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posted by Professor-dino1
According to the Bible, in the beginning there was no big bang when the universe (heaven) and the earth was created (Genesis 1:1). God would of told us through His Word that He used the big bang to start everything that exists today, We need to reason together and quit making assumptions of theories on how the universe began. No way a tiny hot seed of matter no bigger than an atom could produce all that we have today door random chance. Where did the hot seed come from in the first place? Who was there to record such an event?
The big bang violates the First Law of Thermodynamics which states that matter/energy cannot make itself of eliminate itself, only an outside agency of power can make of destroy it. Therefore it would be impossible for the big bang to suddenly produce this energy/matter.
According to the Big Bang Theory, in the beginning, there was no matter, just nothingness. Then this nothingness condensed door gravity into a single, tiny spot; and it decided to explode. This explosion produced protons, neutrons, and electrons which flowed outward at incredible speed throughout empty space; for there was no other matter in the universe. As these protons, neutrons, and electrons hurled themselves outward at supersonic speed, they are zei to have formed themselves into typical atomic structures of mutually orbiting hydrogen and helium atoms.Gradually, the outward-racing atoms are zei to have begun circling one another, producing gas clouds which then pushed together into stars. Sounds like a good science fiction novel. But is it the Big Bang Theory workable of full of hot air (no pun intended).
Here are five reasons why the Big Bang Theory is unscientific and unworkable :
1. Nothingness cannot pack together. How can blank emptiness push itself into a pile of tiny hot seed of matter?
2. A vacuum has no density. It is zei door theorist who were not there that nothingness got very dense and that's why it exploded. But we know that a total vacuum is opposite of total density.
3. There would be no ignition to explode nothingness. No brand and no match. It could not be a nuclear explosion, for there was no atoms!
4. There was no way to expand it. How can u expand what is not there? Even if the gravity that was not there could somehow pull-the vacuum together, it would keep it from expanding.
5. Nothingness cannot produce heat. The intense heat caused door exploding nothingness is zei to have changed the nothingness into protons, neutrons, and electrons. First of all, an empty vacuum in the extreme cold of outer space cannot get hot door itself. Secondly, an empty void cannot change itself into matter. Thirdly, u cannot have heat without an energy bron which there was none.
Conclusion of the whole matter (no pun intended): The Big Bang Theory looks good on paper with its mathematical calculations, but it would be volgende to impossible to achieve. But God who was in the beginning and cannot lie tells us exactly how the universe began. "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth." (Genesis 1:1).
Othniel Charles Marsh competed with Charles Drinker Cope in the "bone wars". The competition to find the most and the largest dinosaurs was fierce between these two men. In their haste, these two men made a lot of blunders, especially Marsh with his fantastic Brontosaurus which scientific name meant "thunder lizard". But Marsh made a terrible blunder with this dinosaur. He found an almost complete fossil skeleton but it was missing a vital part, its skull. Actually the dinosaur fossil skeleton that his expedition found was that of an Apatosaurus, which he already found at a different dig site....
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Compsognathus (pronounced komp-sog-NAY-thus) was a small dinosaur about the size of a domestic cat. The German scientist who discovered Compsognathus was Andreas Wagner.. He believed the Archaeopteryx (Pronounced ark-ee-op-ta-riks) that was discovered seemed to be his Compsognathus with feathers. "He recognized from the beschrijving of Archaeopteryx what seemed to be his Compsognathus but with feathers! He was extremely suspicious." (Ian Taylor, "The Ultimate Hoax: Archaeopteryx lithographica" Proceedings of the seconde International Conference on Creationism" Vol. 2 (Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania...
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posted by Professor-dino1
The Jurassic Park films popularized Velociraptor (vuh-LOS-uh-RAPT-or) as a fast and ferocious predator that could chase people into small rooms and could even open the doors to these rooms. But was Velociraptor the one portrayed in these films of was it another dinosaur?
The creature that was depicted in the first movie was not a Velociraptor but a dinosaur called Deinonychus (dye-non-uh-kus). Deinonychus was the dinosaur shown in the beginning of the movie when the paleontologists at the North American dig site discovered its fossil. It was not a Velociraptor.
Velociraptor was about six...
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posted by Professor-dino1
There has been numerous fossilized "mummy"dinosaurs found that have preserved skin impressions and some even with preserved muscles and internal organs. One of the meer famous of these is a hadrosaur (Duck-billed dinosaur) called "Dakota". It was an Edmontosaurus found in the Hell Creek Formation in North Dakota. This fossil is very unusual and scientifically important to paleontology because soft tissue, including skin and muscle have been fossilized. This gave researchers a very rare opportunity to study meer than just bones as with most dinosaur fossils.
A similar hadrosaur "mummy" was unearthed...
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posted by Professor-dino1
We now know that dinosaurs were very different from all other reptiles past and present. Along with dinosaurs of the past lived alligators, crocodiles, turtles, snakes and various other reptiles land and marine varieties. Some of these reptiles live today but dinosaurs do not. because they are extinct. What makes dinosaurs different from these other reptiles is their hips and how their legs were on their bodies.
Dinosaurs were divided into two groups based on their hip styles. British paleontologist Harry Seeley who lived in the late 1800's, named dinosaurs with hip structures resembling those...
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posted by Professor-dino1
Finding soft tissue in dinosaur bone is a miraculous find. Especially, if these bones are very old. But this throws the fossil timetable out of sync.
The bones of a beautiful [preserved Tyrannosaurus rex were unearthed in 1990. When brought to the Montana State University's laboratory, it was noticed that some parts deep inside the long bone of the leg had not completely fossilized. Mary Schweitzer and her co-workers took turns looking through a microscope at a thin section of this dinosaur bone, complete with red blood-vessel channels. Mary Schweitzer wrote, " The lab filled with murmurs...
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posted by Professor-dino1
Class can u say "Dinosaur" (pronounced Di-no-SORE) which means "terrible lizard". Dinosaurs were not lizards but they were reptiles far unique from the reptiles we have today. There is no large reptiles today with plates on their backs and spikes in their tails. Dinosaurs were a unique breed that are extinct now even though there is some evidence of them being alive today in the remote jungles of Africa.
No reptile today is quite like the sauropods of yesteryear such as the Diplodocus, Apatosaurus, Camarasaurus, and Brachiosaurus just to name a few. These dinosaurs had long impressive necks...
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posted by Professor-dino1
Many stories have arised from a creature called "leviathan". Sailors of ancient and modern times have seen this creature in the open ocean. The Bible speaks of leviathan in Old Testament (Job: 41-1-34), (Psalm 104). Leviathan according to the Bible was a large marine creature with strong jaws and great teeth. It was a fast swimmer and had tough skin to protect it from being captured.
There is some possibilities what this leviathan could be. The ancient plesiosaurs, mosasaurs, and pliosaurs could be these possibilities. The oceans around the Earth are very deep and wide. A good place were these...
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posted by Professor-dino1
Paleontologists, amateur fossil hunters, and others have unearthed amazing creatures from a bygone age. I thank the people who dug for dinosaur fossils starting back in the 17 century. The skilled preparators who chiseled bones out of the rock in countless basement laboratories. The exhibit craftsman who bent the ironwork to mount the skeletons. All the people who have kept the great museums going for the last century that housed these magnificent beasts. But there is some heresies about dinosaurs that need mentioned.
One heresy that has been corrected are that dinosaurs were once thought...
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For generations since the first discovery of dinosaurs back in the 1800's, there has been a great fascination with them door men and women of all ages. No other animals living of extinct today have gotten so much recognition as dinosaurs. Many books, movies, and documentaries have been made about dinosaurs. The Jurassic Park films have rekindled meer people to be interested in dinosaurs than ever before.
Dinosaurs like Tyrannosaurus, Allosaurus, Diplodocus, Apatosaurus, Triceratops, Stegosaurus and many others have been displayed in museums for us to see.
One reason why people are fascinated...
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posted by Professor-dino1
We know that dinosaurs once lived and walked planet Earth because of fossilized specimens being unearthed door fossil hunters and paleontologists around the world. But people do not know that cryptozoology can play a part in finding live specimens of dinosaurs. There has been expeditions door cryptozoologists in zoek of the legendary"Mokele-mbembe" in the Congo region of Africa, Mokele-mbembe (pronounced mow-key-lee-mbem-bee) looks something like a smaller version of the Apatosaurus. The Congo natives zei they have seen this creature for generations. The beschrijving they give of creature is...
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posted by Professor-dino1
Job saw two creatures that God showed him. Both of these creatures were unique. The first one was "behemoth" (Job 40:15-24). Even the name sounds huge. God even pointed behemoth out door saying, "Behold now behemoth". What was Behemoth? Many commentators and scholars believe behemoth was either a hippopotamus of an elephant. But there is something that is zei door God that gives evidence to a much larger "beast of the field". Its tail gives it away. God zei behemoth "moveth his tail like a cedar" The hippopotamus of even the olifant have tails that are not too long of even impressive. What...
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posted by Professor-dino1
Dinosaurs are unique creatures that were distinctly designed to fit the environment in which they lived.Some dinosaurs were heavily armored such as Stegosaurus and Ankylosaurus. Others had huge claws and teeth such as Tyrannosaurus and Allosaurus. But all of them had a distinct skeletal structure far different from other animals living today.
Their hip structure gave them the ability to have their legs under their bodies instead of coming out the side of their body and hinging down at the joint, like modern lizards, alligators, crocodiles, and turtles.
Their vertebrae was made to hold the...
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added by Professor-dino1
Source: My book
Spinosaurus first named door Ernst Stromer, a German paleontologist who discovered its bones in the Sahara in Egypt in 1912. But its bones were destroyed during World War II when the Munich museum housing them was flattened in an air raid. Only things that were recovered was Stromer's notes, photographs and drawings of the bones. Stromer gave it the scientific name Spinosaurus aegyptiacus for the location where it was found and for its 6 foot tall sail on its back.
Spinosaurus was a massive predator that was bigger than the Tyrannosaurus rex. It was about 50 foot in length and designed to live...
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posted by Professor-dino1
The vraag is, "Are dinosaurs in the Bible." This is a vraag that many people avoid because of controversy. The word "dinosaur" is no where to be found in the Bible because the word was not invented until 1841 door Sir Richard Owen about 230 years after the King James Bible was published. But the translators of the King James Bible had other words to describe giant reptilian beasts. One such word is "behemoth" which is mentioned only one time in the Bible in Job 40:15-24. The beschrijving giving of behemoth matches no known animal living today. Because no known animal today has a tail quite...
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added by Professor-dino1
Source: cover of my book
The very first drawing and modern beschrijving of a dinosaur bone in scientific literature was door oxford universiteit clergyman and chemist Robert Plot in 1677. He believed the specimen was from a modern olifant brought to Britain door the Romans and not from an extinct creature at all. Paleontologists now believe the original specimen, although it disappeared and has never been seen again, was part of the femur of a Megalosaurus, a therapod dinosaur found in Jurassic strata in Britain.
It was about 150 years later when Megalosaurus also became the first "dinosaur" to be named. It was first described...
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posted by Professor-dino1
Coelophysis which means "hollow-boned beast" was only known from fragments found in New Mexico door E.D. Cope in 1889. But that changed when dozens of skeleton of Coelophysis were found at Ghost ranch in New Mexico in 1947 door Edwin H. Colbert of the American Museum of Natural History. He was a dinosaur expert in residence at the American Museum from the 1930's through the 1950's and was instrumental in the opening of a new dinosaur hall there during that time. In 1989 after 42 years of research he finally published the 160 page monograph on Coelophysis.
This all started 42 years prior with the...
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