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Hearing those words come out of Debbie's mouth made my hart-, hart race. I knew it wasn't a good idea to bring AJ to the hospital because I know it's going to be chaos. I ran up to Jeffrey and asked him "will u watch AJ for me? Debbie's water just broke and I don't know how long I'll be at the hospital with her for." He zei "of course I can Michael. I hope everything with the delivery goes well." I zei "thank u so much Jeffrey" and grabbed my car keys off of the countertop in the kitchen.

When I arrived at the hospital, Debbie was so happy to see me and she zei "I'm not even close to having the baby anytime soon. I can't really complain too much because Alanna's delivery was so easy and quick. This is just the payback for the first time!" I sat down in the chair volgende to her hospital bed and zei "I don't care how long this takes; I'll be here to support you!" She zei "I had the doctors give me an epidural because I just couldn't handle the pain anymore. I've been nauseous and I just wanted to warn u because I will probably throw up at some point." I hugged her and zei "just relax! I'm not going anywhere; even if u throw up! That stuff doesn't bother me! Did u forget that I have a two-year-old at home? Throwing up is nothing to me anymore Debbie!"

minuten after I finish that sentence, she did end up getting sick in a bucket that she held in her hands. She looked embarrassed almost to the point of devastation. She zei "I'm so sorry u had to witness that Michael!" I zei "you really don't need to worry about it; seriously Debbie! That doesn't bother me at all! I'm just glad that u have better aim than AJ does because I've lost count of how many times she's gotten sick all over me and that doesn't even bother me anymore!" After I zei that she seemed to be at ease and we sat there finally able to catch up on what has been going on in each other's lives.

Debbie asked "how's AJ doing?" I zei "you'll be happy to know that I threw away the baby bottles." She zei "that's great. How is the bathroom situation with her going? I know u were really struggling with that before!" I zei "she's 100% trained during the dag and it'll probably be a while before I'm comfortable working on nighttime with her because I'm going to be busy taking care of Prince in the middle of the night." Debbie asked "what about her oppositional defiance disorder and ADHD? Has that gotten any better?" I took a deep sigh and zei "unfortunately no; if anything it's gotten worse! I've never seen a child that young with the anger that she has! I can’t imagine what it's going to be like when she is older! I know she's not broken but sometimes I just want to fix her in some way because I can see that she doesn't even want to act the way she does! I think she realizes what she does after the fact and feels remorseful; but she just doesn't want to admit it. She is so stubborn but; she has the potential to be so well behaved and I hope I'm doing everything in my power to help her get to that point!"

After almost 23 hours of labor, Debbie had almost delivered our son into the world and I was glad because I could tell that she was completely exhausted. She was cursing up a storm and I would try to come up with another word for her to use because I rarely ever swear! I only really swear when I'm extremely mad! Sometimes "hell" will slip out of my mouth here and there; but I don't really consider that a swear word because it's in the Bible. Anyway, I finally got to hold my son for the first time and it brought me back to all the times when AJ was that small! I of course thanked Debbie and was glad when they let me leave the hospital with him a few hours later. Debbie unfortunately has to stay at the hospital for a few days to monitor her health because the delivery lasted so long.

I got back to Neverland with Prince around 2 o'clock in the morning and Jeffrey was waiting for me. I let him go back to his servants’ quarters because he was pretty much sleeping when I walked through the door. After feeding my son and helping him get off to sleep, I walked across the hall into AJ's bedroom to see her peacefully sleeping with cartoons playing on her TV. I kissed her forehead and turned off the TV. I couldn't help but realize how much AJ has changed in almost 3 years’ time.


Okay, maybe I forgot how much work it is to take care of a newborn baby because it's been so long. Ever since I bought Prince home pagina about six hours geleden I've been exhausted and I'm about to get a lot meer tired because AJ should be up any minuut now. She still doesn't know that her brother is here because she was fast asleep when I got back to the ranch with him. Thank God Grace will be back tomorrow because I have feeling today is going to be very long dag which will make me one very tired daddy.

I was sitting on the divan, bank in the living room with Prince in my arms and my eyes barely open when AJ yelled "I'm awake daddy" from upstairs. My eyes shot open and I walked upstairs with the baby still in my arms. I opened her bedroom door and quietly crept over to the bed. I whispered "do u want to meet your baby brother?" I sat down volgende to her on the bed and helped her hold Prince in her arms. She zei "he's cute daddy." I zei "I know." She zei "I can't wait until he's a little bit older so I can teach him stuff!" I asked "did u listen to Jeffrey while I was at the hospital?" She responded "yeah; but I missed u and now I really have to go to the bathroom!" I chuckled and zei "I don't understand why u don't ever go when I'm not here. u make me feel so bad for you." She dashed off to the bathroom while explaining "because I just can't go daddy." I rolled my eyes and zei "whatever u say AJ!"

AJ came downstairs with me a little while later and I was surprised door how patient she was being with me because I had to spend so much time taking care of Prince. She actually wanted to be helpful to me and would go get me something that I needed if Prince started crying. I zei "you're being such a good big sister AJ!" She looked down at Prince as he drank from the bottle I was feeding him and asked "daddy?" I responded "yes?" She asked "is that one of my bottles?" I zei "it used to be a few months ago." She whispered "oh" and wrinkled her eyebrows. She stayed really quite after that and I don't really know why.


I was woken up this morning door the doorbell ringing and grabbed Prince out of the kinderbedje, wieg that was set up in my bedroom so I could go answer it. When I opened the door Grace was standing on the other side and I was so happy to see her because she's been gone for the past six months taking care of her sister who unfortunately passed away. I zei "it's so nice to have u working for me again; so much has changed! AJ’s going to be three years old in a few weeks! This is my newborn son Prince Michael and you'll be taking care of him too. Luckily, I don't really have too much going on with my job right now because I'm in between legs on my tour and the final leg doesn't start until the week after AJ's birthday. There are only 15 shows left and then the tour is finally over! If u can’t tell door now, I hate being on tour! It absolutely exhausts me and I can't wait until I don't have to worry about it anymore! Until then, I'm just trying to enjoy as much quality time with the children as possible before we hit the road again." She zei "well, I'll be here to help u with anything u need so that when u get back to the hotel after a concert u can just relax!" I zei "I really appreciate that from u because there would be no way that I would be able to watch both of the children on my own and do my job correctly. It was hard enough just watching AJ for those last few concerts when u left to go tend to your sister. My manager was so irritated with me because I spent meer time worrying about Alanna then I did about preparing for the show. He stresses me out way too much! I'm not looking vooruit, voorwaarts to having him breathing down my neck pretty much all dag long. I definitely don't miss that part of my job."

AJ came scurrying down the stairs and I picked her up. I kissed her forehead and zei "this is Grace; do u remember her?" She started to act shy and asked "is she the lady who was here when u put me in timeout for the first time daddy?" I smirked and zei "yeah that's her." Grace zei "your daddy looks like he needs a break." I zei "actually; I was going to have u watch the two of them while I go to my studio here on the ranch." AJ immediately started having separation anxiety; I can't really blame her because she hasn't really been away from me for the past six months.

She screamed "you can't leave me here daddy!" I asked "why not? I'm just going to be over at the studio a few miles away in the backyard munchkin." She refused to talk to me unless Grace left the room; so I had her feed Prince a baby bottle in the living room while AJ and I talked. I asked "what's the big deal AJ? I'm not going anywhere far away!” She zei "I don't want to be away from you! I heard u talking about how you're going to go back to work and be gone all dag while I'm in a hotel!" She started crying uncontrollably and I couldn't help but feel bad because I don't like leaving either of the children for any amount of time; let alone all dag for five days a week. We'll only be gone for a maand and a half because I average about three shows a week and there's only 15 shows left on the tour.

I asked "do u want to go down to the studio with me then; since u don't want me to leave u here with Grace?" She zei "yes" and calmed herself down. I walked into the living room and zei "you don't need to worry about watching AJ because she's going to the studio with me. We'll be back in about an hour; check the backyard if u need me." Grace zei "no need to worry; are u sure u don't want me to watch AJ for you?" I responded "no; that's all right. If u can't tell door now; AJ is extremely attached to me!"

I love my personal recording studio that I had built on the ranch because it has a living room that AJ has a play area set up in. I held her hand as we walked through the front door of the studio and I brought her to the living room. She asked "daddy; will u play with me?" I felt really bad because I haven't really been able to spend much time with her in the past two days because of Prince needing so much of my time and attention. I lay down on my stomach on the living area floor and zei "sure; since there's not many things in here, why don't we just talk instead?" She zei "okay daddy." I asked "do u like being a big sister AJ?" She zei "yeah; but I wish u could spend meer time with me because I kind of miss when it was just me and you! I really love Prince; but I can't have u all to myself anymore!" I zei sympathetically "I know; in a few meer months Prince won't need me to take care of him quite so often and then we can do things that u like to do. That actually reminds me; what did u want to do for your birthday this year?" She zei "I want to have a Spiderman party daddy!!!" I chuckled and sarcastically zei "I didn't see that coming! Do u want your uncles, grandma, and aunts to come to the party?" She zei "no; grandma and Aunt Latoya can come over; but that's it!" I asked curiously "why don't u want everyone else to come?" She zei "because they are mean to u and make u sad."


Last jaar I was rehearsing for my tour when AJ's birthday rolled around; so I really didn't have the time to set up anything special for her. That's why I want this birthday to make up for the last one. Plus, this is the first birthday that I think she will remember years from now and I want it to be a memorable dag for her! I walked upstairs and into AJ's bedroom to see if she was awake yet. I was surprised to see that she was still sleeping because it was almost 9 o'clock and she usually wakes up around eight. I walked up to her and pulled the covers away. She slowly opened her eyes and I zei "good morning sleepyhead. Are u excited that your birthday is only a few days away?" She zei "I'm so excited daddy!" I zei "good because I'm going to do my best to make this the coolest party ever!"

She jumped on my back and I carried her downstairs. I let her down and she sat on the couch. I put cartoons on the TV and walked up to Grace in the keuken-, keuken and asked in whispered tones "will u watch AJ as well as Prince while I go shopping for her party?" She responded "of course I can Michael." I zei "I have to stop door a few other places too; so I may be a couple of hours." She zei "that's not problem Michael; take as long as u need!" While AJ was mesmerized door the TV, I quickly snuck out of the house before she noticed because I knew she would have separation anxiety if she knew that I went somewhere without her.

After going to the store with my bodyguard Jeffrey, I decided to stop door Havenhurst to check in on my mother because I haven't seen her in a few weeks. I knocked on the door and Majestic answered it. Majestic was the magician I hired to entertain me while I was still living with mother and Joseph; but now he just stays at Havenhurst free of charge because I didn't want my mother's been lonely here door herself. I greeted Majestic and he zei "it's about time u come to visit me!" I chuckled and zei "I'm actually here to see mother." He jokingly zei "oh… I see how it is Michael!" I walked into the living room to see mother sitting there in a chair. She looked up and zei "there's my little Michael!" I rolled my eyes and smiled as I zei "I'm not so little anymore mother! I'm going to be 34." I sat down in the chair volgende to her and she zei "you'll always be my little Michael!"

She asked "so, what brings u here today?" I zei "I just finished shopping for Alanna's birthday party and wanted to stop door to invite u to come on Saturday." She zei "of course I'll be there! Can –." I cut her off and zei "please don't even ask that mother! I'm not inviting my brothers, Janet, Rebbie, and especially not Joseph! I've tried three times in a row to invite them over to the ranch and it never ends positively! I want this to be good birthday for AJ and even she realizes that being around any of them makes me tense! She told me all on her own that she doesn't want them to come!" Mother zei "that's fine Michael; it was just a suggestion." I got up from my zitplaats, stoel and zei "okay mother; I love u and I'll see u in a few days at the ranch for the party." She hugged me and zei "I can't wait; I miss my grandbabies!"

When I opened the front door to the main house on the ranch, I saw that AJ was sobbing uncontrollably on the other side of the door. I picked her up and asked "what's wrong?" She zei "I was watching TV and when I looked around later on, u were gone!!!!!!!!!!!!" I rubbed her back as tears flowed from her eyes and zei "you couldn't come with me because I had to get your party stuff. I came back; didn't I?" Grace came into the room and zei "see; I told u daddy would be back! She had a complete meltdown once she realized u were gone Michael!" I zei "she's become very clingy in this past few months that we've been back home. I don't know what's gotten into her! u know I would never leave u forever AJ; I always come back!" She zei while rubbing her eyes "next time, please take me with u daddy!"


I ran into AJ's room and shouted "HAPPY BIRTHDAY" at the top, boven of my lungs. She jumped out of bed and zei "yay; it's time for my party!" I chuckled and zei "whoa; slow down! It's only 8 o'clock in the morning! We still have a while to go before grandma and Aunt Latoya come over! I called Aunt Elizabeth (Taylor) and she is coming too." She quietly walked downstairs and I zei "remember, Prince is sleeping so we can't be too loud! Grace was upstairs with the baby so I could spend some much overdue quality time with AJ. While I slowly began to get the things out of the keuken-, keuken so I could make French geroosterd brood, toast for breakfast.

The phone started ringing as I stood there putting the syrup on the French geroosterd brood, toast that I had just made for breakfast. I answered the phone and the person on the other end zei "hello; is this Mr. Jackson?" I zei "yes; may I ask whose calling?" The person zei "this is your party planner Deana and I have some unfortunate news for u Michael. The person that u hired to come to the party dressed as Spiderman canceled about 20 minuten ago." I whispered angrily "what do u mean they canceled? They can't do that! That was supposed to be the best part of AJ's birthday party!" She responded "I'm sorry Michael; is there any other superhero that your daughter would want to come to her party?" I zei irritated "no; that's why I specifically asked for Spiderman! Why don't u have one of the people that dresses up in costume wear the Spiderman one instead?" She zei "because the other staff members aren't crazy enough to put on that costume because it's extremely hot and makes them sweat. The person that was supposed to wear the costume today was my 16-year-old nephew and the only reason he agreed to wear it was because I was going to let him borrow my car so he could go to the prom with his girlfriend. Then out of nowhere he called me and told me that he wouldn't need the car anymore because they are just going to ride in a limo with a group of their friends. I'm sorry Michael; but there's nothing I can do about it at this point because it's such short notice that I wouldn't be able to find someone and time." I was getting very aggravated at this point and zei "you know what, just bring the costume over to me and I'll wear the freaking thing! I mean this is totally unacceptable and I won't be using your services again after today! u should be ashamed of yourself and I hope you'll be happy when I spread the word around to all my other celebrity vrienden about how ridiculous this is for me to have to deal with right now! All I can say is that the birthday cake I had u make better be amazing!"

I slammed the phone down on the tafel, tabel and shook my head in disbelief. I went into the living room and saw AJ sitting on the divan, bank watching cartoons. I sat volgende to her and she zei "I can't wait for my party daddy! Is it almost time?" I chuckled and zei "you just got up 10 minuten geleden and I told u the party isn't going to be for a while." She zei "it's taking too long!" I zei "you're still in your pajamas and we haven't even had anything to eat yet!" She asked "are u making something for breakfast daddy?" I zei "of course I am; I have French geroosterd brood, toast started right now. It should be done in a few meer minutes!"

Once the French geroosterd brood, toast was finished, I sat down volgende to AJ at the tafel, tabel and meticulously cut her food into the smallest bite-size pieces possible. Grace came downstairs with Prince in her arms and sat down volgende to me at the table. She zei "happy birthday AJ." I looked over at AJ as she shoveled so much French geroosterd brood, toast in her mouth that she couldn't even respond. I zei "AJ; u know better than that. It may be your birthday, but that doesn't mean u get to break the rules." She swallowed her food and softly zei "sorry" under her breath. I zei "I just don't want u to choke because I would feel awful." she asked "daddy; since it's my birthday, can I pick out what clothes I'm going to wear?" I zei "I don't have a problem with that."

One of the maids helped clean the house while Grace and I started setting up the decorations for the party. Grace zei "wow Michael; u really went all out for AJ's party this year!" I zei "I really wanted this birthday to be special because this is the last jaar that I think I can get away with calling Alanna a baby. I have a feeling that this jaar is going to be really hard on me in particular because I'm finishing up a tour and trying to successfully raise two kids. I'm realizing now that I've spent so much time with Prince that I don't want AJ to think he's meer important then she is to me! It's easy for a three-year-old to perceive things in that way. I want her to know that just because she isn't my one and only priority anymore doesn't mean I've forgotten about her!"

After we had set up the entire first floor of the house with Spiderman themed party decorations, AJ came downstairs and I couldn't wait to see what she had picked out for clothes. I turned around to see that she was wearing a tank top, boven over a sweatshirt, one blue sock, one yellow sock, and a pair of Spiderman bokser shorts. I had to try my absolute hardest not to laugh and she asked "do u like my outfit daddy?" I crossed my arms and zei "it's original; that's for sure! Just out of curiosity; do u need my help picking out pants to wear?" She zei "no; I'm just going to stay like this!" I chuckled and zei "stay like that! u can't stay like that AJ!" She asked "why not daddy?" Grace started cracking up and I zei "because AJ; you're just in your undies! u don't want everyone to see your undies; right?" She zei "but daddy –!" I zei "no 'but daddy’s’ u have to put on jeans of something! I'll compromise with you; if u want to wear Spiderman pajama pants u can!" She zei "okay daddy; I like your plan better" and ran upstairs.

I laughed and zei "okay; maybe letting AJ pick out her own clothes wasn't such a good idea after all! I kind of forgot about her obsession with the Spiderman boxers" the doorbell rang and I let my mother, Latoya, and Elizabeth inside. AJ ran into my arms and I zei "there; u look much better now! u didn't have to change your overhemd, shirt though!" She zei "I know; but I wanted to match!" Latoya took AJ out of my arms and asked "do u want to see your birthday cake? Auntie just picked it up on the way over here!" AJ shook her head "yes" and Latoya showed her the blue and red cake with Spiderman's face on it. I breathed a sigh of relief because I was so worried that the party planner would mess up the cake. I whispered "did u get the costume from the lady?" She put AJ down on the floor and pulled me into another room.

Latoya zei "yes I did Michael; but are u sure u want to wear this? The fabric is really thick!" I zei "yes I'm sure! I don't want AJ to ever forget this birthday!" I snuck upstairs to go put the costume on and immediately started sweating. The weather outside was already in the high 80s and I don't know how long I'm going to be able to handle this for! I quickly slipped the mask over my head and went downstairs.

I walked into the dining room just as Latoya was lighting the candles on the cake and tapped AJ on the shoulder. She turned around and her face was priceless. She was absolutely speechless and then she forced out of the words "how did u get here Spiderman?" I zei in my normal tone of voice "I swung on my spin webs!" Latoya nudged me with her elbow and whispered "deeper voice Michael!" I cleared my throat and zei "so; I could tell door my Spidey senses that today is your third birthday!" AJ zei "whoa; I can't believe u knew that!" Latoya could see I was sweating like crazy in the costume; so she zei "listen AJ; Spiderman has to leave." Latoya took a picture of us together and AJ zei "wait Spiderman; I think my daddy is upstairs and if u see him please tell him how he can get big muscles like u have!" I chuckled at the irony of what she just zei to me and zei "I'll make sure I let him in on all my secrets!"

After changing back into my regular clothes, I went downstairs to kom bij the party. Surprisingly, AJ didn't have too much to say about meeting "Spiderman" and I think that was because she was still in shock from the whole experience. She didn't even say a single word to me afterwards about it.

It was time for AJ to go to bed and I was giving her a piggyback ride up the stairs. I gently dropped her onto her bed and when I leaned in to give her a kiss good night, she asked "daddy; did u see Spiderman?" I smiled and zei "yes I did." She asked "did he tell u how to get big muscles like him?" I zei "he did; but why do u think that my muscles need to be bigger than they already are?" She zei "because I want u to be able to beat up bad guys and monsters that can hurt me!" I zei "trust me AJ; I will protect u from any bad guys! I'll beat up anybody that wants to hurt you!" She seemed unconvinced as she stared at me with her eyebrows wrinkled and zei "I don't think so daddy; some of those bad guys are really strong!" I zei "AJ; when it comes to someone hurting u I'm stronger than Spiderman is! No one will ever hurt u as long as daddy's around to hurt them first!" I shut off the light after finally getting my good night kiss and just as I was about to leave the room, AJ zei "thank u for the best birthday ever daddy! I love u so much!" I zei "I love u more! You're welcome; sleep well!"


I zei "AJ; u have to be patient because I'm taking care of Prince right now! Grace will help you!" She shouted back "no; I want you!" I sighed and zei "just come in here then!" She zei "NO; I don't want to!" I rolled my eyes and zei "you're about to find yourself in the corner for three minuten if u keep this up!" She zei "you're being stupid daddy!" I couldn't believe my ears at first because I had never zei that word around AJ before. I passed Prince to Grace and went into the play room to investigate.

I sat down on the divan, bank volgende to her and asked "where did u hear that word AJ?" She responded "Uncle Tito calls u that when he's mad at you!" I zei "well; I don't like that word at all because it's a bad word and I don't want to ever hear u say that again; do u understand?" Of course AJ being as stubborn as she is, looked me straight in my eyes and zei "stupid, stupid, stupid!" I picked AJ up and sat her in the corner of the living room; so I could keep an eye on her and finish feeding Prince a bottle.

AJ got out of the corner and walked up to me as I zei "you better get over there AJ!" She whined "daddy those are my bottles; I don't want Prince to use them!" Grace zei "I think someone's a little jealous of her little brother Michael." I zei "AJ; u don't need these anymore remember? u have your Spiderman cups now!" She zei "I don't want to be a big kid anymore! It's awful!" I asked "what u mean u don't want to be a big kid anymore? Don't u like being a big sister?" Grace looked at me and I zei "I think u may be right when u say she's jealous!" I looked back at AJ still waiting for an answer from the vraag I had just asked her and she zei "I'm going to wet my pants." I zei "you better not because I know it won't be an accident!" I could tell that she was contemplating it; so I gave her my "I'm dead serious" daddy look and she immediately went back to the corner. Grace zei "I love when u make that face Michael; that's the only time I've ever seen u one hundred percent serious!"

I called her out of the corner and zei calmly but sternly "sit down; right now." AJ slumped down in the spot volgende to me on the divan, bank and I zei "that was completely unacceptable AJ! First of all, u don't need to be calling me bad words. Secondly, I realize that Prince has been around for a about a maand now; but u need to understand that u can't have me all to yourself anymore. Lastly, u need to act like a big kid." She zei "fine; then I don’t want to wear the diapers at night anymore!" I hesitated and stopped myself because I realized that I was holding AJ back again. I zei "okay, okay, I guess we'll start that tonight."

Grace could tell that as it got darker outside I grew meer paranoid. After I read AJ a bedtime story, I asked "are u sure u don't need to go to the bathroom again? She zei "stop asking me that she daddy!" I waited all night long for the inevitable screams for "daddy" but they never came and the ridiculous thing as that I don't know whether of not to be happy of sad about that! Is it too much to ask to be needed?

The volgende day, my eyes shot open because my three-year-old was jumping up and down on my chest saying "I told u so!" The funny thing is that the volgende night was way different than the first. Her "I told u so's" quickly turned to 2 AM "DADDY", 3 AM "DADDY", and "NOT AGAIN DADDY!!!" At least I can say that it is done and over with. Now if I could just get Prince to sleep through the night I might finally get a good nights’ sleep myself!!!
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