and she accepted to go with him.But after that,she was wondering :"How about grandmother and the others?".But she still went with him because she loved him and she was 19,so she could decide where to go and what to do.When they saw eachother again they were so happy,and even meer when they arrived,but a surprise was waiting for them in the volgende location.
When they arrived,everything was ok so they went to visit the places.When MJ had to go to rehearshals,Madeline zei she will stay at the hotel and sleep because she was very tired.
During a breake of the rehearshals one of MJ's vrienden came to him:"How comes that you're so happy,huh?It's because of that girl,right?".Michael blushed and said"Yes."."So,you 2 are togheter?"."Yes,we are."."And how Diane reacted when u dumped her?".When Michel heard that,he became pale."What happened?",Michael was asked."I completely forgot about Diane!How can I be so stupid??!!!What am I gonna do?",Michael said."Well,dump her before your new girlfriend founds out."."Easy for u to say,she's the most wanted woman of all from Hollywood and if I dump her just because she didn't wanted to se me yesterday,she'll realize that there's something wrong.An if she founds out about Madeline,we both are in trouble."."Yeaah,I believe you,I know how she is and because you're the most desired man from Hollywood,she won't gave up that easy!You better make a decision because if she founds out about Madeline,she's like dead.But anyway,why are u still with her if u don't love her?"."I don't know.But she never did anything to hurt me except what happened yesterday,so I have no chance to make her to believe me when I syi that I don't love her anymore.What should I do?Why this happened to me right now?"."I don't know.I guess love makes it's own rules."
When Michael wanted to continue his rehearshals,a woman came to him and kissed and hugged him,then said:"Hello,darling!Aren't u happy to see me?"."Michael just stood there frozened and finally said:"Hello,Diane."
They say I'm different
They don't understand
But there's a bigger problem
That's much meer in demand
You got world hunger
Not enough to eat
So there's really no time
To be trippin' on me

You got school teachers
Who don't wanna teach
You got grown people
Who can't write of read
You got strange diseases
Ah but there's no cure
>You got many doctors
That aren't so sure
So tell me

Why u wanna trip on me
Why u wanna trip on me
Stop trippin'

We've got meer problems
Than we'll ever need
You got gang violence
And bloodshed on the straat
You got homeless people
With no food to eat
Wtih no clothes...
continue reading...
I zei u Wanna Be Startin' Somethin'
You Got To Be Startin' Somethin'
I zei u Wanna Be Startin' Somethin'
You Got To Be Startin' Somethin'
It's Too High To Get Over (Yeah, Yeah)
Too Low To Get Under (Yeah, Yeah)
You're Stuck In The Middle (Yeah, Yeah)
And The Pain Is Thunder (Yeah, Yeah)
It's Too High To Get Over (Yeah, Yeah)
Too Low To Get Under (Yeah, Yeah)
You're Stuck In The Middle (Yeah, Yeah)
And The Pain Is Thunder (Yeah, Yeah)

[1st Verse]
I Took My Baby To The Doctor
With A Fever, But Nothing He Found
By The Time This Hit The Street
They zei She Had A Breakdown
Someone's Always Tryin'...
continue reading...
Ooh my honey
You got me workin' dag and night
Ooh my sugar
You got me workin' dag and night

Scratch my shoulder
It's aching, make it feel alright
When this is over
Lovin' u will be so right

I often wonder if lovin' you
Will be tonight
But what is love girl
If I'm always out of sight, ooh

That's why
You got me workin' dag and night
You got me workin'
From sun up to midnight

You got me workin', workin' dag and night
You got me workin', workin' dag and night
You got me workin', workin' dag and night
You got me workin', workin' dag and night

You say that workin'
Is what a man's supposed to do
And I say it ain't
continue reading...
posted by iluvmichaelj
Michael Jackson and the number 7 (courtesy of TMZ):
-- Michael Jackson signed his will on 7/7/02.
-- Michael Jackson's memorial was on 7/7/09...exactly 7 years after the will was signed.
-- Michael Jackson's two biggest hits -- "Black & White" and "Billie Jean" -- were each #1 for 7 weeks.
-- Michael Jackson's three biggest albums -- "Thriller," "Bad" and "Dangerous" -- each produced 7 top, boven 40 hits.
-- Michael Jackson was born in 1958 ... 19 + 58 = 77
-- Michael Jackson died on the 25th ... 2 + 5 = 7
-- Michael Jackson has 7 letters in his first and last name.
Don’t walk away
See I just can’t find the right thing to say
I tried but all my pain gets in the way
Tell me what I have to do so you’ll stay
Should I get down on my knees and pray

And how can I stop losing you
How can I begin to say
When there’s nothing left
to do but walk away

I close my eyes
Just to try and see u smile one meer time
But it’s been so long now all I do is cry
Can’t we find some love to take this away
‘Cause the pain gets stronger every day

[ Find meer Lyrics on link ]
How can I begin again
How am I to understand
When there’s nothing left
to du but walk...
continue reading...
Like A Comet
Blazing 'Cross The Evening Sky
Gone Too Soon

Like A Rainbow
Fading In The Twinkling Of An Eye
Gone Too Soon

Shiny And Sparkly
And Splendidly Bright
Here One Day
Gone One Night

Like The Loss Of Sunlight
On A Cloudy Afternoon
Gone Too Soon

Like A Castle
Built Upon A Sandy Beach
Gone Too Soon

Like A Perfect Flower
That Is Just Beyond Your Reach
Gone Too Soon

Born To Amuse, To Inspire, To Delight
Here One Day
Gone One Night

Like A Sunset
Dying With The Rising Of The Moon
Gone Too Soon

Gone Too Soon

The Wiz, Starring Michael Jackson, Diana Ross and others

You can't win
You can't break even
And u can't get out of the game
People kee sayin'
Things are gonna change
But they look us like
You're stayin' the same

You can't win
Get over your head
And u only have yourself to blame
You can't win chile
(you can't win chile)
You ain't break even
And u can't get out of the game

You can't win
The world keeps movin'
And you're standin' far behind
People keep sayin'
Things'll get better
(just to ease your state of mind)
(so u lean back, and u smoke that smoke)
(and u drink your glass of wine)
So u can't win,...
continue reading...
Each Time The Wind Blows
I Hear Your Voice So
I Call Your Name
Whispers At Morning
Our Love Is Dawning
Heaven's Glad u Came

You Know How I Feel
This Thing Can't Go Wrong
I'm So Proud To Say I Love You
Your Love's Got Me High
I Long To Get By
This Time Is Forever
Love Is The Answer

I Hear Your Voice Now
You Are My Choice Now
The Love u Bring
Heaven's In My Heart
At Your Call I Hear Harps,
And Angels Sing

You Know How I Feel
This Thing Can't Go Wrong
I Can't Live My Life Without You

I Just Can't Hold On

I Feel We Belong

My Life Ain't Worth Living,
If I Can't Be With...
continue reading...
Tell the angels no
I don't wanna leave my baby alone
I don't want nobody else to hold you
that's a chance I'll take
Maybe I'll stay, Heaven can wait
No, if the angels took me from this earth
I would tell them bring me back to her
it's a chance I'll take
maybe I'll stay, Heaven can wait

You're beautiful, you're wonderful, incredible, I love u so
you're beautiful,
each moment spent with u is simply wonderful
This love I have for u girl it's incredible
And I don't know what I'd do,
if I can't be with you
The world can not go on so every night I pray
If the Lord should come for me before I wake...
continue reading...
I Took My Baby
On A Saturday Bang
Boy Is That Girl With You
Yes We're One And The Same

Now I Believe In Miracles
And A Miracle
Has Happened Tonight

But, If
You're Thinkin'
About My Baby
It Don't Matter If You're
Black of White

They Print My Message
In The Saturday Sun
I Had To Tell Them
I Ain't seconde To None

And I Told About Equality
An It's True
Either You're Wrong
Or You're Right

But, If
You're Thinkin'
About My Baby
It Don't Matter If You're
Black of White

I Am Tired Of This Devil
I Am Tired Of This Stuff
I Am Tired Of This Business
Sew When The
Going Gets Rough
I Ain't Scared Of
Your Brother
I Ain't Scared Of No Sheets...
continue reading...
bas, bass note, treble, stereo
control, how low u go
Just enough to make your juices flow
Press play, don't stop, voltage, too hot
u feel I'm real
I'm everything u need, so
tell me what's the deal

2000 Watts, 8 ohms, 200 volts, real strong
Too much of that, fuse blown
Be careful what u say don't overload
[ Find meer Lyrics on link ]
2000 Watts, 8 ohms, 200 volts, real strong
Too much of that, fuse blown
Be careful what u say don't overload

3D, high speed, feedback, Dolby
Release two of three, when I reach I
can go ‘til I hit my peak
Compact steelo, chico, D-Lo, highpost lady
Shorty really wanna be there for me


[Ad Libs]

[Chorus out]

posted by spiritace
u Rock My World lyrics

You Rock My World lyrics

My life will never be the same
'Cause girl, u came and changed
The way I walk
The way I talk

I cannot explain the things I feel for you
But girl, u know it's true
Stay with me, fulfill my dreams
And I'll be all you'll need

Oh, oh, oh, oh, ooh, it feels so right (Girl)
I've searched for the perfect love all my life (All my
Oh, oh, oh, oh, ooh, it feels like I (Like I)
Have finally found her perfect love is mine (See, I
finally found, come on, girl)

You rocked my world, u know u did
And everything I own I give (You rocked my world)
continue reading...
posted by spiritace
Ooh ooh ooh aah
Gotta make a change
For once in my life
It's gonna feel real good
Gonna make a difference
Gonna make it right

As I turned up the kraag on
A favoriete winter coat
This wind is blowin' my mind
I see the kids in the street
With not enough to eat
Who am I to be blind
Pretending not to see their needs

A summer's disregard
A broken bottle top
And a one man's soul
They follow each other
On the wind ya' know
'Cause they got nowhere to go
That's why I want u to know

I'm starting with the man in the mirror
I'm asking him to change his ways
And no message could have been any clearer
If u wanna make the world...
continue reading...
posted by Beatit
u were there
Before we came
u took the hurt
u took the shame
They built the walls
To block your way
u beat them down
u won the day

It wasn't right
It wasn't fair
u taught them all
u made them care
Yes, u were there
And thanks to you
There's now a door
We all walk through

And we are here
For all to see
To be the best
That we can be
Yes, I am here
'Cause u were there

And we are here
For all to see
To be the best
That we can be
Yes, I am here
'Cause u were there

And we are here
For all to see
To be the best
That we can be
Yes, I am here
'Cause u were there
She's got the look
She's so fine
And u know damn well
The girl will be mine
She got the breaks
She's a scene
And u know damn well
She gives it to me

Black jeans
And a turtleneck sweater
I know the girl is fakin'
'Cause I've seen her look better
She composition
She statistical fact
Got it ready for the willing
Got it kickin' at the back

She got the look
(She's got the look)
(Wanna know better)
She's got the look
(She's got the look)
(She's driving me wild)
(She's got the look)
(Wanna know better)
She's got the look
(She's got the look)
(She's driving me wild)

Come to the place, shoktacy
And u know damn well
You know...
continue reading...
posted by Beatit
muziek and me

We've been together
For such a long time now
Music, muziek and me
Don't care whether all our songs rhyme now
Music, muziek and me

Only know wherever I go
We're as close as two vrienden can be
There have been others
But never two lovers
Like music, muziek and me

Grab a song and come along
u can sing your melody
In your mind u will find
A world of sweet harmony
Birds of a feather
We'll fly together
Now music, muziek and me
muziek and me

muziek and me

We've been together
For such a long time now
Music, muziek and me
Don't care whether all our songs rhyme now
Music, muziek and me

Only know wherever I go
We're as close as two vrienden can be
There have been others
But never two lovers
Like music, muziek and me

Grab a song and come along
u can sing your melody
In your mind u will find
A world of sweet harmony
Birds of a feather
We'll fly together
Now music, muziek and me
muziek and me
posted by Beatit
Lie for it
Spy for it
Kill for it
Die for it

So u call it trust
But I say it's just In the devil's game Of greed and lust
They don't care
They'd do me for the money
They don't care
They use me for the money

So u go to church
Read the Holy word
In the scheme of life
It's all absurd
They don't care
They'd kill for the money
Do of dare
The thrill for the money

You're saluting the flag
Your country trusts u
Now you're wearing a badge
You're called the "Just Few"
And you're fighting the wars
A soldier must do
I'll never betray of deceive u my friend but...

If u toon me...
continue reading...
posted by Beatit
I'm gonna make a change,
for once in my life
It's gonna feel real good,
gonna make a difference
Gonna make it right . . .

As I, turn up the kraag on my
favourite winter coat
This wind is blowin' my mind
I see the kids in the street,
with not enough to eat
Who am I, to be blind?
Pretending not to see
their needs
A summer's disregard,
a broken bottle top
And a one man's soul
They follow each other on
the wind ya' know
'Cause they got nowhere
to go
That's why I want u to

I'm starting with the man in
the mirror
I'm asking him to change
his ways
And no message could have
been any clearer
If u wanna make the world...
continue reading...
Go on girl!

Hey pretty baby with the
high heels on
You give me fever
Like I've never, ever known
You're just a product of
I like the groove of
your walk,
Your talk, your dress
I feel your fever
From miles around
I'll pick u up in my car
And we'll paint the town
Just kiss me baby
And tell me twice
That you're the one for me

The way u make me feel
(The way u make me feel)
You really turn me on
(You really turn me on)
You knock me off of my feet
(You knock me off of
my feet)
My lonely days are gone
(My lonely days are gone)

I like the feelin' you're
givin' me
Just hold me baby and I'm
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Where did u come from lady
And ooh won't u take me there
Right away won't u baby
Tenderoni you've got to be
Spark my nature
Sugar fly with me
Don't u know me
Is the perfect time
We can make it right
Hit the city lights
Then tonight ease the lovin' pain
Let me take u to the max

I wanna love u (P.Y.T.)
Pretty young thing
You need some lovin'(T.L.C.)
And I'll take u there
I wanna love u (P.Y.T.)
Pretty young thing
You need some lovin'(T.L.C.)
Tender lovin' care
I'll take u there

Anywhere u wanna go

Nothin' can stop this burnin'
Desire to be with you
Gotta get to u baby
Won't u come, it's emergency...
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