Please meld an account for me.

So someone bought to my attention that, that rancid penis, nonoobs made a new account claiming to be me and has been sending its usual bullshit to people.


This isn't my account. If u get a PM of message from them just meld the account.

I'm so fuckin tired guys.
Like mother fuck, this teef wishes they were me. My life might be a wholeass mess but it's still better & less pathetic than whatever is going on with that vapid dumpsterfire of an existence nonoobs is leading. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
zanhar1 posted een jaar geleden
^ u zei it, dudette. This teef wishes they were you. They keep bothering most of us in here because of that spite of theirs. That already says a lot about how pathetic one life's person can be. A troll like that has really nothing worthwhile to do. Their existence is a joke so don't let them get to you. It's the only thing that feeds such scum. I'd meld them in a heartbeat if this account wasn't gone already which has me surprised to see that Fanpop actually does its job lol. Glad for that in any case. Better be ready to have their ezel kicked out again if they make another account too !!!!
TheLefteris24 posted een jaar geleden
^ You're welcome. We're all Randomers and we have to stick together and have each others' back. Yeah, I just noticed that. Lmao.
Kuro_Hyou666 posted een jaar geleden
 zanhar1 posted een jaar geleden
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Random Antwoorden

DarkGirI27 said:
People bored enough to do this never grow. I'm sorry.
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posted een jaar geleden 
u ain't wrong. And u don't need to apologize, it ain't your fault.
zanhar1 posted een jaar geleden
BlindBandit92 said:
What a fucking piece of shit. I would have reported him if the acc was still there but it's not anymore.
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posted een jaar geleden 
It's the thought that counts, thanks. Glad that it's gone.
zanhar1 posted een jaar geleden
Kuro_Hyou666 said:
I was wondering why that miserable ringworm was commenting on my wall. I was about to go and write some nasty shit, but the account was already gone. Thank fuck for miracles.

I'm so fucking sick of this fucking stupid, miserable shit-stain. Fucking trolls.
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 I was wondering why that miserable ringworm was commenting on my wall. I was about to go and write some nasty shit, but the account was already gone. Thank fuck for miracles. I'm so fucking sick of this fucking stupid, miserable shit-stain. Fucking trolls.
posted een jaar geleden 
Yeah for once it got taken down right away. Like that has me shook. But like in a good way. Some trolls are diseases tho, they just keep on coming back and festering and it's hella dumb.
zanhar1 posted een jaar geleden
I know why it got taken away. I am not going to reveal it entirely in public to prevent trolls from learning. However, I am gonn say that before admins became inactive, they set up algorithms to work as mini-bots to hold the system as much as they can in admins absence. There is a way to bypass the meld algorithm. Once u bypass the system, no matter how many times u report, algorithms won't ban the user. Unless there is a mass meld of u can somehow attract admins attention. They do appear online daily but don't do anything. Trolls like NoNoobs and other accounts that lasted for a long time despite all the reports was because they unconsciously bypassed the system. However, this new account failed to do so. One meld is enough and algorithms will do its job.
Ranty-cat posted een jaar geleden
Exactly there should be an IP ban on some accounts tbh. @Ranty I have a feeling I know why it worked this time but do feel free to send me another PM about it. I’ll respond to your other PM when I get a chance I’m gonna be offline for a while tho so I won’t get to it right away.
zanhar1 posted een jaar geleden
Mrs-X said:
Of course :)
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