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posted by MJDirtyDiana829
 "...and door the way, it won't kill u to gain an ounce," Mark finished with his usual teasing air.
"...and by the way, it won't kill you to gain an ounce," Mark finished with his usual teasing air.
"Why the heck is there creamer in my coffee, Mark? I specifically zei no."

"Oh sorry, Michael. I guess I just forgot."

"I'm paying u not to forget. Got it?"

"Well, of course. I just got rushed and the phone has been ringing non-stop and door the way, it won't kill u to gain an ounce," Mark finished with his usual teasing air.

Michael suddenly rose from the desk.

"I don't care what u think of my body, K!"

Mark froze and looked up at him. Where had that come from? Michael blinked and shifted his chocolate eyes.

"Okay," Mark answered quietly. Michael consciously melted back into his zitplaats, stoel and after a moment Mark took a sideways glance at him.

Michael was wearing a white tee under a black miltary jas with a red armband, smooth black flanellen broek, broek that hugged his bottom in an almost deliberate way. He was heavily made up complete with thick, black eyeliner and a hint of lipstick. His wet curls had been pulled into a excitable ponytail at the base of his neck with the usual loose strands dangling in front of his eyes. They were so distracting. Mark had always thought they gave Michael a bit of a slutty look.

Suddenly, Michael's thick lashes flicked up from their position on the desk. Mark wanted to commentaar further, but thought better of it and and quickly returned his gaze to his stack of papers.

Satisfied in a guilty way, Michael took a sip of his coffee and continued to work. Mark stal a curious glance in time to see him slowly drag his tongue over those full lips. Almost too slowly, as though he were savoring something other than the cream and sugar that Mark knew he loved.

He sighed inwardly. Michael had been the absolute devil to him the past week and he couldn't figure out why. Yes, Mark was aware of the strange, antagonistic behavior he aroused in Michael, but lately he couldn't seem to do anything right. He only hoped this sillines would pass. Though he could certainly find employment elsewhere he, privatly, would rather take it from Michael Jackson any day.

Michael pretended to concentrate on the documents in front of him. They were in preparation for the Bad Tour which was to take place through Europe during the following jaar and a half. That was all he knew. He'd only made it through the first sentence. Michael knew he was being unfair to Mark - moreso than normal, but he was making him vraag everything about himself. Shouldn't that warrant some anxiety?

Michael couldn't be gay. Hell, nobody would allow that. But then why was he always so horrible to Mark if he really was secure with himself? Mark wasn't the first he had treated this way either. There were others, though, not as close to Michael as Mark. There had been aides, dancers, studio techs; all what people would consider to be attractive young men. Whenever a man would make a pass at Michael he pretended to be confused door it and once he actually ran away. But so what? Mark was straight anyway...

Perhaps Mark was just a lousey assistant. Yes, that would be it. He was always trying to tell Michael what to do of how to do it. Michael hated that. Who does he think he is anyway? Trying to run the toon for Michael Jackson. Phht!

He looked up at Mark sitting there sipping his coffee in his nice overhemd, shirt and tie with his nice dark hair all fixed. Michael was getting pissier door the second. He wanted to say something, but what? He wanted to get a rise out of Mark, to make him shout back at him - for them to boil some emotions on eachother. Michael wanted to tell him to stop being such a pain, to stop looking the way he did - to stay out of his fantasies.

"Rrr...," Michael grumbled aloud. Mark calmly looked up at him. He could sense the tension in the room. Perhaps this was Michael's way of restarting their "conversation". Michael wasn't the best at it.

"What is it?", Mark asked. Michael, fit to burst, blinked for a moment.

"I...the...the creamer is giving me a stomache ache. I'm lactose intolerant."

Mark smiled toothily.

"What? u are not." He knew Michael had just made that up. It was so ridiculous and random that he couldn't help but laugh at his foolishness.

On the other hand, that seemed to be the end of the line for Michael. He glared at Mark, his smile beaming back at him. Mocking him.

"Ya know...damn you, Mark!," Michael squeaked. "You know what I think I should do?" he asked rising from his zitplaats, stoel again. Mark turned serious too.

"What?" He wondered when this game would end. It was becoming a bit too much.

Michael knew now that he had been right from the beginning. He should have followed his morals even if they seemed against his thoughts. He didn't dislike gay people, but there was certainly no reason he needed to be around any of them. He didn't want to be influenced door them and that is exactly what he had allowed Mark to do!

"I should have done this a long time ago."

"What!?" asked Mark getting to his feet as well. This had gone far enough and Michael was behaving completely irrationally. He knew what was coming volgende and he found himself dreading it far meer than he could have imagined.

"You...your services are no longer required! There!" he spat. Michael had never personally fired anyone before. It felt a bit empowering, but mostly just cliche and awkward - especially the way he'd just done it.

Mark felt the bottom drop out of his stomach. He really didn't want this. He'd become so used to Michael that even his eccentricites were normal. He had never encountered a dull moment with him and now that Michael didn't want him anymore he couldn't see a dag without him. Mark had to face his truth.

"Why! I help you! I cover your ass! I back u in anything that's a good idea and then take it to the volgende level." Mark was aware of how desperate he sounded. His hart-, hart was in his throat.

"Yeah, well I just took it to the volgende level," Michael retorted coldly.

They both stared, fuming, eyelevel with one another. Then, quietly, Mark voiced the knottiest vraag of all.

"It's because I'm gay, isn't it?"

"Wha-?" Michael blanched.

"You're prejuduce. And u know something else too?," Mark asked as he spun around for his breifcase, voice and composure mounting, "I know about guys like you, Michael Jackson."

"Really? What?" So Mark was going to fly the old prejudice flag in his face! Michael automatically moved to the doorway shaking with anger. "Well? What is it u think u know?," he zei tucking a curl behind his ear and crossing his arms.

"Scared of your own shadow because it walks, and talks, and moves like you." Then Mark went for his exit, but Michael slammed his large palms to either side of the frame. His large were eyes serious and searching Mark's for answers...

"What is that supposed to mean?," he asked, obviously stalling for time. They stared at each other for a heated moment; Michael's tiny nose in a crinkle.

Mark desperately wanted to confess what he knew, but knew it would change nothing. In fact, it would only enrage him more. Mark did not parade his own sexual identity, but he knew Michael was definatly concealing something of his own and meer than once, Mark had foolishly hoped he would be the one to discover it.

Michael had never looked at Mark this closely before. His dark lashes and thick brows were enticing him at this very moment. What was wrong with him? Mark’s gaze dropped to Michael’s full red lips. They were on brand like his eyes now.

Mark tore his stare from Michael and backed up. Then he exhaled and tried again to force himself through the door. He felt he was at the end of his tether and did not want to stick around and display his emotions.

Michael wasn’t finished yet. He grabbed Mark door the elbows to stop him. Mark tutted and looked something murderous at Michael. Michael stopped - not believing his own actions.

“Get the hell outta my way!” Michael could not let Mark leave. He had to know the truth.


“Get outta my way, u little prick!” Mark dropped his aktentas, werkmap to the floor with a clatter and slapped Michael across his cheek.

“Ouch! hallo wha-?,” Michael yelled and staggered against the doorway, but before he could form his vraag Mark grabbed him door his shoulders and forced him back into the office. “AH!,” Michael shrieked and toppled over. He made a grab for the only thing nearby which happened to be Mark’s scarf.

They both tumbled against the chair and bureau knocking the lamp off the corner. Michael landed on his back between the two with Mark crashing into his armpit.


“You idiot!”

“It was your fault!,” zei Michael rubbing his head. There was an awkward pause in which neither zei anything, but attempted to stand.

“Are u ok?” asked Mark. Michael wouldn’t look at him.

“Yes.” Michael was infuriated that Mark would dare attempt such a foolish stunt on him. Then again, why would Mark be so gutsy? Maybe because he’d just been fired. of maybe because he’d always known how to push the envelope. Michael didn’t know how to take Mark’s aggressiveness. Michael was angry. Michael was confused. And through all of this why had Mark’s forceful behavior resulted in him feeling slightly... turned on!?

Michael straightened his jas and faced away from his ex-employee, his arms crossed tightly. He was just waiting. Waiting for something. He felt his eyes begin to sting and his throat tighten to the point of choking him.

“Well, I guess I’ll go then, Michael.” Mark glared at the back of Michael’s head, willing him to turn around - just turn around and face him. He stared at Michael’s slender, black-clad form; his wet curls dangling between his shoulders. Michael sniffed.

“Michael?” Mark was thankful for a reason, for he was already rooted to the spot. He inched forward. “Michael, what-?” He reached his shoulder and managed to ease him around.

Michael’s eyes were glassy and one of his cheeks was quite red contrasting with his pale complexion. But it was the bit of red congealing door the corner of his mouth that really got Mark. He had assumed Michael to be every bit as delicate as a flower, but had not considered this when his own emotions had swept away with him - after Michael had hurt him.

Glad to have an excuse to toon some mercy, Mark lifted a hand to Michael’s lips. Michael’s dark eyes suddenly glowed with rage and Mark knew there was no other time. Without thinking, without considering of calculating of worrying, Mark freed himself long enough to release his emotions upon Michael. Nothing mattered anymore. Nothing mattered as long as he could tell Michael how he felt and how Michael should feel in return. He would take but a second; one fiery hot second. And that would be the beginning to their questionable end.

Mark pulled Michael door his sleeve to his own lips guiding him door his chin. Their lips bumped carelessly, unplanned at first, and Michael did not protest, but he did not kiss him back. Mark tasted blood as he timidly began to caress Michael’s swollen lips. He wanted to do so much to him.

Michael’s mind froze. He had so many questions. This felt so wrong, but why was he enjoying it so much? His fantasy was coming alive before him. Oh, how he hated Mark. Why did his lips feel so good?

Michael felt himself growing hard. He quickly put a hand over his groin to conceal the impure arousal. He raised a hand to slap Mark away, but it slowed and door the time it made it to his shoulder, came to a rest. Now Michael was furious.

Mark sped up his pace slipping his tongue inside Michael’s sweet mouth. The blood had stopped now and all he tasted was Michael’s plush lips with a hint of lipstick. Michael could feel his pillowy lips bumping softly against Mark’s - in a seconde he would stop this madness. Mark’s tongue slid between Michael’s lips and twisted with his tongue.

“Ummm,” Michael finally released - his cry pitieous, like that of the suffering. He had to stop this. He never wanted to stop this. Michael's curious palms slowly slid up Mark's overhemd, shirt and his fingertips pressed gently to his chest. He could feel Mark's hart-, hart and heat beneath as their warm kiss continued to dance across eachothers lips.

As Mark breathed against Michael he knew he's never be satisfied until he could have him fully and completly. The desperate passion that was radiating from Michael made Mark feel like he could float right off the floor. He couldn't have imagined a meer bittersweet ending to the now miles away disaster they were treading in. He had desired this meer than he had let himself believe and now that his dream had materialized in a softness before him he moaned in a tone of unleashed passion from his soul. Michael wanted him.

"Ohhhh," Michael whimpered at Mark's lips. He felt his concentration slip and then disappear entirely. All of his tangled thoughts, guilt, and shame vanished leaving Michael to operate to nature's rhythem.

He flung his arms around Mark's neck from the passion and felt his knees give him away. Michael kissed Mark wildly. Inside, his body was telling him Mark had something he needed; something he must have. He held all of his pleasuring and all of the antwoorden that he had to know.

Mark took Michael's wrist gently in his hand and began kissing his way down Michael's neck. Michael moaned with his eyes closed and his head tilted back. Mark held him around his back and under his arm, but it was no use. Michael's legs would no longer support him.

The two lowered to the office floor kissing and moaning. Michael lay gasping with Mark practically on top, boven of him. All vragen abandoned, Michael revelled in the throbbing sensation so hard between his legs, aching for meer caressing than just on his arms and back. Mark's answer pressed inexplicably to Michael's hip. Michael now began to moan even louder than before.

Mark kissed Michael's cheek and quietly shushed him. Michael had forgotten all self control - he was used to getting everything he wanted. He couldn't hold a thought in his mind and was dizzy and lost door Mark's new taboo game. Mark had awoken the sleeping sexual demons within Michael and now he would have to exorcise them.

"Uh, God...Mark!", Michael wailed. Then, looking him the eye, he took Mark's hand and guided him to his special treasure. Mark watched so excited. His hand in Michael's slid slowly down the silky-thin black fabric of his tight flanellen broek, broek until it came to rest upon the nicest homp, stoere binken of meat Mark had ever touched.

Mark slowly squeezed and rubbed at Michael's hard condition. Michael held his breath and then burst out again as the sweet sensation engulfed him. Nobody had been there before. He moaned and moved his hips against Mark's petting hand. It felt so good. He wanted Mark touching him like this. God, he wanted Mark's hands all over him! All over his thighs, his bottom, his penis, his nipples...

"Oh!," Michael whimpered. Feeling a little meer agressive, he pulled Mark door his tie back to his lips where they frolicked some more. Mark slid on top, boven of Michael with his own hardness pressing on Michael's hands.

Michael gasped slightly having never touched a penis besides his own. But his sexual instinct took him over not a moment later and Michael was soon rubbing Mark's phallus with ease. It was so warm and hard - just like his own. And Mark shuddered with pleasure as Michael stroked him.

They kissed and pushed against eachother, Mark's legs on either side of Michael's hips. Michael wondered what this would be like if they were both naked...he gave an excited shiver. Their hands were now as wild as their lips. Rubbing and stroking at each other. Michael was pushing himself hard against Mark. His mind fixed. His orgasm tingling so close.

Mark gasped in Michael's ear and then sat up pulling Michael with him.

"Michael," Mark whispered, his eyelids heavy and hair messy, "look what I have for you." Mark unzipped his flanellen broek, broek and pulled the hardness out that Michael had been humping against.

"Umm," Michael groaned and bit his lip as he laid eyes upon Mark's penis for the first time. His flesh was so full and stood proudly from his pants. "What should I...?" But he already knew exactly what he wanted to do to his enticing member. Michael slid his military jas off and pressed his hands upon Mark's thighs. Mark brushed his curls encouragingly.

Michael nervously lowered his face to Mark's penis and began to lick, flicking his roze tongue first on his tip. It was so warm and fresh -it made Michael want to melt. Then he slid his mouth over his length pushing his flesh down and then pulling it back up with his full lips.

Mark began to moan and held to Michael's back occasionally scrunching up his tee in his hands. Michael loved hearing his moans and was relieved that he seemed to be doing it right. He was really starting to enjoy himself, sucking this lovely plump cock, as it was the sweetest lollipop he'd ever had. He was shocked door his own increasingly dirty thoughts and so aroused that he didn't really register the intercom call.

Beep: "Mr. Jackson? The car is here," came a female voice. It was so distant and far away - like in a dream. Michael continued pumping away at the succulent man-meat that was finally in his hungry mouth. Beep: "Mr. Jackson?"

"Michael..." Mark was whispering to him from somewhere...

"Ummm, (slurp) hmm-umm." Michael argued, not releasing his treat.

"Mr. Jackson? The car is here to take y-......oh." This time the voice had not sounded from the intercom, but from the office doorway. Michael jerked bolt upright in front of Mark who seemed to be frozen and unwilling to turn around.

Michael's wide eyes peered just over Mark's shoulder to look at Tina the Intruder - she also happened to be one of his aides.

"K, thanks. Be right there," Michael heard himself squeak. Tina zei nothing in return, but forced a sort of smile that looked meer like a grimace and quickly disappeared.

Michael and Mark stood shakily. How long had they been down there? They quickly tried to straighten their clothing and calm irritated body parts. Michael grabbed his jas and glanced in the mirror. His makeup was fine except for his swollen lips and smeared red lipstick. Mark noticed this along with his desheveled black curls and immedietly felt his manhood spring back to life. He coughed and looked away.

"Let's go," Michael said, as he finished dressing and led them out the door.

Well, Mark thought, at least now I know how to keep him quiet.
posted by 2468244
(There's something
I have to say to you
If u promise you'll
I cannot contain myself
When in your presence
I'm so humble
Touch me
Don't hide our love
Woman to man)

She's just a lover
Who makes me high
It's worth the giving
It's worth the try
You cannot cleave it
Or put it in the furnace
You cannot wet it
You cannot burn it

She wants to give it
(She wants to give it
Aah, she wants to give it)
Dare me
(She wants to give it
Aah, she wants to give it)
She wants to give it
(She wants to give it)
(Aah, she wants to give it
She wants to give it
Aah, she wants to give it)

It's just a feeling
You have to soothe it...
continue reading...
They say I'm different
They don't understand
But there's a bigger problem
That's much mor in demand
You got worlds hunger
Not enough to eat
So there's really no time
To be trippin' on me

You got school teachers
Who don't wanna teach
You got grown people
Who can't write of read
You got strange diseases
Ha but there's no cure
You got many doctors
That aren't so sure
So tell me

Why u wanna trip on me
Why u wanna trip on me
Stop trippin'

We've got meer problems
Than we'll ever need
You got gang violence
And bloodshed on the street
You got homeless people
With no food to eat
With no clothes on their back
And no shoes...
continue reading...
Really great tragedy enters his family adikochamenou so early king of the unforgettable and amazing Michael Jackson.
The family is always targeted door the publicity and it certainly is not always the best and suffering of these people and of course even meer unfortunate mother lost a ster in the life ...
Yesterday in court in Los Angeles where he went to the doctor, his mother Katherine was the ster rampage showed pain and anger and inconvenience we almost faint.
We hope soon to illuminate the mysterious but very interesting case and to calm his relatives adikochamenou and famous and beloved singer zeehond, seal an entire season with his presence and with songs and muziek and will remain unforgettable in the hearts of all world.
LAPD detectives were on the hunt for Dr. Conrad Murray's communications with his baby mama, Nicole Alvarez -- a woman cops believe knows a lot about Michael Jackson's death.

According to documents just released, detectives obtained a zoek warrant in November, 2009 -- 5 months after Jackson died. They searched a Gmail account belonging to Nicole Alvarez, the woman who had a child with Murray. She's the same woman Murray was staying with in Santa Monica up to the time Jackson died.

Cops wanted records from May, 2009 through September, 2009. So it's now clear -- detectives wanted to know what...
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posted by 2468244
Tell the angels no, I don't wanna leave my baby alone
I don't want nobody else to hold you
That's a chance I'll take
Baby I'll stay, Heaven can wait
No, if the angels took me from this earth
I would tell them bring me back to her
It's a chance I'll take, maybe I'll stay
Heaven can wait

(You're beautiful, you're wonderful, incredible, I love u so)
You're beautiful
Each moment spent with u is simply wonderful
This love I have for u girl it's incredible
And I don't know what I'd do, if I can't be with you
The world could not go on so every night I pray
If the Lord should come for me before I wake
I wouldn't...
continue reading...
Yes it is true. The administrator of the estate of Michael Jackson made the largest muziek agreement ever made with Sony Mousic.

According to the uithangbord straat Journal the value of this agreement exceeds $ 200 million and is saving for his heirs Jacko, they will manage to pay back part of the huge debts.

The agreement provides for the use of 10 new album in seven years, where there will be some unknown songs that he wrote the king of pop, as long away from the muziek industry.

We are talking about dozens of unknown songs door Jackson, as well as the re-luxurious all huge successes.

Exceptions to...
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posted by 2468244
Deceitful eyes, she's got those come get me thighs
She only knows how low that she can go
She speaks the lines that can control my mind
Wherever she goes I know my eyes follow
She blew me a kiss, I swear that it was meant
Only for me, then spoke with her body
Her only goal is just to take control
And I can't believe that I can't tell her no

That girl I can't take her
Should have known she was a heartbreaker
That gir I can't take her
Should have seen right through her she's a heartbreaker
That girl I can't take her
Should have seen it coming heartbreaker
That girl I can't take her
Should have seen right through...
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You know I work to hard for this kinda play, (ho!)
I wrote a letter, for the getto of the CIA, (ho!)
I don't care a jack, of about what cha' do, (ho!)
Just put ya dime on the line
baby, cos i own you, (ho!)

Somebody said, give up instead on
how u feel, (ah-uh)
One blow to the head is all u need
(I aint takin it..ya,)
Cheater (oooooh!, Do it!, What!,
(Ya Got) Do it!, What! (Get back
on me...))

I know ya name and the game is
"I own you" (ho!)
Ya, tellin' me that ya comin to a compramise (ho!)
Ya smilin at me while, ya stealin
right before my eyes (Daggone it

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posted by 2468244
It's close to midnight and something evil's lurking in the dark
Under the moonlight u see a sight that almost stops your heart
You try to scream but terror takes the sound before u make it
You start to freeze as horror looks u right between the eyes
You're paralyzed

'Cause this is thriller, thriller night
And no one's gonna save u from the beast about to strike
You know it's thriller, thriller night
You're fighting for your life inside a killer, thriller tonight, yeah

You hear the door slam and realize there's nowhere left to run
You feel the cold hand and wonder if you'll ever see the sun...
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posted by 2468244
Your love is magical, that's how I feel
But I have not the words here to explain
Gone is the grace for expressions of passion
But there are worlds and worlds of ways to explain
To tell u how I feel

But I am speechless, speechless
That's how u make me feel
Though I'm with u I am far away and nothing is for real
When I'm with u I am lost for words, I don't know what to say
My head's spinning like a carousel, so silently I pray

Helpless and hopeless, that's how I feel inside
Nothing's real, but all is possible of God is on my side
When I'm with u I'm in the light where I cannot be found
It's as though...
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Tonight’s story is somewhat unique and calls for
a different kind of introduction
A monster had arrived in the village
The major ingredient of any recipe for fear is the unknown
And this person of thing is soon to be met
He knows every thought, he can feel every emotion
Oh yes, I did forget something didn’t I?
I forgot to introduce u to the monster.

You’re fearing me, ‘cause u know I’m a beast
Watching u when u sleep, when you’re in bed
I’m underneath
You’re trapped in halls, and my face is the walls
I’m the floor when u fall, and when
you scream it’s ‘cause...
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Girl, close your eyes
Let that rhythm, get into to you
Don't try to fight it
There ain't nothin' that u can do
Relax your mind
Lay back and groove with mine
You gotta feel the heat
And we can ride the boogie
Share that beat of love

I wanna rock with u (all night)
Dance u in the dag (sunlight)
I wanna rock with u (all night)
We're gonna rock the night away

Out on the floor
There ain't nobody there but us
Girl, when u dance
There's a magic that must be love
Just take it slow
'Cause we got so far to go
When u feel that heat
And we gunna ride the boogie
Share that beat of love


And when the...
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Ben, the two of us need look no more
We both found what we were looking for
With a friend to call my own
I'll never be alone
And you, my friend, will see
You've got a friend in me
(you've got a friend in me)

Ben, you're always running here and there
u feel you're not wanted anywhere
If u ever look behind
And don't like what u find
[ Find meer Lyrics on link ]
There's something u should know
You've got a place to go
(you've got a place to go)

I used to say "I" and "me"
Now it's "us", now it's "we"
I used to say "I" and "me"
Now it's "us", now it's "we"
Ben, most people would turn u away
I don't listen to a word they say
They don't see u as I do
I wish they would try to
I'm sure they'd think again
If they had a friend like Ben
(a friend) Like Ben
(like Ben) Like Ben

posted by 2468244
She was meer like a beauty queen from a movie scene
I zei don't mind, but what do u mean I am the one
Who will dance on the floor in the round
She zei I am the one who will dance on the floor in the round

She told me her name was Billie Jean, as she caused a scene
Then every head turned with eyes that dreamed of being the one
Who will dance on the floor in the round

People always told me to be careful what u do
And don't go around breaking young girls' hearts
And mother always told me to be careful who u love
And be careful what u do 'cause the lie becomes the truth, hey

Billie Jean is not my...
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There's a steam beat
And it's comin' after you
You can take it
If u only let your feelings through

So D.J. spin the sounds
There ain't no way that you're gonna
Let us down
Gonna dance, gonna burn this disco out

Groove all night
Keep the boogie alright
Get that sound
Everybody just get on down

Got a hot foot
Better freak across the floor
Join the party
And we'll keep u movin', that's for sure

So D.J. spin the sounds
There ain't no way that you're gonna
Sit us down
Gonna dance 'til we burn this disco out

Groove all night (Groove on)
Keep the boogie alright
Get that sound
Everybody just get on down

Once u get the...
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I zei u wanna be startin' somethin'
You got to be startin' somethin'
I zei u wanna be startin' somthin'
You got to be startin' somethin'
It's too high to get over
(Yeah, yeah)
It's too low to get under
(Yeah, yeah)
You're stuck in the middle
(Yeah, yeah)
And the pain is thunder
(Yeah, yeah)
It's too high to get over
(Yeah, yeah)
It's too low to get under
(Yeah, yeah)
You're stuck in the middle
(Yeah, yeah)
And the pain is thunder
(Yeah, yeah)

I took my baby to the doctor
With a fever, but nothin' that he found
By the time this hit the street
They zei she had a breakdown
Someone's always tryin' to start my baby...
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It's the fallin' in love that's makin' me high
It's the being in love that makes me cry cry
You got me fallin' in love, got me fallin' in love
(Cry, cry, cryin', cryin')

You're not like anybody I ever knew
But that don't mean I don't know where we are
And though I find myself attracted to you
This time I'm trying not to go too far 'cause

No matter how it starts it ends the same
Someone's always doning someone more
Trading in the passion for that taste of pain
It's only gonna heppen again

It's the fallin' in love that's makin' me high
It's the being in love that makes me cry cry cry
It's the fallin' in love...
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When the world is on your shoulder
Gotta straighten up your act and boogie down
If u can't hang with the feelin'
Then there ain't no room for u in this part of town
'Cause we're the party people night and day
Livin' crazy that's the only way

So tonight gotta leave that nine to five upon the shelf
And just enjoy yourself
Groove, let the madness in the muziek get to you
Life ain't so bad at all
If u live it off the uithangbord (Life ain't so bad at all)
Live life off the uithangbord (Live your life off the wall)
Live it off the wall

You can shout out all u want to
'Cause there ain't no sin in folks all getting loud...
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Lovely is the feelin' now
Fever, temperature's risin' now
Power (Oh, power) is the force the vow
That makes it happen
It asks no vragen why, ooh
So get closer (Closer now) to my body now
Just love me 'til u don't know how, ooh

Keep on with the force don't stop
Don't stop 'til u get enough
Keep on with the force don't stop
Don't stop 'til u get enough
Keep on with the force don't stop
Don't stop 'til u get enough
Keep on with the force don't stop
Don't stop 'til u get enough

Touch me and I feel on fire
Ain't nothin' like a love desire, ooh
I'm melting (I'm melting) like hot candle wax
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posted by keninv
Aaow!-Hoo Hoo!

[Verse 1]
I Don't Care What u Talkin' 'Bout Baby
I Don't Care What u Say
Don't u Come Walkin' Beggin' Back Mama
I Don't Care Anyway
Time After Time I Gave u All Of My Money
No Excuses To Make
Ain't No Mountain That I Can't Climb Baby
All Is Going My Way

('Cause There's A Time When You're Right)
(And u Know u Must Fight)
Who's Laughing Baby, Don't u Know
(And There's The Choice That We Make)
(And This Choice u Will Take)
Who's Laughin' Baby

So Just Leave Me Alone
Leave Me Alone
(Leave Me Alone)
(Leave Me Alone)
Leave Me Alone
(Leave Me Alone)
(Leave Me Alone)
(Leave Me Alone)...
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