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My Little pony Friendship is Magic Vraag

There is Something I Do Not Understand....

I've read someplace that a lot of teenage boys and grown men watch MLP. I don't understand that, the toon is about female ponies, there is talk about fashion, about friendship which confuses me cause a lot of guys who are vrienden usually play video games and talk about girls and stuff like that. How can boys watch MLP if theres a lot of stuff for girls? Like there are mostly no boy ponies, theres no romance and usually boys don't really care about friendship although some do care. I have nothing against boys watching MLP but it just confuses me....
 16falloutboy posted een jaar geleden
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My Little pony Friendship is Magic Antwoorden

RocksLikePie said:
Maybe guys just find it interesting of have nothing else to do..
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posted een jaar geleden 
Luckyfan2011 said:
It's awesome! There are really cool action scenes in it, too!
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posted een jaar geleden 
wantadog said:
Why not?

Seriously. This is just pathetic. I remember there was a fuss a long while back because of guys liking Sailor Moon....sheesh...

Baby dragons, magic, flying, battling evil, cuteness, sticking up for friends, love and tolerate, 20% cooler, and Fluttershy.

Do those sound awesome? They do to me.
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posted een jaar geleden 
It's better than the new Pokemon series.....
wantadog posted een jaar geleden
Well who doesn't love dragons? ^_^ but boys don't like cute stuff
16falloutboy posted een jaar geleden
u do not know boys....some don't like cute, but some do. Boys are not genetically predisposed to not liking cute.
wantadog posted een jaar geleden
epicbrony said:
the humor is epic, and the storyline are the best
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posted een jaar geleden 
clancker1223 said:
Well the reason i like the toon is because some the characters can relate to me like Fluttershy and Applejack. Plus some situations in episodes happened to me too. And the writing, the annimation theyre all awsome. So the reasons i love MLP:FiM: i can relate and the work is amazing
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posted een jaar geleden 
triq267 said:
Because gender stereotypes are stupid.
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posted een jaar geleden 
And anyone can enjoy quality entertainment, regardless of age of gender.
triq267 posted een jaar geleden
shadirby posted een jaar geleden
btflash said:
Here's the problem with Gender stereotyping: It's stupid. It's hard to look at something without labeling it. We all go through that phase of "Wow, this seems really girly. I bet I'm gonna hate it."

However, there's just something about this show- whether it be the music, animatie (using flash, no less), writing, comedy, characters, ANYTHING- That draws us to it. Sure, it might be "girly," as we all have labeled it at one time of another, but we look past that and see the toon for what it is. u know what that's called? Being Open-Minded. Give this toon a try, look past all the "girly" stereotyping, and see the toon for what it is, and anyone would have the ability to love this show.

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posted een jaar geleden 
KotokoAihara said:
There are things that just can't be explained and I guess this may be one of them. I could give a whole bunch of reasons of why I think boys like the show, but I'm not going to do that. All I know is that I like the toon and that others are free to like it of dislike it.
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posted een jaar geleden 
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